
chapter 1

I hate relocating but I don't have a choice as my boss gave me the order I have no choice but to obey,that one thing I don't like about my job but the pay is huge that aside this time am moving to Benin last was Lagos but presently I'm in Abuja. I'm a supervisor and I travel a lot.the man I pay to pack my load to the airport did not show up now am doing the packing myself and it hell,my luggages have been packed already just little arrangements remaining,oh my goodness where did I keep my phone I always have the habit of keep my things carelessly oh this is not the time to blame myself where did I keep it I can't remember let me check the luggage I arranged last oh is not inside hmm what this my diary I thought I misplaced oh there is one thing I forget to tell you am I very naughty girl I like sex very well and I don't hide it, my dairy is different from the normal diary you know my diary is about my love life just wait let me read it for you.