
Love Therapist

Wang Lei walked tho and fro in his office for a while then decides to call Du Lixin.


"What is it again, Wang Lei?"

"Can you come to the hospital now, please?" Wang Lei asked.

"You know I'm very busy, okay I know what is going on. I think a doctor needs his heart to be treated by a business man. Bro, go to a love therapist and dont disturb me, I'm busy." Du Lixin said from the other line and was about to hang up when Wang Lei quickly said.

"Okay I'll come to your office, is that okay, I really need to talk to you about it."

"Okay you can." Du Lixin said and hung up.

"So you forcefully kissed her." Du Lixin said after listening to Wang Lei's narration.

"I didn't kiss her forcefully, I was not in my right senses at that time. I..I was confused and she kept talking on and I dont know when it happened, I just kissed her."

"Wang Lei just go to her and tell her you love her."

"I already did." Wang Lei said totally confused.

"You did when you kissed her and you were both in an argument when you did that so what do you expect. You know, I'm not a love therapist but I'll tell you this, girls love continous trials."

"So you mean that I should go back and beg her then tell her I really love her?"

"Yes, you can kneel if its necessary."


Du Lixin scoffed. "Seems like you are not ready to have her. You know, I actually saw her with a boy from her school few days ago and he is really handsome, young, muscular and his hair was perfect. I think guys like them are her type and not to forget, I saw them at a cafe and they exchanged number, also, they laughed and chatted like love birds and....."

"Its alright Lixin, thank you for your time and you dont have to say anymore, I'll be on my way." Wang Lei said and got up then left the office.

Immediately Wang Lei left, Ku Shuchang came in.

"It is really unusual for Mr Wang to come here, is there any special occation?"

"He came here for a love therapy." Du Lixin said with a chuckle.

"My boss is now a love therapist?"

"I had to, for him."