
My second life as the successor to the Duke of Thorny Flowers

An adult who lived his complete life under the expectations of everyone around him died mysteriously. Being a great researcher in the field of genetics, he was always over-exploited by his boss. Being reborn in a new world with a medieval setting where strength is everything, he will obtain an excellent place to start his second life free of ties. What will happen when someone with genetic knowledge arrives in a world where blood is the first thing to be respected? Inspired by the Swordmaster's Youngest Son. A Manhwa-style story about a world full of mysteries and danger. Mythical beasts, ancient beasts, and the abyssal plane will be waiting to disturb the life of our protagonist. Tragedies and fun will be a theme that will be touched upon a lot. Free from stereotypes and many dreams, follows the story of Raimon Flower, successor to the most powerful Duke in the Solar Empire.

BlueHanma · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Castle Cailleach

Before Raimon heard Reineza's reply.

The last thing he saw were the mocking eyes of a person with a black hood and his yellow teeth with traces of blood and a completely black dagger with an unclean aura.



What Raimon heard from Reineza before he fell into darkness made him grit his teeth. A groan escaped his lips.

Duchess Dalia who was looking at Raimon with worried eyes jumped in shock.

"How can this be!"

The knight also backed up several steps.

Raimon struggled to open his lips and spoke to the three people who seemed to have seen a ghost.

"Where...where am I...who are you?"

His speech trailed off and his words came out as garbled gibberish. She used her hands for support to prop herself upright on the bed. Even with a small movement, her breathing became ragged.

"Young Master!!!"

The middle-aged man exclaimed as he helped Raven up.

"Ohhhhh Merciful goddess. Nature Goddess Epona Thank you! Thank you!!!"

The middle-aged woman turned her head towards the maid and exclaimed with an ecstatic expression:

"What are you doing standing there!!! Hurry up, go get Sir Antonio No, wait, we have to warn the priestess!"

"Yes! Yes, of course!"

"Ray, Raimon! How are you feeling, do you recognize me?"

Duchess Dalia said as the two women ran flapping away.

"What's going on?"

Nothing was making sense. Never mind the fact that everything was dark when that odd-toothed person appeared, there were people in front of him that he had never seen before in his life making a big fuss, he only recognizes his mother Dalia and he didn't see Reineza anywhere.

However, he decided to satisfy his primitive needs as he realized he may have been rescued by the family.

"A little... of... water."

"Here, here it is, Ray," Duchess Dalia hurriedly poured water into a cup and brought it to Raimon's lips.

The cold water slid down Raimon's throat and he felt it soak his dry lips. Only after finishing the glass of water did Raimon realize that he was not dreaming or in an illusion. This was reality.

'Then maybe...'

Alive. He was alive.

'How, how could this be...'

The unfamiliar surroundings combined with the fact that he was somehow alive made him instinctively look around.

The bedroom was the largest and most elegant he had ever seen in his life. One wall was covered with windows larger than the door, and elegant wooden furniture decorated with gold was placed around the room.

The gold insignia of a Flower with thorns on a red background around the bed finished off the bedroom with a beautiful but fitting feel.

As Raimon looked around the room, his eyes stopped on one person in particular. Leona who had been standing in the corner of the room since she woke up, not saying a word.

Raimon was a little puzzled by the look on Leona's face. Her face was pale. Unnaturally filled with hatred.

She had a terribly intimidating look.

"Are you sure you're all right, Young Master?"

The worried voice of the middle-aged man made Raimon turn his head towards him. The knight and his mother Duchess Dalia were looking at him with worried glances. Their sincere look made Raimon let his guard down a little.

"Where am I?"

"Excuse me, what do you mean, where...?

"We are in your room, Young Master, located in Cailleach Castle."

The man responded calmly, unlike his mother Duchess Dalia who seemed to be in disarray.

Raimon was confused.

Cailleach Castle?

He had no idea what they were talking about.

He was at the foot of Eclipse Mountain before he fell asleep to wake up in the main castle.

"The main family home, Cailleach Castle?"



The man's face darkened and his mother Duchess Dahlia's eyes widened slightly as she covered her open mouth.

"I think the Young Master is still in a daze. Well, it makes sense to see how he was in that condition for several days..."

"Well, of course! Three days - three whole days! He regained consciousness after a long period of time."

"Well, please relax and lie still. The physician Sir Antonio and the priestess Sir Mariane from the castle have been called."

"They will be here soon, so you may rest assured."

The woman wiped tears from her face before covering Raimon with a blanket and placing a damp cloth on his forehead. Raimon was perplexed by her attitude in treating him like a child.

His mother Duchess Dalia had almost never treated him that way.

The only time Raimon had ever seen her worried was when he accidentally awakened his blood aura without having a prepared body.

She was 11 years old this year and it had been 10 years since Raimon had experienced this feeling called affection.

His face was pale, this is the second time he had been at the crossroads of life and death.

It was probably not something a normal person could look at with sweet smiles.

Even Reineza was nowhere to be seen.

"Now, now, please rest comfortably."

Raimon felt the sincerity coming from his mother Duchess Dalia's words, and due to the fact that he felt weak, he could only let her do as she wished. At that moment, the door burst open and someone rushed into the room.

"Raimon! My son has finally woken up!!!?"

Duke Flower, Raion Flower the most powerful being in the Solar Empire after the previous Duke Balar rushed in.

His face was dyed with blood.

Behind him followed eight blood aura warriors, who likewise all had blood all over their faces.

"Hail to the Duke."

"Raimon! Finally, you have...!"

As if he hadn't heard the greetings of the all the people, he ran to where Raimon was lying.

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