
My Second Chance System

"Am I in Heaven?" That's the question Alexander asked after learning about what happened to him. He was just a simple teenager, wanting to conquer a bunch of women. He wanted to gain strength, learn magic and fight countless opponents. With his main goal being freedom. But is all of this so easy to achieve? No, and soon Alexander will learn it the hard way. He will need to deal with his demons, pain and suffering that comes with the pursuit of power. Will this power consume him, turning him into a Monster, or will he be able to enslave the beast inside him?

Ultimatekua · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Chapter 4: Sword Training (Rewritten)

Next thing I did, was checking what I really got in this gift. (From what I see, Will of the World didn't disappoint me.)

[Name: Dark Iron Sword

Skills: -


Weapon gifted to Alexander after entering training world. Made of black iron, which is more durable than normal iron. ]

[Name: Dark Rose Revolver


- Refilling Cylinder

- Creates 1 bullet/15min


Revolver is similar in appearance to Colt 1851, made of metal able to endure flow of magic in it. It's cylinder is capable of creating bullets on it own. ]

[Name: Shadow Blade Armor


- Durability - [J]

- Minor Self Repair

- Able to repair itself with required amount of time, depending on damage it sustained.

- Shadow Born

- This armor was made with usage of shadows, making it blend with them near perfectly. When you are in shadows, even someone standing next to you won't be able to detect you. Of course success of this ability depends of enemy's perception.

- Silence

- Owner of this armor is able to suppress any sound he makes, breathing, moving and even blinking.


Armor of assassin organization named 'Shadow Blade'. To craft this armor 'Shadow Blade' uses a secret technique, passed on from decades. Making it hard to spot in the dark, durable, able to slowly repair itself and able to suppress any sound wearer makes. ]

Checking out every piece of equipment I got, I couldn't wait to use them all.

"Let's start with the sword."

After taking dark iron sword out of my inventory, I immediately felt my right hand getting heavier.

While holding it's leather handel, I raised it to my eye level, to look at the blade. Swiping my fingers through it's whole length, let me feel a slight chill on my fingertips.

Beauty of this sword brought only one word to my mouth "Incredible, but right now I need to test something. I remember hearing that first step to become a swordsman is to swing your sword a 100 times."

Taking a basic stance that I seen in Alexander memories, turned out to be pretty complicated "I don't know if those words were true, but everyone need to start somewhere."

I started to swing my sword, without any real technique. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7...10)

"*Huuu*... Really? I already out of breath? My stats are simply trash."

Trying to catch my breath, I suddenly recalled what happend the last time I was here. (My death, because of lack of any strength. And right now, I can't even swing my sword a 100 times? I can't give up, I need to strive to be better. To life my dream. To protect my loved ones. To be the strongest.)

With new found motivation, I began to swing my sword again. I didn't care if I was exhausted or not, my only thoughts were numbers going by.

(11....20,21,22,23....37....56) at this point I nearly fainted, but I persisted using only using my willpower. (68,69,70...88....92...100)

After my last swing, I instantly fell down and felt every fiber of my body screaming in pain. Quick look at my hands, made me saw them covered in blood from ruptured blisters.

But any of this didn't matter to me when I saw new notification that I got. I knew that my efforts weren't waisted.

[New Talent!!! - Swordsmanship Lvl 1]

[Pain Resistance Lvl 7 -> Lvl 8]

Laying on the ground drained, but happy. I was staring at the night sky.

(Seeing how all of those stars shine, is captivating.)


30 minutes later

(Ok, enough rest for now. I need to eat something, fortunately I brought supplies with me.)

I stood up from the ground, and opened my inventory, which I used to took out 2 bottles of water, sandwich and chocolate bar.

I devoured it all with pure delight, and when I was done I rubbed my stomach "One of the best meals in my entire life."

After all of my emotions died down, I decided to inspect my new revolver.

In my hand appeared a dazzling revolver, all black, with silver engravings in shapes of stalk and leaves. It's handle is made of dark brown wood on both sides and metal in the middle.

While looking at this gun, I thought to myself (It's a shame I can't use it right now. I don't have any bullets, and also using it will attract too much attention.)

Finished with my inspection, I put revolver back in my inventory. And just when I wanted to check my last gift, I heard a very familiar sound, one that was burned in my memory. I heard a stick breaking and footsteps soon followed.

Hearing this turned my heart into a loud drum, with it starting to beat faster, but after a while it returned to its previous state, as I could deduce that there was only one enemy.

I focused all my attention on the dark woods and waited for my opponent to emerge, when my heart started beating again. This time not because of fear, but excitement.

Soon after a well know figure came out from the darkness. Taking a good look at this figure let me describe its terrible state.

Rotting body, with pieces of body missing. I could see bones poking out, and some of them were broken. His eyes were blank, with only blood vessels left. His teeth and nails become sharper than normal humans, they turned into small blades, made for cutting flesh of living.

It slowly made its way in my direction,and with its pace I could use [Analysis] for the first time.

[Name: Zombie

Race: Undead [Zombie]

Gender: Male

Age: 3 months old

Health: 100%


Strenght J-

Resistance -

Dexterity J-

Intelligence J-

Agility J-

Constitution J-



- [Race Skill] Infection Lvl 1


The most basic type of undead, they are slow, weak and stupid. They only advantage is their numbers, they always move in groups numbering, from 2 to even a 100. Occasionally you can meet some of them traveling alone. ]

When I saw those stats, I nearly shed tears. (I'am not the weakest in this world!)

After getting this thought out of my mind, I got serious "Enough with jokes, it's time for my first fight"

While taking the basic sword stance once more, I felt a slight improvement. I still didn't know what I was doing, but it wasn't as clumsy as before.

When zombie came into my range, I swung my sword from the right side at his neck.

Cutting my target's neck, let me experience resistance that didn't let my blade behead him. I realized that I wasn't strong enough to cut through his spine.

While my sword was stuck in his neck, I felt pain in my chest. One look down, and I saw 5 wounds resembling marks from animal claws.

Feeling the pain, made me sober up, and execute my next move. I instantly thrusted my sword at zombie's left eye.

This time I used enough strength to penetrate zombie's skull, with the tip of my blade coming out from the other side.

[Zombie Killed +5 shop points]

(Nice bonus! This reminds me to check the sho.. *AAAAAAAAAA!*.. wha..? This pain *AAAAAA!* my injury.) suddenly, I felt extreme pain, like my chest was burning from the inside.

Frantically I took my top off and threw it on the ground.

With my bare chest out, I looked at my wounds, which showed me a scene that I could only describe as horrifying.

Wounds themselves looked infected and were dark green in color. At the other hand skin around the wounds wasn't much better, the only difference being the color. Light green was spreding about 3 centimeters in every direction.

To better understand my situation, I checked my health.

[Health 83%].

(I'm not in the critical condition. Good)

But seconds later, I saw something alarming [Health 82%], my health was slowly decreasing.