

Dream Anderson-24 yrs old girl , she's just shifted to New York running from horrible past and some secrets. Aaron knight- 26yrs old typical billionaire , heart breaker but was not always like this one incident one night changed everything about him that happened 6yrs ago . But what happens when they both will meet , when she starts working as his PA things are going to change they are connected to each other more than they know the secret which dream have left behind will reveal andddd to know more you have to read the story.

niya_b16 · 都市
11 Chs


It's been 1 and half month i started working for knight's . everything is going great , work is fine but sometimes i see mr.knight stealing glances from me , while we are in meeting or i'm in his office for some work like he's trying to see through me with those blue eyes like he's trying to solve me but when i turn towards him , he pretends jst a sec before he wasn't looking at me. other than that everything's fine.

                     Now i'm preparing conference room for the meeting. after keeping water bottles and files for everyone people starts to coming in room. one by one everyone from our company wher there , even mr.knight also also. after 5 more mins of waiting mr.will and his employs came . he's also playboy like mr.knight , he never repeats girl everytime he have a new girl . ' sorry , we got held by traffic so we are little late , i hope we are not that much late'. he said ' no not at all mr.will, as now u are here we can start our meeting ' ' sure, why not'

                    The meeting kept going on for 3 1/2 hrs finally after sometime it was over and the deal was made between two companies . ' good thing mr.will , so will meet next month to discus other things. ' ' sure mr.knight , it was great making deal with you .' after that everyone else left leaving me mr.knight & mr.will. 

                       'mr.knight , who will be this lovely lady standing besides u?' he asked eyeing from top to bottom with mischief in his eyes making me uncomfortable 'ms. parker , i'm his P.A  ' ' i'm mr.will, but u can call me shawn'. he said kissing my hand , his lips were lingering on my hand more than necessary before i can say anything mr.knight peeped in and said ' no thanks,mr.will  now if u will excuse us we have work to do and hop you also have a company to run.' ' calmdown mr.knight, no need to get so highper besides little fun tends no harm '  before he can complete his sentence mr.knight griped my elbow and we were out of the room in his office.

                      his grip was getting stronger in every step ' stop it mr. knight you are hurting me !!' hearing this he loosed his grip on my elbow. but his anger was clear in his eyes his eyes turned a shade darker  , they ere ready to murder anyone . if lookes can kill i'll be 5 feet underground by now . 

                      'What were you doing there with him' ' if you can't see it i was not doing anything, i just interduced my self to him .' 'but it does not look like just normal introduction , it was clearly more than that any blind man see he was flirting with you , in meeting also every few mins he would look at you' ' than how is this my mistake , he was flirting with me not the other way around ' 

                    'What did even he saw in you , youre not even that beautiful ' hearing him saying this tears came rolling down from my eyes. i know i'm not looking beautiful at this time with black rimmed glasses and my old fashioned clothes but he doesn't have the right to say this on my face hearing from him made me sad ' you don't have to act all so innocent by crying now'. ' next time don't flirt with my clients ' ' yes, sir ' ' leave now'.

                    After leaving his cabin i get in the ladies room , seeing my face in mirror , he was right ' i'm not beautiful. after composing my self i left the bathroom and stared doing my work.

                For the next week i completely ignored him. i only talked to him if nessesery , i don't go to his cabin also most of the time i use phone to talk to him only to avoid seeing his face . i don't know but not seeing him makes some part of me not being able to see his eyes for a week makes somepart of me sad but i stop my self from doing it he should feel sorry for what he have done , not everyone is like him emotional less robot. we have feelings he can't treat me like this. thank god today is friday so i don't have to see or hear him for 2 days.