

Dream Anderson-24 yrs old girl , she's just shifted to New York running from horrible past and some secrets. Aaron knight- 26yrs old typical billionaire , heart breaker but was not always like this one incident one night changed everything about him that happened 6yrs ago . But what happens when they both will meet , when she starts working as his PA things are going to change they are connected to each other more than they know the secret which dream have left behind will reveal andddd to know more you have to read the story.

niya_b16 · 都市
11 Chs



Inside of the plane was beautiful I have never seen a plane like this . This was better than any plane can be . The whole plane was black , white , and brown just like his house .

After seating we immediately takeoff , like some people I don't have any fear when plane takeoff I rather enjoyed that . I was looking outside the window when I feel Aroon's eyes on me .

' why are you looking at me like that ?' ' I thought you will be scared of flight.' I laughed at that ' why I'll be scared of a flight I rather enjoy flights.' ' you are so different other act to be scared just to hold my hand and here were I won't to hold you enjoy flights.' he says to him self very slowly . It was not for me to hear but I still hear as my ears are powerful .

He was seating with a slight pout on his face . I was laughing at him when he asked me why was I laughing I said something in book that made me laugh. Thank God I was holding a book .

I can't focus on the words , I was reading the same paragraph since last 30 mins . My mind was playing the same sentence Aroon has said few minutes ago . Does he also feels anything towards me like a feel about him . Otherwise why would he want to hold my hands .

He is even smiles at me but to other workers he only nodes . He always there when I'm in some trouble . He sometimes even buy me chocolates , he even brought me flowers .

Ughhh this is all because of Nick and Elisa because of them i'm thinking this . We are just friends nothing more .

My full concentration was on my book when an air hostess came to ask for food . In plane I don't like to eat heavy so I ordered chicken sandwich and juice while Aroon ordered full meal course . How can someone eat much in plane .

We both were eating in silence when he spoke ' you should eat more Dream. ' ' I don't like to eat heavy in plane .' ' No I'm not talking about plane only you have to more on regular basis . I have observed you eat very less that's not good for your health.' ' uhh I don't like to eat more Aroon .'

'you like it or not you should, your boyfriend should do something about your eating habits if you were my girlfriend I would never allow this lazy attitude towards eating .' I checked on my sandwich hearing his last sentence . His girlfriend me .

' you okay' he offered me water. ' yes I'm fine I just... what did you say at the end .' his expression changed as he realized what he just said . ' Nothing just improve your eating habits that's it either you do or I will.'

'All the best with that .' I smiled innocently at him . Which he replied with a glare .

We were done eating it was only 8 , I was bored out of my mind doing nothing . ' I'm bored Aroon ' he was busy on his laptop since we finished aur dinner . ' hmm ' was his rply . ' let's do something .' 'uhuhmm ' again he replied like this . It was irritating me now . ' My marriage is next week .' I shouted . ' what .!!!!!!' he jurked up and he's laptop fall from his lap . ' what did you just said Dream .' he said in very dangerous low tone .

' I'm getting married.' I smiled and continue to play along . ' To whom ??' he asks with anger in his voice . Now I was enjoying this . ' To umm Shawn Mendes '

' who is this Shawn boy ?' he says coming closer to me now looked furious . Seeing his reaction I was laughing so hard on the plane's floor . ' oh God you seriously don't know the Shawn Mendes?? , And you really thought I was getting married oh God .'

Composing my self I look at the Aroon he was still looking at me like statue giving me the look .' Are you done or not .' he asked me . 'done ' I replied him still laughing .

"That was very bad joke you know .' he said to me after some time . ' ya I know but you were so busy on your laptop , it was harmless joke . But seriously you don't know shawan Mendes??' . ' no .' he replied with straight face .

Let me show you his picture .

           "He's so cute right ?" " He is okay "

"Ok? Pls he is far better than ok . You boy's won't understand." " Ahaa but girls like handsome boys than cute boys ." He says with a smirk.

          " He is cute + handsome+ sexy no girl can deny that ." After that we made some small conversation but he had work to do so I decided to sleep as it was already 11 .


         I woke up as someone was calling my name . " Oh thank God you are finally awake , I was calling your name since last 5 min you actually are a heavy sleeper ." Aroon said hovering over me .


       " I'm sorry , it's just the bed is very comfortable so... Huh what I'm doing here " I said as looked around my self . I clearly remember I fall asleep on the seat how come I'm here .

     " I put you here , the seat was looking uncomfortable to sleep  . You would have got neck and back pain if you slept there whole night so I carried you here . I hope you don't mind ." He says with scratching back of neck .


       " No no it's okay , thank you ." I tell him with a smile . He returns back with more wide smile. He smiles so much this days but it suits him.

      " You go fresh n up breakfast is ready we will be landing in few minutes ." He told me walking out of the room.


        After breakfast we landed shortly in Italy . Cool air hit my face the weather there was cold as we were in mid October and fall here has started.

       Thank God I was carrying Jacket as Elisa told me I covered my self with jacket.

       The car was waiting for us on the airport it was slick black Audi .

         We reached out hotel in short time  . Our room was on the top floor because my boss wanted the privacy so I had to book the penthouse suit , it have 2 bedroom with bathroom inside attached. One living room kitchen and balcony .


        I don't think kitchen was much of use as I can barely cook and we don't even have time to cook . We could have booked simple room . But my boss here doesn't like ordinary things. Rich people.

         " We have meeting at 4'o clock so we have good 3 hrs . Get some rest and be ready At 2:30 first we will have our lunch than meeting ." He said as we entered the living room .

       " Ya sure be ready at 2:30." I repeated to my self. After settling in my room I decided to Take one hot shower . I first locked my room to make sure no one comes inside .

      I removed my blond wig and blue lens. Sometimes I forget how I used to look in this clothes with my red hair and grey eyes . I missed my old self , but no one can see me like this . I don't know which people to trust with this look with me reality but with blond hair no one is going to recognize me .

       After taking shower I was debating to wear skirt or pants because that's the only option I have here Elisa won't let me pack my loos clothes she threw all the clothes can you believe she literally thew than away .

      After a while I decided to go for pants with full sleeve blouse as today was little chilly outside .

      We both had our lunch at fine restaurant . His behavior is so different here he behaves like we are friends not boss and employe .

       I got to know about him so much . We were talking freely like we were friends before .

         After lunch we left for the meeting with Mr . Delucas.

         There company was pretty good we were seated in conference room waiting for his son to come so we can start our meeting . After few minutes he came so we started our meeting.

         After meeting everyone left only me , Aroon , Mr. Delucas and his son was left this was feeling like a deja Vu this is same thing happened before .

         But here his son was a gentleman I didn't find him looking at me in any wrong way and Aroon wah was looking in good mood . Thank God I don't want repetition of last time .

       ' hey I'm sorry I was late for meeting , actually my wife is pregnant and you know how moody they are . I swear they are more moody than there periods ' he said with a smile . Feeling proud of his wife .

         'I can understand , how moody they are .' Aroon laughed .

         ' Oh no buddy , you don't wait till you get a wife and she is pregnant . She will let you know how he'll feels like when you say word no .'

           Every one laughed at sentence but Aroon was looking at me with a smile .

           After short while we left there office to our hotel room.