
My Sandbox

The playground where I keep my mad ideas.

BigToFu · 書籍·文学
19 Chs

Chains of Uzu

The Chains of Uzu

By: BigToFu

Uzumaki Naruto

Waking up in a bed that I did not recognize for half a second, I was none too pleased finding out that not only was I short and runty, but I also had a craving for ramen. The moment that thought struck me, my stomach growled, and I groaned even louder at the fact that I was wearing all orange in a jumper that was clearly not my size. With a groan, I fell backwards and landed on my ass. Then before I could register the room that I was in, I winced as a lance of pain shot through my head.

My mind was lost to the world and memories slotted into place. Times of being alone, getting kicked out of the orphanages, Iruka teaching class. The old man Hokage, showing me to a single apartment, learning about chakra and how to mold it and so much more. A tear ran down the side of my cheek as I remembered all the cold lonely nights that I cried myself to sleep. I stayed that way, laid out on the floor for hours before I was finally able to pull my shit together and sit up.

It really wasn't so hard now to understand why the kid's mindscape inside the anime or manga was that of the sewers. Those damn memories were all bad, and the worst part was, I now lived in his place now. Honestly, I wanted to freak out, but all the memories and all of Naruto's raw emotions had bubbled over and forced me to cry it all out. I had one month before graduation which had Naruto equal parts excited and nervous. With a grunt, I got off my ass and started to organize and clean up my little apartment. From the memories, Naruto had gotten his equipment second hand from training grounds, the books came from him sneaking into the school and a little from Iruka on the side.

Lucky for me, he not only knew the academy's three jutsu, but he also had scrolls on them along with basic chakra control and molding. Hmm, if I did this right, chakra control would be my foundation to the future. Not only was I 'THE UZUMAKI,' but I was also the Kyubi container since birth. If I remembered my lore correctly, that made me a perfect container and I already had four times the amount of chakra Hiruzen had and I would need to get it under control pronto.

As I cleaned up, I found that it was early and not normal early either, it was clearly way before dawn and when I checked Naruto's little second hand clock. I found that it was somewhere around four in the morning, but that was alright since I felt supercharged, and I knew that it could only be my Uzumaki bloodline. I paused mid-stride to the trashcan and had to go over that thought one more time. I was Uzumaki Naruto, the ninja Jesus himself, but the more important part of that was the big UZUMAKI in my name which pointed to my bloodline.

Nothing in the lore stated that males couldn't use the chakra chains, it was also clearly shown in the anime that his mother used the chains multiple times on screen. The chains were used to save a just born Naruto, but they were also used again outside flashbacks to help him inside his mindscape during the Kyuubi battle. They really did him dirty by not exploring all what he could do, but I was betting that if his mother could use the chakra chains, then I would also be able to use them. She did after all use them inside of his mind during the battle. Urgh, this rounded all the way back to chakra control and the staggering amount that I would need to do half the shit inside of my mind, but I had a goal, and the leaf sticking exercise was going to be my step one.

It didn't take me that long to make sure that the apartment was clean and the trash was taken out and dumped. With everything taken care of, I double checked Naruto's memories which were now mine and found what I was looking for. The training ground that Naruto liked to use was a little pass the school closer to the forest. Giving the door to my apartment one last check, I took off satisfied with the fact the door was closed and kept any would-be robbers out. Honestly, I wasn't sure what was real and what was fiction now that I was inside this world, but I wasn't going to take any chances. So that meant those would be vandalizers could keep their ass out and stay out.

As I ran, I continued to review memories on what Naruto knew about molding chakra and to be honest. He really knew next to nothing about it. Sigh, it was a good thing that I brought the scroll Iruka gave me, him, whatever. Damn identity bleed was already happening. The good and bad of it was that since the kid didn't know much about chakra control, I could use my own vast amount of weeb knowledge and wiki reads to fill in the gap now that I would have a sensation to add to the understanding. It was after all one thing to read the material and another to actually be able to perform the material. It also really helped that Naruto was one of the larger fandoms around with thousands if not hundreds of thousands of theories.

While running through the village, even with a lot less people on the road, I did notice the odd glance here and there even as I tried to ignore them. Yeah, I was gonna have to fix that or do something about it once I get the chance, but that was for later.

Once I arrived at the training grounds, I found Naruto's tree, then went about gathering some leaves. Sitting down, I opened the scroll and gave it a quick once over before I began to flex my fingers. Once I was ready, I settled in, closed my eyes as I formed the ram with my hands as my breathing slowed.

Breath in…

Breath out…

Breath in…

Breath out…

Slowing, the world around me fell away as I forced away my memories and allowed my mind to just drift away. Suddenly, I found myself falling inwards, my breathe catching as I noticed the massive lake with a veritable ocean sitting right underneath it. As I kept falling down, I panicked at the approaching red ocean, that same panic twisted into a scream as I did all within my power to force myself upwards and out, reaching for anything in range.

The massive lake responded in kind, its surface roiling and shifting before spiking upwards.

"Raaagggh," I put a hand over my rapidly beating heart even as I found myself back in that training field, the sun shining over some of the trees already. As I tried to slow down my panicking heart, I almost didn't noticed the blue glow that covered my form, the keyword was almost. Taking a few more calming breaths, I finally relaxed enough to examine the chakra that flowed through me.

There were just no words to describe this feeling, in a world less than twenty-four hours and already the first steps alone were breathtaking. Unfortunately, I noticed a flaw and the all-consuming feeling of power soured quickly. The chakra was moving as I commanded it, but it felt so sluggish that I felt as if I was trying to move syrup through my veins. Urgh, that meant the theories on dense Uzumaki chakra were correct and I would have to figure something out for that.

That thought aside, I picked up my first leaf and tried to stick it to my palm, because only a moron would try with the head first. It was clear that ten out of ten times the tenketsu on the hands were the easiest to expel and control chakra. My first ten attempts the leaf shattered by what was clearly too much chakra and this continued for around twenty more. The leaves went from exploding from the applied chakra to just launching themselves from my own hand.

I of course kept going and going even as I lost count before one of the damn things finally stuck to my hand. Okay, turns out that was a fucking false alarm as it was caused by my sweat, but after wiping my hand on my shirt since I tossed that ugly orange jacked to the side, I kept going. Luck finally struck as I got one of the leaves to stick, then I wiped my other hand on my shirt before trying it again. With both hands sticking to leaves, I jumped up with a yatta! Whatever is left of Naruto's personality was bleeding over.

With a triumphant laugh, I fell over onto my back because I wasn't even at what I would consider my true step one, that would be chakra tree climbing. I took some time to relax before I tried it a few more times with each hand, seeing that I got the leaf sticking down. I then swapped to trying it with my forehead. For my first few attempts, I got the same thing, but at my fifth, the leaf finally stuck. Again, I grimaced at how dense the chakra seemed and was amazed that Naruto lived with such a thing, thinking it second nature. Then again, he was born an Uzumaki, and I was just a body snatcher.

No! Not a body snatcher, because this was my life now. Sigh, I really needed to focus and stop throwing on the angst right now. I have been in this world less than a full day and there was shit to get done. My timeline only ranged a few short years and if I wanted to live past that, I had to get strong enough to paste that bastard Madara.

With that goal firmly in mind, I went back to training.

1 Week Later…

Smiling down at my shadow as I stood sideways on the tree's bark, I let out a full belly laugh as I enjoyed the moment. Alongside my laughing, all of the shadow clones that filled the clearing cheered along with my progress. Man, talk about a busy week and figuring out the shadow clone was only half of what I got done. Besides all the chakra control training that I have performed, figuring out that damn jutsu was an interesting exercise in frustration.

At the start, I did the cross sign just like the anime, but my faith in the weeb failed me. I felt my syrup like chakra move, but nothing came of it since they never really explained how the damn jutsu worked. Neither in the manga or in the anime, so it took me some time. Luckily, I was betting everything on it and neither I nor Naruto was a quitter. So, with the cross sign made, I felt out how the chakra wanted to flow even in its syrup dense state.

With trial and error, I found that you needed to charge the chakra instead of mold it, next I figured out you needed yin to visualize then yang to project as the chakra split from the body; the charged state of it creating a shell. Yet, even though I knew all that, it still took me tons of trials and errors with hundreds of clones made and expanded in the pursuit of the ultimate cheat. That was fine though because in the end, those two days wasted to figure out the shadow clone jutsu was made up for with the veritable hours if not months of progress they helped me make.

My current chakra control was damn good, I could not only walk on trees, but I could also perform the leaf sticking exercise all over my body. Hell, with the shadow clones I was even able to take it one step further by using my chakra to move the leaves around on my body. Honestly, that training didn't start to show any signs of progress until I saw some old shinobis training. Watching them had tai chi spring to mind and I have been doing that the last two days with hundreds of clones.

With each slow movement of the body, I was shifting and moving my chakra, for now I was happy with the extra chakra enhanced hits, but it was the extra control it granted me to my body's chakra that had me excited for such a discovery. I had three more weeks till graduation, Kakashi and the rest were going to be in for a rude awakening.

My next step was to go do water walking which should be vastly easier with all my foundation work, but I was a ninja and it was time for me to leave false trails before my three weeks were up. That means it was time to stop dodging Iruka and go to the academy. It was also time to give Hinata a hand.

Ignoring the leaves still stuck to my body through chakra sticking, I accepted my black and orange jacket from a clone before signaling the rest to slowly dispel.

"You got it boss." One of my Clone captains replied with a salute. Smirking at him, I took off at a glide with my created chakra control training technique. Even if I haven't started the water walking, nothing said that I couldn't create something to practice, it's just one more of my own mad ideas; and with the general principles of what's possible might make me look like a veritable mad man.

The chakra glide allowed me to do just that, glide across the ground. It combined the tree sticking and the water walking principles to make movement easy but tricky. I needed a solid layer of chakra, not too much and not too little. Too much would send my legs flying, but would also create craters in the ground with each step, while if I used too little chakra. Then I would fall over flat on my face when I tried to skate.

From there the water walking principle came in because I would then need a steady flow of chakra to keep moving at a smooth pace. It really didn't help that each turn and twist would need a perfectly balanced spike of chakra to send me in the right direction or I face plant, then again, there was that one time my legs flew up past my ears and there was nothing to keep the tree from taking revenge.

So yeah, I was certain that not even Sakura that big head had my levels of chakra control. Shadow clones cheat for the win. With a smile, I ignored the civilians as I enjoyed the air on my face and before I knew it, I had arrived at the academy. I slid behind the iconic front tree of the academy and swapped from a hard shell type chakra usage to a more soft approach. This was one of those things I was certain should be Jonin level with how it erased my footsteps.

I was alright with that since I didn't need or want any attention as I blended into the background in Iruka's class. Unfortunately, I was not that lucky as Shikamaru turned and cast me under one of his lazy looks. My reply was to shrug and take the seat next to where I knew Hinata sat in class. The civilian girl that decided to say something was ignored of course as I followed Shikamaru's lead and put my head down.

I stayed like this for some time pretending to be asleep as I listened to the recap of the Elemental Nation's history. Most of it I knew, and then there were bits that I didn't. Those that I didn't know about, I made a mental note to send clones to perform a few investigations. Before I knew it lunch time arrived and I felt that this was the best time to pounce on my idea.

As Iruka walked around and gathered the day's work, I sat up and smiled at the lavender eyed chibi sitting next to me. Ignoring the massive blush on her face I leaned in close and held up a hand so some couldn't see what I was saying. Had to keep up the Naruto act after all.

"Psst, hey Hinata." I whispered even as I perched on my chair and waved at her.

"Na, Na, Ye," Hinata didn't finish as her face lit up.

Ignoring that, I pushed forward like any Naruto would. "I heard your clan is really good at taijutsu."

"Ye, yes." Hinata finally answered after a little and I had to crush the urge to wrap her up in a hug, so chibi.

"Would you like to spar today after school?" I asked with a dazzling smile. Before she could answer, the mutt decided to put his two bits in.

"Why would she want to spar with a dead last like you, when she can spend her time with a true alpha." Kiba yelled boastfully from his location in the rear. Turning, I gave the little shit a lazy eye, just a glimpse I could see Choji was chowing away at his chips and Shika was really paying attention now.

"Ignore the barking mutt Hinata," I replied, turning back around and ignoring Kiba. With that, I waited and watched as the little chibi before me started to poke her fingers together.

"Ye.. Yes," Hinata stuttered out and my hands flew up and out.

"Yatta, that's great Hinata." I exclaimed with clear exuberance. Before she could reply, I was already moving in for a hug, lifted her up and spun her around before sitting her back down on the chair. Shika made a comment of 'troublesome', but I ignored that as I dashed out of the classroom heading to Ichiraku's for some ramen.

It took me four bowls of ramen before I realized that I was suffering from personality bleed once more. Letting out a sigh, I waved at the kind ramen shop owner even as I paid a little extra for all the times he let me eat here for free. Before I made it back to the school, I created a couple of clones, then had them henge into different students to sneak into the library, two birds one stone after all.

The rest of the school day was bullshit even as I played the lazy student while my clones completed history, math's, geography and multitude of other subjects for me before dispelling. Granted, they weren't able to get everything, but I was a proper student before this shit happened and Naruto didn't have that bad of a brain.

So, all in all, things worked out for me before the school day finished even though I had a light headache buzzing around the edges of my consciousness. With my back leaned against the tree in the academy yard, I grimaced as common poisons and fungus planted around Konoha settled into place. When my eyes fluttered open, it was to the sight of a very red and flustered Hinata talking with her sensei Kurenai. With my arms crossed over my chest, I leaned against the tree and watched as Kurenai thought it over while Hinata blushed a bright red.

The only outward sign she showed was a small smile before giving Hinata a small nod. Pushing off the tree, I decided that it was best to meet them halfway.

"Good afternoon Uzumaki-san," Kurenai spoke with a simple opener.

"Afternoon," I replied with a half bow.

"Hinata has informed me that you would like to spar with her…" Kurenai said while leaving things open incase I would like to say anything.

In return, I gave a polite nod of the head, "I heard that Hinata came from a clan that's the best at taijutsu."

Kurenai looked me over for a moment before returning a nod of the head, her bright red eyes never leaving my own. "Commendable thinking Uzumaki-San." Silence settled once more and I ignored the sight of a red Hinata poking her finger tips together. Very happy she isn't the fainting type like in the anime. "Come along, I do believe training field six is free around this time."

Kurenai turned on her heel and started to talk away even as she motioned for Hinata to follow. Shrugging, I followed along behind the two with my hands clasped behind my head, I even gave Hinata a smile every time she turned around to see if I was still following. It really didn't take us that long to arrive at the training field and I had to wonder where training ground #44 was located. Actually no, I didn't have to wonder for that long because my body had memories of going into there on a dare with Kiba and some civilians. Naruto being the little shit had decided to crawl underneath the fence and steal one of the flowers before running back due to a roar from the deep forest. The kid really had some balls, but those memories aside, I would need to send some clones there later. Or if I had the chance, I would just go there myself.

Before long we had all arrived at the training grounds and I pretended to not notice the side eye that I was receiving from Kurenai. Walking off to the side, I sat down in meditation as the Jonin turned to her student. I settled in for a wait while ignoring the whispering that was going on a few short feet away from me.

"Alright," Kurenai spoke and I was instantly on my feet. "You will spar for three minutes with no chakra. Then we will reassess, before then spare lightly with chakra."

"Hai, thank you Kurenai sensei," I said with a salute before doing the iconic cross sign and creating four Kage bunshins. As I got into respectful sparring distance from a chibi Hinata, I had to crush the urge to grab her up into a hug as my bunshins took up stops around our location.

Before I could set into my stance though, Kurenai spoke up. "And those are for?"

My reply was to shrug, "To help me review and figure out my weak spots. They send back memories and I can see what I look like from the outside."

"These are Kage-bunshins?" Kurenai asked with a raised eyebrow

I scrunch my face up in confusion and looked up, "Huh, of course the advanced form of the bunshins would have a name." Then I looked back down and locked eyes with her. "Thanks for letting me know what its called."

Then before she could say anything else, I settled into Vegeta's stance across from Hinata. My left leading arm was held up over my eye in a half claw while my right was balled into a fist down by my waist, my position was a half turn with my shoulder at a slant towards Hinata. Naruto had one of those perfect body's and I had put it through hundreds of hours of training with my clones.

Before I came to this world, I had three years of judo and aikido with a year of karate and the basics of mixed martial arts underneath my belt from dicking around a lot at the gym by my workplace. All of that made me a decent fighter but I knew I would never get far in the ring, that's why I had a job and wasn't punch drunk, but all that knowledge and skill? Those I had kept and refined, but now, I was in a body that was pure SSS tier.

That damn anime really didn't do Naruto justice because if you think about it. The kid was conceived in a body suffused with vast abundant chakra due to his mother both being an Uzumaki and the Kyuubi carrier. Add in the fact that he was carried for nine months inside such an environment before his birth and then had the fox sealed inside of him just moments after. It's no wonder why he was considered a perfect container. Muscles, veins and everything that made a human, human coated, in rich chakra the likes that no one else within the element nation could ever hope to match.

Then when you throw in the theory that chakra had an aspect similar to DNA, then you realize how wasted his potential was in the anime. All of that gave Naruto the best body anyone coming into this world could ask for, and I was already working on using it to the fullest.

There were really no words to express how much of an upgrade this was from my own. Instincts, top-notch, reflexes, top-notch, everything beyond premium quality and I was about to see if all of my hard work would pay off. I had kept things secret, but I had already noticed that my reach improved by three inches and my height had already increased by half a foot. It's a wonder what you can do with a proper diet and super cheat regeneration, now I had to fight the best taijutsu user of the year and see where I stood.

Before I got here, his foundation was mehh, but I was pretty certain that with all the work I had put in. Things were now at least up to if not better than parr. It was time to join the madness, and the moment the beat dropped in my mind, I was already moving.

With a shift of my body weight, I was already launching myself towards Hinata who stood there calmly awaiting my approach. The claw hand turned fist lashed out, that strike was easily brushed aside and I brought my second hand forward and she caught that one instead of brushing it off. With an easy move of the wrist, Hinata moved to throw me aside and that was alright.

Rolling with the motion like they taught in Judo or any martial arts class worth their salt. My legs went out and I rolled and spun on my shoulders before rotating up onto my palms. This kept Hinata from going on the attack and I took this as the time to recover. The moment that I was back on my feet though, Hinata was already in my space attacking.

She came in with a shoulder check type spin that kept her body close even as she went for an open palm strike at my chin. Leaning back to avoid that also had me dodging the elbow strike the move turned into. Instead of falling for the trap like she wanted, I took a quarter step back and threw out a knee to keep her at a distance. Her attempt to catch that was foiled as I changed the knee into a kick while extending my leg.

She came in hard to lift and throw my leg, but I was already bringing it down in an ax kick. Hinata passed up striking at my knee and I couldn't be more grateful to her for that, but I wasn't very grateful for the grab and working of my arm. For half a second I thought that my shoulder was going to pop out before I did a hip twist roll over allowing my weight to shift and carry Hinata over and onto the ground.

The moment the air left her lungs she let me go and the both of us were already moving to reposition.

"Enough." Kuranei said as Hinata and myself were back up and our fighting stances. Ohh how I wanted to jump for joy at being able to fight Hinata of all people to a stand still. Hell, it wasn't lost on me that she was also going damn fast too.

Standing at the side, I waited for them to converse while I made sure to catch a breather. Once my heart was finally settled, I dispelled my shadow clones and absorbed their memories. I tried not to grimace at the fact that I was still too slow on my follow ups, but my transitions were getting a lot smoother and I already had plans to push those limits. It was a good thing that Naruto had already created his sexy jutsu because I was going to abuse the hell out of it.

Those same musings were interrupted by the bowing chibi before me. Blinking, I watched Hinata put her hands together and did a full ninety-degree bow. "Thank you for the spar."


Kuranei walked up and stood next to Hinata, "We ran out of time today Uzumaki-san, until next time." Then with that, they were gone leaving me in the training field. With a 'tch', I kicked a rock away before dashing back towards the village which was more like a small city than it really should be. Couldn't even complain about not being able to throw around chakra enhanced strength.

Before hitting the Red light district, I created a few shadow clones to get some things done around town for me. Instantly one of my shadow clones pulled a sexy jutsu, I faltered for half a step as a very busty brunette stared back at me with a blue yukata with cloud patterns so tight it gave her bust a nice fluff and bounce with each step. Each creamy leg was wrapped in a thigh high stocking with wooden kabuki sandals on her feet.

If that wasn't bad enough, the bastard tried and pulled a fast one on me. "Ohh Naru-kun, come help at Onee-Chan shop."

Standing there, I blinked then got red faced over the fact that I just gave myself a raging erection with my own shadow-clone. Luckily, I didn't turn into a stuttering mess, but I was more than certain that I would be abusing the hell out of that jutsu. She was so distracting that one of the rooftop ninjas missed a step. I watched as the clone walked away and one of the fools she waved at walked into a wall as he was watching boobs instead of where he was going.

One of the other clones dispelled sharing my call to the other clones I released earlier in the day. It took half a minute, but before long memories started to return to me at a decent interval. Was it cheating using the shadow clones like that? Maybe, but they were a mighty good boon in catching up in school work and mapping out the village.

One thing that did interest me though was what appeared to be an abandoned compound tucked away in a corner of the village with a spiral on its front. The memories showed that the path to the compound was overrun and was clearly not taken care of, but it was still easy to find due to the archway. After reviewing Naruto's memories, I found that he was too scared to go there thinking it was filled with ghosts. Doesn't also help the fact he felt a weird pulling sensation from his right hand.

Sigh, I wanted to face palm even as I turned back towards the more abandoned parts of the village. The spiral on top of the archway was clearly the Uzumaki symbol. I had wondered what had happened to the kid's inheritance, it wasn't clear where the old man was getting all the money to give him or pay for his apartment. Things have always been pretty cut and dry on what the old man could and couldn't help with, even if Naruto couldn't tell the difference. The money was clearly from either the Uzumaki accounts which I could believe since that's Uber old money most likely protected by Seals. Or by his parents putting money aside for the kid.

Yeah, there was no way it was the second option, they died far too fast for anything to be put in place. This could only mean Mito had set things aside for all Uzumaki's and not even Kushina was able to flush it all away. Minato might be a genius, but Jiraiya wasn't a seal master back then, but it was clear who influenced his techniques. Flying thunder God and the five element Seals were amazing things for sure, but he had to learn paperless seal application from someone and it sure wasn't his teacher, that was something definitely from the Uzumaki scrolls.

(scene break)

Standing before the massive archway, I felt that pull Naruto had experienced the first time this place had scared him away. Instead of running this time, I took the five minutes that it took to walk up the long pathway and instead of opening the massive double doors set into the wall, I followed the pull towards the smaller door around the back. As I arrived at the door that was clearly calling the blood within my veins, I took in the sights around the place. I noticed plenty of overgrown weeds and not tended to pathways.

Hell, I could even smell freshness in the air and that could only mean that there was a lake nearby. That's good because I doubt only the Uchiha compound had their own little lakes and I would have to find that later so I could figure out the water walking. Pretty sure it was going to be like tree walking, the anime made it so easy. Just send chakra to your feet and that's all you would need, it never mentioned or pointed out the need to balance out subliminal muscles to help work against gravity.

Standing before the sealed door, I placed my hand on the raised portion and grunted as something pinched my palm. Before I could freak out, fuuinjutsu script flowed from where my hand was placed and clearly started with my blood. There was a small creak as the door opened and my hair ruffled as the pressure inside the compound changed with the opening of the seal, now that was interesting. Stepping inside, I looked around for a bit before noticing the fuuinjutsu script on the ground and decided to follow it into the compound.

Following the path had me going into the compound by a hundred feet, across a courtyard, through a set of double doors and then down two flights of stairs before leading me down a lit hallway. At this point I was just going to chuck it all up to Chakra magic bullshit because I know for a fact that no one has been here to light these damn lamps. I kept following the path until it spread out onto the floor in a circle with another massive set of double doors waiting to be opened. If I was going to be honest with myself, the doors remind me of the air bender doors from the avatar cartoon when Aang finally visited that air temple. The massive circular oak things with one massive spiral running from its outer edge to the center where a gem appeared to be glowing.

Looking down at the floor and the seal that was clearly activated by my blood. I gave it a speculative look before just biting the bullet and stepping into the center. For half a second nothing happened then the next thing I knew, multiple locations behind me lit up before the feeling of being pulled apart struck me. I screamed and tried to curl into a ball before realization struck that my limbs weren't being pulled, it was my chakra. I honestly didn't know what I should do when the thought struck me that I just might die because I straight up Gary sued this shit. Lucky for me, luck was of course on my side as my body reacted to the forceful pull on my Chakra.

While I was bent over, curled up in pain, I wasn't able to see the dense Chakra chains fly out from my back and hit the anchor points around the room. Over my head, the spiral that made up the massive door shifted colors as my Chakra filled it from the edges to the center gem. I heard the door powered open as more and more of my chakra was sucked out of me. This kept going until the spiral door was completely opened. Things settled for a time and I still felt heavy even as a cooling balm feeling flowed over my back and chest.

With a grunt, I went to stand happy at the fact that I won't be dying today. Unfortunately, I didn't realize exactly how imbalanced I was at the moment and almost fell over from the tug on my front and back. I shifted around to get some light on my chest and noticed the thick orange chain with mini spikes on the links. Looking over my shoulder found at least 12 more hooked up to various spots on the sealing matrix.

Okay, so I had chakra chains now.

With a shake of the head, I forced myself back into the now and focused. Nothing was ever explained about the chains in the anime but it was Chakra so it couldn't be all that hard to control. So instead of bitching about things, I dug deep and brought out all of the Chakra control I have been able to build to the fore and went to work.

I don't want to admit that it took me more than a few minutes to get the hang of my newly revealed chakra chains. If I had actually known what I was doing, I would have been able to notice the added senses they gave the moment they formed. Then again, I have only been a ninja for a week and a day and was already doing damn good compared to the original. With the added senses, I started to use the chains as if I was Doc Oc and moved around the room. At one point I had freaked out when I pulled the chains back into my body and was stuck for ten minutes trying to get them back out, not my finest moment at all.

Once I shook off being a moron, I had to wait a moment as my shadow clones started to dispel. One of the memories updated me on the time and that the task I had set them to do were complete. I shuddered at the memories as the henge clone had put a man's arm between her breasts asking oji-san for a discount. Sigh, of course the clone would be as shameless as I was, but at least we got the clothing discount, and I was able to update Naruto's wardrobe. The shadow clone abused the shit out of it and the man never stood a chance as new underwear, pants, shirts and even writing material vanished off the shelf and then ended with a thirty percent discount when he just so happened to get a handful of breasts.

The rest of the clones gave me more chakra control and one even set up my two fake diary's to be found by Anbu later once they go looking for why I changed. Hell, one of the clones was even able to steal a photo of Minato and a pregnant Kushina from someone's home. The clone had then put it in the back of the diary before half sticking it underneath the bed. That was the diary with all Naruto's memories on pranks including guard times that he had to do for sneaking.

The kid was damn smart when it came to pranks and it was a shame, they didn't realize they could have him channel it into something that would help his growth, but that was fine. I was here now, and the name Naruto Uzumaki was going to be far more than a footnote in history.

The other diary had a mix of my own and Naruto's take on chakra and jutsu creation, and it really stood out with the name Super Ultra Secret book of Awesome Jutsu. Lucky for me the kid already had his own notes and had extremely good handwriting that I think came from his Uzumaki bloodline.

In the book there were more than a few complaints about how my chakra felt all stiff and mucky like mud. Then spaced with some ramblings before comparing my chakra to real thick ramen sauce. More comparison to ramen and how to make chakra like an even sauce that's delicious and make the jutsu go big brr. So of course, for the laymen, yin was imagination while yang was form with more ramen comparisons' tossed in. So that would mean in the end a jutsu came from a simple equation.

1 yin + 1 yang = 2 chakra makes a big jutsu which was a perfectly balanced bowl of miso ramen.

Then of course it was 15 yin + 10 yang = shadow clone.

Then add more notes about finding the seal on my stomach. With that discovery freaked out and then went inside only to find the Fourth which turned out to be my father and mother. Notes on how cool it was that he was able to seal some of his and my mother's chakra inside my seal, learning about the big responsibility on my shoulder and so much more.

Then when that clone was finished, moved over to where Naruto kept his secret stash in the air vent. The kid knew how to hide his stuff, too bad I was certain that a Anbu would find it if they looked since Naruto didn't have access to seal.

With a grunt, I mentally shifted to file all those memories away even as I brought my hands together to create a few more clones. One mind could review and file memories but three would work wonders on helping to retain things. Leaving my clone's behind as they sat down to review and think, I strolled through the opened door. On the other side of the door hung a massive tapestry with names that went all the way from the bottom to the top. What I did notice though was that there was one solid red line that trailed from the top to the bottom and when I looked closer, I noticed that Naruto Uzumaki was highlighted in red leading up to Kushina then onwards.

Following the red trail through all my ancestors upwards, I nearly stumbled when things ended at Uzumaki Hayabusa. A full belly laugh bubbled up from out of me as I saw the name and I could only shake my head as I moved on and found Tsunade and Nawaki's name underneath Mito and her second son's name. Now that was interesting, I had thought that Tsunade of all people would be the daughter of the first child to Mito, not the second, but then again. This was the ninja world and the first might have been killed early. Madara was pulling those strings mighty hard with how quickly he killed off the Senju clan members.

Even knowing that he was one of if not the biggest bad in this world, he did some damn good work. When you had outside context, you knew where to look and noticed how he killed off the Senju first, then worked to scatter the Uzumaki before destroying his own clan. His final work was the Village hidden in the Mist and all their powerful bloodline which I was hoping to use to make my own splash later.

Bowing before the tapestry, I paid my respects before barely flinching as the tapestry rolled itself into the ceiling. Behind the tapestry were multiple scrolls of various sizes with one main scroll hanging on the wall with lights illuminating the room. Standing before the scrolls, I looked over them all and almost sagged at the sight of what I found. One the top shelf was a fuuinjutsu scroll by Mito herself and on the shelf below were scrolls that ranged from introduction to fuuinjutsu to how to use the chains and so much more.

What really pulled me in, was the spiral key next to a scroll that had details on Uzumaki sage mode. I stared at the scroll for a long time before pushing my greed deep down and into a very dark place. Instead of taking the sage scroll, I picked up the basics on adamantine chain usage along with the basics to advanced levels of fuuinjutsu, no way I was going to leave those behind. Once I had everything I could use at the moment, I went over to where some of the armor was stored and took the wrist guards. Hell, I didn't even entertain the idea of taking the Dragon Blade with me. Not only did I not know how to use a sword, I had no clue how to hit a mofo with the Hayabusa drop, so pass for now.

Honestly, at this point, I was more interested in the Uzumaki history than I was in some Dark Dragon Blade, granted it was a badass sword, but I wanted to know about the history of the most badass clan around. They kicked everyone's ass so much with just the written word on paper that they waited for the First and his brother to die so they could make a move knowing the place wouldn't get any backup.

Walking back out the room, I motioned my clones before bracing for the memory transfer. Once it happened and I was happy with how the memories settled, I created two more clones before heading back to my apartment. I was going to repeat the process until midnight and then tomorrow I was going to clean up this place while doing some more training.

{Scene Break}

2Weeks Later….

Standing on top of the little lake, I jumped upwards then kicked off the wave that went by dodging around a chakra chain sent my way by a shadow clone. My own chains shot outwards wrapped around the chain beneath me and I used that as a springboard to jump and roll over another attack. I slipped for half a moment, but I was really starting to get the hang of these 3D maneuvers.

I sent another chakra chain into the water to tip my balance slightly as I brought two hands near my waist. Then with a twist and roll, I used what little nature changed that I knew to maneuver into my shadow clones' personal space before letting him have it.

Chakra chains flew out from his kidneys, but it was far too late, my hands came forward with the roiling mass of chakra condensed and ready, "HADOUKEN!!!" I screamed, the blast warping space as it blasted outwards while sucking the clone into the attack smashing into him with multiple concussive force blows while holding him in place with vacuum-type wind nature.

The clone popped and I had to shake off the memories of going through my own damn attack.

(Clone Scene Shift…)

With a rope tied around the life vest on my chest, I sighed and floated on top of the water as those crazy clones finally finished fighting. Closing my eyes, I focused on my lower body beneath the water and expelled chakra slowly from my calves, hips, and lower back. It took a lot of effort and focus, but eventually, I was able to move myself around underneath the lake's surface.

Once I had not only the understanding but also instincts, I created a few clones to help increase the rate of learning. Before I knew it, I no longer needed the life vest and was freely swimming without the need of my hands under the water.

(Clone Scene Shift…)

Balanced on a chakra-enhanced fingertip, I pushed against the kunai embedded in the ground sweat pouring down my forehead at not only the difficulty, but also the amount of focus needed not to slip and slice myself open. Each set of three was equal to one solid push up and even though my muscles didn't burn, I was really trying not to strain underneath the fine control necessary, but I knew where this was going to lead.

Anyone with any type of minor information about the Naruto world knew that chakra control made monsters. And I was going to be in my own class amongst monsters when all was said and done. There was only one week left before graduation and I was more than certain about already having Jonin levels worth of chakra control, but I wasn't happy with only that.

I had beyond Kage levels of chakra, and I wasn't going to stop until I had beyond Kage levels of control. Most if not all the jutsu's I had created and mastered already didn't need hand signs and I was going to keep things that way going forward.

Fuck the Uchiha and their cheating ass eyes. I grunted again with another push even as my eyes zeroed in on the extremely fine layer of chakra. The layer of chakra used was thinner than a strip of paper, and it stood between myself and impalement.

With another set finished, I stood and created a few more clones to go through the same training.

(Clone Scene Shift…)

Sitting before a table my hand moves steadily, smooth and strong strokes of the brush gliding across the paper. With a flick of the wrist, I smile down at the finished seal. With a flex of chakra a shadow clone appeared beside me and picked up the sealing tag.

Waiting, I watched as he stuck the tag to his chest and pushed chakra into it. Nothing happened for half a second before the clone slammed down onto one knee, the ground around him cracking from the sheer force of the impact.

Leaning back, I watched as the clone slowly stood back up while shifting from side to side getting a nice stretch under the effect of the seal tag.

The clone grunted, "Yeah, I would say that this is about five times gravity. Needs work though, I can't control the increase or decrease."

Then the clone went poof after taking a few steps, with a sigh, I went back to work ignoring the massive dent of where the sealing tag landed.

(Clone Scene Shift…)

Letting out a sigh, I sat and reviewed all the memories of the clones as they dispelled over time. It took a while and a few trial and errors, but once everything was reviewed and tested, three more clones were created to do the same. This went on for a few hours as more clones were made to help review before dispelling.


With a smile, I turned towards the ramen alarm excited, but before I could do anything. I myself was dispelled by the original body.

( Naruto)

With sheer excitement on my face, I beat all my blasted clones to the alarm clock and snatched up the money it sat on top of, it was Ramen time! Unfortunately, before I could have the food of the gods, I had to review and test out all the hard work my clones put in. It took me ten minutes to go over everything and I was far too happy to learn that my Hadouken was not only tighter, but also more potent with a wind vortex forming with its creation.

The control I had over my chakra chains had also improved massively and I was having no more issues with the density and flow of my chakra. Pulling out a kunai, I balanced it on the tip of one finger, happy knowing that I was at least Jonin levels of chakra control if not more.

Was I cheating the system, Hell yea, but if I wasn't planning on cheating then I should just quit being a ninja. Before I left the Uzumaki compound, I created two clones to get a few of my affairs in order while jumping upwards then transition from tree running to the rooftops. As I was dashing across the village, I felt a little chibi enter my senses and I of course made a turn and went in her direction.

It was a good thing I sensed her because I had an idea that was just crazy enough it might make her an A rank maybe S rank ninja. I couldn't wait to see Neji's expression when he eats a boxing glove arrow or when Hinata unleashes a Hanzo-style chakra dragon at someone with an arrow. I've played more than enough Overwatch and looked at enough models to have one of my clones transform into that bow. What I was really interested in was to know if it would work, Hinata already had the eyes to make the bow and arrow devastating. I would also have to mention maybe learning how to dance to help with her taijutsu.

I may not be an expert, but even I know that learning how to flow with a partner and learning tempo of motion would help a ninja become a beast. It would also add an element of flow to her juken strikes that they are all missing since they loved those sharp jabs so much. With a smirk, I landed lightly on my feet before a thin layer of chakra formed around my legs pushing my speed to the next level.

When I had finally made it to where I could feel Hinata chakra signature, I found her smiling as she left what appears to be a bakery. In her hands was a paper bag and even from a distance I could tell that it was stuffed and I knew what was in it. For those who weren't in the know Hinata had a massive sweet tooth and her poison of choice was the Cinnamon . I could honestly say that I couldn't and wouldn't judge her because my poison of choice was ramen and all that revolved around ramen.

It didn't take her very long to notice my chakra signature as she turned and smiled at me as I came to a sudden stop next to her.

"Hinata-Chan!" I popped out while hitting her with a sunny smile. "I had a super awesome mega cool idea."

"Naruto," Hinata squeaked but the poor chibi was already wrapped up in all the energy that I was putting out. She looked at me, then looked down at the bag in her hands and I could feel the massive choice she was forced to make.

"Ohh, you're about to eat?" I asked, cutting off the chance of her making a tough choice. "Well, it's ramen time and you can eat with me at Ichirakus."

Before she could reply, I was already grabbing a hand and pulling her towards my favorite ramen shop. The Hyuga minder that was with her tried to walk in front and stop me, but one introduction to a footballers stiff arm sent her ass to the side and out of my log be damned way. I shot the minder a glare and kept on marching with a blushing Hinata. We made it there in record time.

Picking Hinata up, I placed her on the stool next to my own then leaned over the counter, "Ayame-nee can I get two large bowls of miso with extra vegetables please!"

I might be the boombastic kid, but that didn't mean I couldn't be kind or have manners even if I did things with a Naruto flare. Teuchi automatically went to work with a full belly laugh while Ayame came over and pinched my cheeks.

"Ohh, now it's Ayame-nee is it." Ayame smirked down at me even though I waved my hands as she pulled at my cheeks. After a bit she finally decided to let me go right on time for my first bowl to arrive. The first bowl of ramen almost vanished within seconds as the Naruto in me attacked the bowl. While eating, I had to make sure to force myself to eat my damn veggies.

All it took was a little care and the super healing did the rest, but I refused to backslide now. I had already grown about three inches in all directions and I would be damned to lose all my progress. Blinking, I paused and held the chop-sticks inches from my face. Putting my chopsticks down, I took a napkin and cleaned my face and area up before taking the clean tablecloth that Ayame was holding out for me. Taking the table cloth, I cleaned the spot before a blushing Hinata before opening her package and placing the Cinna-buns in front of her.

"Ayame-nee…" I asked, turning around, but she was already smiling at me with a fork in her handheld outwards for me to take.

"Thanks." With that, I went back to helping Hinata. Once I was happy that she was good. My attention was instantly returned to my ramen and no I wasn't ignoring the two watching us eat. The atmosphere was so sweet you could get diabetes just from being around us.

We stayed like that for some time as I put away three more bowls of ramen.

"Hinata-sama." The Hyuga servant spoke at the side, I had noticed her checking the clock over Teuchi's head. The look on Hinata's face when she realized that things were over instantly had me wanting to beat up the maid, but I knew better

"Naruto," Hinata started but I cut her off.

"Its okay, Hinata, this was fun, maybe next time I can show you all the ultra mega cool things I have been working on." I replied with a cheeky grin. Then held my hand up for her to see. From my open palm, a golden spiked tip appeared along with golden chakra chains that fell onto the floor. "See, I unlock my bloodline just like you did."

Teuchi reacted and then tried to hide it but the real gem was the Hyuga maid. Her eyes widened and I knew that this was going to be reported later to Hinata's father. Hiashi was a very smart man and I know that he would have already figured out who's kid I was. Now with the maid reporting this, he would have solid confirmation of me being Kushina's kid since his wife was one of her best friends. That would also make it very clear to him that I was also the son of the 4th Hokage.

Pulling back the chakra chain, I got up and helped Hinata clean her place before giving her a hug and letting her go. Paying my tab and getting doted on by Ayame, I finally said my goodbyes before using a shunshin to the Uzumaki compound with two uses of the jutsu.

Activating the seals, I made my way down to the training room on the second floor of the basement. Pushing a chakra chain out of my left hand, I place it through the opening within, activating the seal with my right. Once I was inside, I went over to the far wall and selected Maelstrom Kenjutsu Taijutsu level five.

Around the room seals with the Uzumaki spiral glowed gold and within the middle, the outline of a man started to form. Uzumaki Hyabusa stood there in war armor with one sword and a massive scroll on his back. Funny enough he was wearing the same type of armor the First Hokage wore with the same headgear as the second. Combined with the armor was the same coat that Minato liked to wear but it was underneath the shoulder pads while over the chest and leg armor.

Stripping down to just my pants and ninja sandals, I then flowed through the hand seals to summon the Dragon sword before stepping into the circle.

Graduation Day / Team Selection

The day was finally here and I was excited to see if Mizuki was going to try and cheat me like he did in the original Naruto timeline. As if I didn't see that minor genjutsu he tried to lay over my paper or the surprise on his face when I pulled three bunshin out of my ass. I truly savored his expression that day and I made sure to take Hinata out afterwards.

Things on that front were also going pretty well with me pulling a Naruto and inserting myself into her life having fixed the stutters. With that solved it was very easy to introduce her to the utility of Chakra strings and plant the idea of using bows. We practiced a little during my breaks and I was happy to see that she was showing some real promise. Cheating eyes were after all cheating eyes, but they would be a massive utility for her, and that made it a win in my book.

Pushing the thoughts of making her the next uber badass aside, I left my apartment early to get in a quick workout. With my morning excise finished with, I snuck up the side of the building and through the window while shooting Shikamaru the universal hush symbol. That lazy Nara took one look at me,

"Troublesome blonde."

There was no stopping my Naruto pout even as I snuck by and took the free seat at his side. That was fine, no one knew yet exactly how far ahead I was and I was alright with that. I didn't have the body of a well-seasoned fighter, but I had chakra to burn along with beyond-amazing chakra control that would make these classmates of mine green with envy.

Things basically settled after that and I stayed up all night to see if Mizuki would come and try and have me perform an extra credit ninja assignment. The man never showed up at my old apartment so I left a few clones to train while going to bed myself. Waking up in the morning refreshed, I had a few clones dispel improving my control over wind and suiton element nature. I didn't have the Naruto wiki on hand, but I was pretty certain that he was both wind and water nature before things really kicked off along with Yang release.

The yang was from the fox while the wind was of his father, and the water from his mother. Or the both could have been from either parents or them combined. That would be the only way to explain how quickly water nature transformation was to understand and control. All those other natures I would leave for later once I was able to pull up on the other Biju's and hit them with the smoke.

Now that I think about it, with the way I trained and recover, I was hitting way above my weight class even if I didn't have the full super strength yet. Bah, it wasn't the system, I was just built differently, being born Ninja Jesus and all that. Hmm, Sasuke better watch his ass, because I wasn't about to forgive him like in the anime.

I would offer aide and give good advice but if he ran off for that pedo-snake, then his ass was grass. Chop them arms and legs off, pluck out his eyes and leave him connected to a milk machine in some locked away dungeon. He might as well be useful and there is plenty of female ninjas who would love to be rewarded by birthing the next Uchiha. Hell, I just might be able to euthenics may way to repopulate both our clans with me as the head.

With a snort, I put my things away, looked around my apartment once more, and then vanished from my apartment with a body swap with a clone at school. Snuck in and put my head down on the desk and went to sleep. Someone nudged me and I looked up in time to be surprised with good news.

TEAM SEVEN: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuga Hinata.

"YES!" I yell with a roar as I jumped upwards my bright blonde hair brushing the ceiling.

"UZUMAKI SIT DOWN!!" Iruka roared across the room while some of the girls cried about not being on the same team as Sasuke.

[Hatake Kakashi]

Team introductions

"I know exactly who you are Hatake Kakashi, also known as the Copy ninja, the only surviving student of my father. Projected to reach S rank, but stalled out around high A rank due to trauma in your youth." I shrugged my shoulders at the raised brow he gave me.

"My, my, and how would you know that, Naru-kun?" Kakashi asked with an eye smile which I returned with a flat look. He didn't show it but the fluctuation in his chakra told me he didn't expect any of what I was saying.

"There is only one other sunflower blonde within this village and he died during my birth. It's not hard to figure out with the number of housewives that talk about how that mean red habanero marrying that wonderful man." I shrugged my shoulders again. "Pretty easy to learn things with a henge. Plenty of lonely housewives for me to practice my gossips skills with.."


Come at me with the intent to kill.

Raise hand, I'm not too sure about that Kakashi, I might hurt you.

Sasuke snorts and Kakashi return a eye smile. I'll be fine.

Shrug, walks over and drop weighted seals. Then crash into the ground like DBZ leaving minor dents. Rotate arm a little to show off ahh feels amazing to no longer be under so much weight, then unseal the dragon blade and storm bow while a few chakra chains dangle down from my back. I gave Kakashi his own signature eye smile before vanishing in a blur of speed, three arrows already launched at him. The chakra disk underneath my feet already putting in work as I blew past him releasing another two arrows this time. Then jumped upwards releasing three more arrows aimed at his back.

Landing back where I started, I spun on the balls of my feet with an arrow notched and aiming at the bastard's crotch that had appeared behind me.

'Maa, maa, aren't you a scary chibi-kun." Kakashi eye smiled down at me his sharingan uncovered. Behind me the log he used to substitute exploded from the force of my arrows. Hinata and Sasuke both flinched and jumped simultaneously from the rapid exchange. Sasuke jumped away, but Hinata stood her ground and that earned her massive points with me.

Hinata settled into a juken stance before blitzing forward to attack our supposed sensei. The man vanished in a swirl of leaves before she could even touch him. The pout she gave was absolutely adorable, so I gave her one of Guy's classic thumbs up.

"Alright Hinata, lets get to cover." I said and the pout she gave was absolutely adorable, so I gave her one of Guy's classic thumbs up.

"Do you have a plan?" Hinata asked a little shyly even as I could see her trying to push down her emotions.

"Maybe," I smiled back while handing over the Storm bow.

Pulling my dragon catana from my back, I allowed my chakra to bleed into the blade awakening the dragon inside as i brought it around in a slash. I swung and the world tore apart as the massive chakra dragon unleashed its fury.

Hinata waited for her single chakra storing into the strom bow, her arrow drawn tuagnt. Then it came in a flash of bright blue a dragon flaring to life. Firming her resolve, She pulled back the last few inches and let go, the fuuinjutsu seals on the bow doing the rest for her as two dragons came to life around her arrow and flying forward.


Chakra control thoughts

The worst part is knowing that they didn't really explain Ki in dragon ball z, but I think I could still pull some of that off with a combination of what's given in world. Anywhere you look a jutsu is made of chakra, and when you break that down chakra is made up of yin and yang. Yin was of the mind, while Yang was of the physical.

So of course, for the laymen, yin was imagination while yang was form. So that would mean in the end a jutsu is made up of 3 neutral chakra (power) 1yin (mind/image) + 1yang (physical form) = 5 chakra jutsu go brrr. The Equation changes depending on the jutsu.

Bow and arrows for Hinata to use with her eyes, puppet hand with stuffed glove sealed into arrow head. Boxing glove arrow. Beat Neji down.

Steal idea from weight bands, link to chackra signature buzz when incoming communication. Link to team audio genjutsu for speech.

Gaki why you reading that book.

Old enough to die for the village, old enough for porn and alcohol.

Do you even know who I am gaki

Yeah, the forever single sexy anko mitarashi

Gak, critical hit as anko holds a hand over her heart.

Expect a lot of shadow clone abuse and know that at any time there are at least 50 of them working on things in the background for the Si. That manga did the character so dirty. Just with basic lore and understanding of his bloodline Naruto should have came out of the academy as one of the hardest hitters around.