
My rude devil mafia boyfriend

Mia who was sold to a local gangster by her father, was saved by the king of the underworld Zack husberg. But he makes a contract with her to marry him as he saved her life. What will happen will Mai agree to marry Zack, or is something else gonna happen. if you like you can follow us on Instagram. (mystery_author_)

Liz_Ara_ · 若者
28 Chs

Chapter 8: Zack's friends

The guy walked close, he stood infront of zack and smiled and said its been a long time friend and hugged him. even Zack hugged him back, you didn't even come to pick me up from the airport he said it while making a childish face.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing. The guy saw towards me in questionable eyes, but before i could say anything to explain. she is my fiance Zack said with no expressionon his face, this time I was not stunned by his answer. Now I was completely used to his way of speaking, I smiled and made my hand forward and said hey this is Mia nice to meet you.

But he didn't say anything, for some seconds hello! i shaked my hand infornt of his face. all out sudden he came out from his dreams and made his hand forward and said my name is Rio and I am Zack's childhood friend.

After saying that and we both shaked our hands. oh! actually you were so beautiful that I couldn't belive someone like you is in love with this workaholic and rude guy, know and thanks for the compliment. excuse me, Zack heard this and stared at Rio.

Hey by the way mia do you want to meet Zack's childhood friends. I was stunned for a sec! then, I just agreed, I was curious to know about Zack cause he never used to share anything about him. Rio took my hand and saw Zack and said follow me fast or we will leave you here as much I could understand rio was childish and funny. he took me with him, and as we reached the other side of the party.

For one sec! I couldn't belive my eyes. on the other side of the party there were all handsome hungs standing and enjoying the party. we all walked closer to them and when they saw Zack, a bunch of most handsome guys around the party walked closer to us and started to talk with him, but Rio cleared his voice and said oh guys! see I found Zack's fiancé, when everyone heard this they all started to stare at us.

What nonsense are you speaking. a guy who wore Grey one piece suit walked closer he had a good looking personality. I am not lying asked with zack rio said the guy saw Zack, yes what he is telling is true. everyone was shocked and gaddred me around they started to ask so many question at once, I was unable to hear even one of them.

Silence, I screamed. everything was silent from some minutes please don't ask me so many questions, I realized something and kept my hand on my mouth. at that time the guy who wore Grey suit stepped forward and said we are really sorry but we are so excited that finally from our group someone has a girlfriend and not single anyone, so we had so many questions? that we wanted to ask you.

So let me introduce myself first it's Rick I am the older brother of Rio and I am two years older from zack. it's Leo, Hey its max, this is ash nice to meet you. oh nice to meet you guys too, my name is Mia. we talked for some while and I realized they all were pretty close to Zack.

And Rio, Rick and Zack met when Zack was in 3rd Rick picked a fight with Zack's and rio's classmate cause they were bulling Rio. and Zack was the only one who helped him, from that time they got preety close to Zack but he didn't have any friend until 3rd he didn't like anyone coming around him but after Rio and Rick were only exception. something changed in Zack's life after that, but till 7th except Rio and Rick no one was his friends but in 7th they were 3 new students in the class max, Aiden, ash were new comers in the school.

And after some time even these three got along with zack and others and they were gang after some time. In this few hours I learned so many new things about Zack, it was first time after so many days I was enjoying and if I think it was all because of zack. I just thought of his name in my mind and I started to smile for no reason, wait a sec! Mia are you getting fellings for him, no no... this can't be happening I guess I am thinking to much nowadays.

I snapped through my thoughts and once again I started to talk with them. after some hours it was time to leave but I was not in the mood to leave the party, I saw Zack who was beside me and I made a cute face and said Zack only one hour then I promise we will go please. no, it's so late we have to go home mia, I knew once if he said no then he is not gonna change his mind.

I thought to give up. and made my face down, zack saw me and thought something in his mind and said fine we will stay but only 40minutes then we will go Kay. a huge smile came on my face and I agreed and went from there, where zack was seeing me and smiling this girl sometimes just acts like a child. when did time pass I didn't knew and now finally I said bye to everyone and went from there.

I was sitting in the car and seeing outside. where Zack was seeing some of his office files and was busy in that, I thought something in my mind and called Zack and said. By the way Zack I wanted to ask you something. he saw me, and raised his eyebrow and said go ahead.

Actually, you never said anything about your family and I was curious to know can you just tell me, just shut your mouth. A loud voice was heard and everything was silent for some seconds, why is wrong zack? did I say something wrong? I just asked, shut up one more word from your mouth and next moment you are not able to speak and I am gonna make that sure.

I didn't spoke a word and turned my head towards the window and sat quietly. I didn't understand what was his problem but still I sat quietly without making a noise. some hours passed and nobody spoke a word, and when we finally reached the house I got up from the car and straight away went for my room, and fell on my bed I was mad really mad at Zack for speaking to me like that. I just took my phone from my bag and I was shocked to see 10 miss calls for Daniel. I called him back but it was switched off, I decided to meet him tomorrow at college.

I changed my clothes and slept. and next moring i woke up very early in the moring in order to avoid Zack. and came down there was no one around except butlers I walked straight to the denying area and had my breakfast as much fast I could and went out and sat in the car. Zack had appointed a driver and a car to me so I can to go college and others place, after 1 hour I reached the collage and went to library where I usually used to go. and Daniel used to come there finding me and sat down near the a window sit. and I dropped a message to Daniel to meet me there in the library.

Daniel arrived after few minutes. and I told him everything what had happened yesterday even Zack yelling at me, first of all Daniel was little surprised then he took out his laptop from his bag and started to searching something I saw him culelessy. Hey, what are you doing Daniel, he paused for a sec and said come here and look Mia what I have found. I went near him and checked what he wanted to show, then Daniel started to explain me everything.

The guy's about whom you told me right Zack childhood friends, I heard there names before and when I tried to search about them see what I have found. Rio the first guy is a world class cheif he works in five to seven stars in his own hotel. He had served meal for persidents and prime minister's also he is a very influential guy, whereas as his older brother Rick is a business tiycon he has his own company's and resorts and he had undertaken his family business also his company is one of the big 4 companies in the word.

Next Max he is a basketball player he earns in millions and billions and have his own luxiours life, max never belonged to a rich family as others but he made himself a billioner. Then Aiden is a model and a online influncer, even he is rich and he is brand ambassador of many brands and companies. but Aiden likes to keep his personal life away for social media even if he is a influncer. then last Ash, he is a doctor and has his own medical hostipals in many others countries even he belong to a rich family and his all of his most of all family members belong to medical field.

After learning all about them. I was stunned to know about them and there super luxiours life, I knew there were rich but this much freaking rich I never expected. By the way mia one more thing I know Zack shouldn't have yelled at you but there should be a reason behind it so try to find that reason, Daniel was correct in some point. He might have a back story, and without knowing that I guess I might have hurt him by my stupid questions?

However he didn't have the right to scold me like that. but there should be a reason thinking all this when did the bell rang I didn't even realize, Daniel tapped me on my shoulders and brought me out from my thoughts. aren't you gonna be late to the class, as I remembered about my class I took my books said bye to Daniel and ran towards my class as fast I could. when I reached my class I was out of my breadth I sat one my place and waited for the class to begin.

Will everything will be fine between mia and Zack?

Will Zack Tell about his past to mia?

Will Mia marry Zack or not?

What is gonna happen next in my rude devil mafia boyfriend?