
My rude devil mafia boyfriend

Mia who was sold to a local gangster by her father, was saved by the king of the underworld Zack husberg. But he makes a contract with her to marry him as he saved her life. What will happen will Mai agree to marry Zack, or is something else gonna happen. if you like you can follow us on Instagram. (mystery_author_)

Liz_Ara_ · 若者
28 Chs

Chapter 13: Friends

Hello guys

I hope u all are doing well

I was unable to write my book for a while because of my exams and some other important stuffs.

I hope you guys enjoy my book and thanks for your support guys 🥰🥰

Shira got up from her seat and went out. as she was walking on the hallways, At that time someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into a room, Shira was caught off guard before she could do anything to protect herself. she heard a familiar voice. it's me Shira.

Shira was surprised to see him. what the heck are you doing here Ian? and where were you that day? I skipped my collage to meet you. before she could say anything further, I am so sorry my lady. but I had some important work to attend, and I have found something really interesting. Shira was stunned for a sec! what is it?



Zack was sitting on the couch reading some documents. after some time Mia stepped out from the washroom. she wore a light pink silk top and shorts, and her hair was wet. Zack saw her and couldn't take his eyes off her, drops of water from her hair were falling down on her shirt and ground.

Mia was frustrated because of her long hair and she really seemed to need someone's help. Zack got up from his seat and went near her and told her to sit down on the chair. Mia didn't refuse him and sat down. Zack helped her with her hair and Mia was so happy and surprised by Zack's kindness.

I got up from her seat and thanked Zack for his help. I just helped you cause, I needed to talk to you as fast as I could but it seemed like you were wasting a lot of time even I was not in the mood to waste my so much time on you. so, I decided to help you, mia didn't mind what he said cause she knew Zack. that he just acts like rude but he is really nice from inside.

Then they both sat down. Zack passed a document towards Mia and said this is our Marriage contract. you can read it. I made all the requirements that we both need in this Marriage. Mia opened the document and started to read all the points carefully. there were only 5 points.

1.You can't date a person until this marriage is done

2. You are not allowed to interfere in each others business

3. Marriage for 2 years

4. You are not allowed to fall for each other

5. after the marriage contract ends you can be with someone else

After reading it I signed the document and kept it aside. so, everything is clear Zack saw me and asked. I said yes and thought something in my mind and raised my hands towards him and said.

However we are starting a new relationship of fake husband and wife. So, why don't we begin this as friends first. then we can understand eachother better and can help eachother in their difficulties. I know that our relationship is not that good but we can know each other better. so, what so you think? I saw him while bitting my lips hoping him to say something.

He saw me and there was few seconds silence there. then he moved his hands and we both shaked our hands and he said I don't think it is a bad idea until you don't trouble me. I was so happy that I just hugged him and he was left stunned by my action, for few seconds we hugged eachother but as I realized that what I was doing. I stepped back and fell to the ground on my butt from the couch, Zack was left speechless and he burst out laughing for my unpredictable moves.

I was completely embarrassed. but when I raised my head, I saw Zack as he offered me his hand and said now get up you little trouble some mushroom head. I took his hand and got up and i felt butterflies in my stomach as I saw him. I felt really weird seeing him as I was started to fall for him, but I moved all my thoughts aside and asked him.

Why did you call me mushroom head. he replied I don't know your head looks like mushroom and I really like mushroom. but I ingorned what he said and thanked him for helping me. but when I heard a buzz in my mobile, I remembered something and I grabbed my mobile from my table and ran out. Zack was just left surprised and before going out of the room i said to him thanks for everything Zack smiled and as I was about to leave I tripped again but this time I grabbed the door and ran out. Zack was laughing I can't believe this girl, she Is full if surprises.

Mia went off to the balcony and she read all the texts and thought of something and called Shira. but Shira didn't pick up the call, as Mia was thinking something she got a call from Daniel she picked it up. hey Dan, before she could say anything more, an unknown girl's voice was heard and Mia was stunned. hello, the owner of this mobile had gotten in the car accident and he has gotten serious injuries and he is in this particular hostipal, this was the last number he called.

Mia went completely blank when she heard this car accident, serious injuries. hello someone there, mia kept all her thoughts aside and asked the women to tell her everything what had happened. but the women told her to come to this hospital as fast she could cause their were forms to fill up, mia went to room, and saw Zack doing some work.

Mia went near zack and said, Zack I need your help. first he was really surprised to see mia panting what happened he asked in his cold voice. Mia explained everything to Zack , he saw her and took his jacket and saw mia and said I will look after all the arrangements needed so change your clothes and came down. and he left and changed my clothes and as i stepped down I saw may waiting for me, as she saw me she grabbed my hand and said.

Everything is gonna be fine Mia Zack told me everything don't worry I will take care of the grandpa. I just agreed and went out where I saw zack waiting for me. i went up to him. as he saw me he hung up the phone call, and said to me let's go. and we both headed for the hostipal where Daniel was admitted. I saw Zack and said is Daniel in very bad condition, he didn't look at me but said.

I called my people and they told me that the accident was very bad and Daniel is in very bad condition, even I got this Intel that he was going to visit Shira as she was not picking up his calls. I saw Zack whose face was as cold as ever, I didn't know what to say anymore. then he asked that did I inform his parents I just said yes, and didnt say anything else after hearing Daniel condition i was really worried.


Mia's pov

I was 12 when I first met him. I never used to get along with people. Daniel was the first one who came and talked to me my classmates always thought I was a weirdo and they always tried to pick on me and tried to bully me. in the beginning I didn't care but later they started to bully, I didn't really care about it and let them bully me. but it was first time when someone stood up for me when I was getting bullied in the class and it was Daniel who stood up for me he was a new comer in our class.

First the bullies just left. I saw Daniel but didn't talk to him, cause I knew like others even he will pick on me as he knows me so, as I was going out. he helped me and tried to talk to me, I really didn't get why he was trying to talk to me. but I didn't talk to him and just left but he didn't leave my side and always tried to talk to me.

After few days some bullies caught me and took me to the storeroom and locked me up there. I didn't shout neither I cried I was sick of my life at my house and at school I was miserable. at home I was beaten and school I was bullied I could protect myself but for some reason I didn't know why I didn't have that strength to fight back. as I was sitting down and thinking what I am gonna do now.

I heard a loud voice and I was shocked to hear my name Mia, mia are you hearing. I was shocked I couldn't belive that someone had come to protect me, at that time someone opened the door of storeroom it was Daniel. so you are here Mia. I was so worried about you mia, I saw him and asked why did you come to help me I was always rude to you and didn't even talk to you but still.

He saw and said what did you mean by that you're my friend and I will be always there for you when you need me. I saw him and tears came down my cheeks I wiped it and laughed and said, thanks Daniel. For being my friend and for being here to save me. he laughed and just moved a hand towards me and I grabbed it then he saw me and said from today onwards you are my best friend and I will never let you go, and I will always protect you from those bullies, I just smiled.

After that I was finally able to stand up for myself. I was not scared anymore, cause I knew Daniel will always be my side, as years pass we grew closer and our bond got stronger. when we were finally 18, Daniel said that he liked a girl and that was Shira I worked my butt off to make them friends as she was in my class and Daniel was in different. after 1 year they both started to date and we all became good friends.