
Chapter 7: Castle Garden

The glare from my computer screen is giving me a headache today. I rub my temples and push the laptop away from me. I attended two meetings today and got caught up with Mark about the goals for the project. The client had changed their initial idea of what they wanted so the team had to scrap the whole idea.

My PM pings and I look down at my computer. Mark is messaging me to set a time for our one-on-one.

Mark: I have a couple of meetings on Friday but I still want to touch base after your first week.

Me: We can touch base Monday morning if that works better for you?

Mark: That works for me. Let’s aim for the beginning of the day.

Me: Won’t that be too early for you?

I chuckle as I type back quickly in response. If we aimed for the beginning of the work day or 8 am here, it would be around 2 am in Indianapolis. A ping indicates another message has come in from Mark. I look back at the screen and let out a laugh.

Mark: You’re right. As much as I love this job, I am not willing to wake up at 2 am for a one-on-one. 7:45 am here and 1:45 pm there. Not a morning meeting for you technically.

Me: That’s fine, works for me :)

Mark: Great, I’ll send you an invite shortly

Me: I’ll keep an eye out for it

Mark: (thumbs up emoji)

Minimizing the chat, I check my email and refresh it to find the invitation from Mark. I check over the information first before I accept. Once that’s set in the books, I work on a few other things before I sign off. I stretch and rub my neck. I need to get some fresh air.

I close my laptop and push away from the desk then go to my closet to change into my overalls. I love them; my mom bought them for me at Mrs. Moreno’s shop. They have lots of pockets which is helpful so I don’t have to worry about carrying around all my tools every time I move to a new station in the garden or greenhouse.

The cool air feels good on my skin but I shiver, it smells like it’s going to rain. Looking up, I see clouds forming in the sky. I guess I’ll have to start in the garden today and then move into the greenhouse when it starts to rain.

I play music while I work and hum along softly. I trim some of the dying plants and then add some of the plant food I got from the village. I smile at the plants and lean down to smell them when I feel the first drop of rain. Yikes, time to move my work into the greenhouse.

I move inside and work in silence for a while, arranging different bouquets. I make one special for Mrs. Moreno to bring to her as a ‘thank you’ for the beautiful wedding dress and for her continued hospitality. I listen to the storm growing louder outside and the rustle of the trees and branches scraping against the glass of the greenhouse hides the sound of the door opening.

“I thought I saw you working in here,” Lucas surprises me so much so that I jump and knock over a nearly complete bouquet in a vase. Lucas laughs and catches the vase before it hits the floor. I put my hand over my beating heart, trying to calm it.

“Jeez, don’t scare me like that,” I turn to face him and lean back against the work table. Lucas comes over and pulls me into his arms. He’s sopping wet but I’m dirty so I snuggle again his chest anyway. “Hi, what brings you out in the storm?” I ask when I have recovered from his surprise appearance.

“I was in my study in a meeting and I looked out the window. I saw my beautiful bride escaping the rain and enjoying herself in the greenhouse,” Lucas wipes dirt off my face and chuckles at my appearance. “This is a new look for you. I like it.”

“Thank you,” I smile up at Lucas and then spin away from him, showing off my outfit. He laughs and pulls me back to him. “Hey, when the rain clears up, I would like to go into the village. Will you come with me?” I look up at Lucas, who has a strained look on his face. “I understand if you’re too busy,” I quickly backtrack, dismissing the idea and giving him an out.

“No, no,” Lucas takes my hands in his, “that sounds like a great idea. We haven’t been out together in a while. Let’s make a day of it.” Lucas squeezes my hand and smiles at me. I grin up at him.

“Are you sure? We don’t have to spend the whole day if you can’t, just a couple of hours,” I say, trying to compromise if he can’t take a whole day off.

“I’ll have to check with Cadence but I think I can spare one day for my Queen,” Lucas leans down and plants a kiss on my nose. I smile and tilt my head back further. Lucas smiles and now kisses my lips. “It looks like we have some time until the storm passes. Whatever shall we do?” Lucas says with a big grin and a mischievous look in his eyes.

“I can think of a few things,” I grin up at him and his eyelids lower as he pulls me closer.

“Oh yeah?” Lucas reaches behind me and tugs my braid gently.

“Yeah,” I wink at him and start to unbutton his shirt to kill some time while we wait for the storm to pass.