
Chapter 33: Getting Ready

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Lucas asks me again, for the tenth time.

“Lucas, I love you, you’re smothering me,” I look over at Lucas and smile at him. I’m feeling a lot stronger today. I am actually looking forward to the Ball.

“Sorry,” Lucas mumbles. “I don’t need a grand entrance either. I could just walk in with you,” Lucas tries again but I wave off his offer. I know it is proper for him to be announced and be the focus when he enters. That is something I’m not ready for yet.

“I know that some might frown on it but given the situation, I don’t feel ready to be in the spotlight that way. But please, I know you need to. I have no issue with that,” I promise. Lucas continues to look at me in a way that tells me he just wants to cancel the whole thing and lock me inside our quarters for another few days, or longer.