
Chapter 32: Violetta Help Us All

“You okay, Mom?” I ask as my mom comes out of the room, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Dad comes limping out behind her and I have to stifle a laugh. “Are you guys alright?”

“That was intense,” Mom admits and I chuckle. “Good luck.” Mom puts her arm under Dad’s and they lean on each other, struggling to get back down the hall.

Margot and Natalie look at each other and then over at Jackie who nods and makes a face in agreement with my mother.


Violeta’s voice bursts from the Ballet room and echoes throughout the hallway. Jackie and I shoot scared looks at each other and then hustle into the room. Margot and Natalie rush after us and we all come to a halt in front of Violeta.

“Ah, there you are,” Violeta takes each of us in with a stern eye. “There are stretches on the board. You have ten minutes to get the correct shoes on and finish your stretches.”