
Chapter 10: Moving into the Castle

“Please be careful with that!” I trail behind a staff member, who is trying to carry a bag along with my wedding dress.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the man says and hands my dress over to Bridgette who has been by my side all day.

“Bridgette,” I say when the dress switches hands. “That’s my wedding dress, please be careful.

“It’s in good hands, Your Majesty,” Bridgette promises me. She waits for my acceptance before she leaves the cottage with the dress.

“Hola, mi amor,” Lucas strolls into the cottage, and the staff members that are helping me move, stop to bow before him. Lucas greets everyone and they continue moving our things.

“Hi, hun. Thanks for coming to help,” I smile as Lucas greets me with a kiss on my cheek. I place my hand on his chest and smile up at him.

“Who said anything about helping?” Lucas laughs as he surveys the room. “It looks like you have everything covered.”