

"You are the one who already ignited the fire in my relationship with Qiao Xin, even though you married her and you made up with her, making me a scapegoat and making me the most guilty of all things that happened. Isn't that selfish? You are the one who made me part with Qiao Xin and ruined our friendship, Master Han! You should also be responsible for everything, you must unite our friendship again!"

Xiao Long looked at Jiang Min who was already angry with him, he himself didn't deny and didn't forbid Xiao Long to be angry or anything. The problem was that all the things that happened and all the things that were even the worst would never come back, which could fix the future that even Xiao Long himself didn't know, whether his present future could still be good or even bad, because of the fact there will never be a good name if he is not a really good person or even more so.