
My rise to fame: They will regret it soon

Joe was hated, not only by his family but people around him. He is a loser and a disgrace to the family. As if this wasn't enough, fate dealt him the worst card of all when he met, Sophie; the millionaire. Sophie was interested in Joe at first sight. And soon, she made Joe fall in love with her. Joe was introduced to the family, Sophie's family hated him. They don't even want him to associate with them. And when Sophie forcefully married him, they mocked and frustrated his life. Soon it extended to Sophie. Sophie fell out of love for him. On Sophie's birthday, Joe caught her cheating on him with another man. Joe was bitter and instead of her being remorseful, she handed over a divorce paper to him. After he signed it, she threw him into the street. After three days of living in the street, fortune came smiling at him when he met the owner of the richest company in the world and that man happened to be his father. Joe was hell bent on dealing with those that had made his life hell.

31 Chs

Chapter 5

Memories of what happened at Sophie's party came to the mind of Joe. He felt he doesn't belong to the world of the rich. Maybe he should put an end to the relationship between him and Sophie. 

Unbeknownst to him that Sophie was about to take a drastic decision.

That morning, Sophie was dressing up. She heard a knock on her door.

"Come in." It was Ben. His eyes were filled with terror and his body was vibrating. Sophie hadn't seen her father in that state for a very long time. 

"What happened?" She was curious.

"What is this that I hear of you? Sophie. You dare fall in love for that riff-raff?" His voice was filled with tenacity. But Sophie wasn't moved.

"It's good that you have heard the news. Now that you have, I bring to your notice that I am marrying Joe. Either you like it or not. And you must give your blessings." Ben was taken with shock.

"What! What is this nonsense you are spuing?" 

"You heard me, father. Prepare to have Joe as your son-in-law. I am out of here."

Sophie didn't know that what she had done would lead to a greater misfortune for Joe. 

Joe was still in his apartment when Ben called him. Joe picked up.

"Hello sir."

"Don't say hello, Joe! How dare you let my daughter fall in love with you. It is better you let that thing called love between you and my daughter disappear. If not, I will make life unbearable for you. You would wish you had never been born."

Before Joe could speak, he hung up the phone. Joe wondered what was going on not until Sophie visited him.

"Sophie. What's going on? I just received a load of threats from your father." Joe furrowed his gaze.

Sophie sighed. "I am sorry, Joe. I told my father that we are getting married."

Joe was taken aback by that statement. "What! Getting married? Are you insane? Didn't you see the ridicule we faced at your friends party? Besides, your father can never approve of this."

Joe was troubled. "I am a lady that gets whatever I want at my fingertips. You don't have to worry about my father. I have that sorted out already and about my friends, they will stop looking down on you once they hear we are married. The ball is at your court, Joe. Will you marry me?"

Joe was transfixed at that spot. He didn't know the right word to say. He was caught between thoughts. And indeed what Sophie had said was convincing.

"Yes. I will marry you." Joe finally let out that word.

Few days later. Sophie couldn't convince her father. She married Joe by force even without his consent. And that was the start of chaos.

After the marriage, Joe was an hated son in law. In other to starve Joe, Sophie's father had to make a tough decision. He restricted all his daughters account and when Sophie found out about this, she knew the reason behind it.

She forged ahead with Joe. But things went so tough for them. Every now and then, all Sophie's father was harmering on was for Sophie to marry a rich man.

Sophie had thought being married to Joe would end the mockery from her friends, but that marked the beginning of the mockery.

Sophie regretted her actions and she wished not ever getting married to Joe. One day, Sophie met an handsome, rich man. His name was Kane, he was attracted to Sophie at first sight.

He walked up to her. "Hey, gorgeous. Mind if we become friends?"

Sophie saw it as an opportunity to leave Joe for good. She realized ever since Joe came into her life, it has been an ill luck for her.

Soon, her attitude changed towards Joe. And one day, she was about going out when Joe sighted her.

"Where are you going?" Joe confronted her. But she smirked and chuckled.

"That is none of your business." She walked out on Joe after she spat out those words. Joe decided to peep on her through the window, he was met with the shock of his life when he realized his wife was hanging out with another man.

Joe challenged her about it when she came back. 

"Why are you hanging out with another boy?" He sought for explanation.

"It's nothing, joe. He is just my friend." Joe believe her.

 Sophie's birthday was approaching. Joe had thought of what he could use to surprise her. But reality slapped him in the face because he doesn't have a dime.

Joe went out daily to look for job. And it wasn't too long that he got a job as a delivery guy. Joe was excited that he would be able to get something for his wife.

And on the day of Sophie's birthday, Joe got a call.

"Hello, am I onto Pesos delivery company?" Those words shrugged into the ear of Joe.

"Yes. How may we be of service to you." Joe replied at once.

"I need a pack of condom at Station hotel. Room number 32." He hunged the call. Joe sighed.

Little did Joe know that the universe was about to play a dirty trick on him. 

He took the pack of condom and he went on his delivery bike. After driving a distance, he stormed out of his bike and he went to the hotel.

He knocked at the door when he got to room number 32.

"It's the delivery guy." He said with a loud tone.

"Okay. Come in." Joe walked into the room and he was met with the shock of his life at the sight of what he saw.

He saw his wife; Sophie, making out with the man she called her friend. A sting of anger rampaged his face. He tightened his fist with disappointment.

"What? Sophie! I thought you said this man was just a friend. How dare you cheat on me with him?" He was angry.

And instead of Sophie to be remorseful, she insulted him.

"Don't you dare say another word, Joe. What do you want from me? I gave you everything but what did I get in return; ill luck. Because of you, my father restricted my account. What more do you want from me? Take my life?"

Joe grinded his teeth. He wasn't expecting those horrible words from the woman he loves.

"I am disappointed in you, Sophie. Even if you want to leave me, can't you do it in an honorable way? Why must you embarass me in front of another man?" 

Sophie chuckled. "You talk of embarrassment? This is just a little compared to how you made my friends ridicule me. If you know what is good for you, get out of this room this minute."

Joe's world fell apart. The only person he thought loved him had just turned her back on him. He was transfixed at the spot for a moment.

"Didn't you hear? Get out of here!" That audible voice pierced Joe's ear. His countenance fell.

"Sophie. You are going to regret this." Those were his last words.