

This will be a short chapter to be more clear.

Phoenix's POV


'Nikesh, Winter, activate our assassin mode and stay away until it ends' I linked

They both nodded.

' When I give you the signal.' I said

"Well, today is your lucky day! Tonight! All of you will die!" I yelled.

A series of roars were heard. Let the battle begin.


I raised my hand up signaling them to say it.

"KING SLAYER!" Nikesh yelled

Immediately a powerful aura was known. The power alone could wipe out an entire group of people that were too close.

"QUEEN DESTROYER!" Winter yelled

Slowly my aura is seeping out. Oozing out from my skin, letting my power relish on what would come next. I am now completely in assassin mode and my power equally matches Ethan's. The earth shook. Ethan's eyes turning deep gold, his black wings sprout out and his weapons ready in his hands.

Thunder and Lightning roared around us. The winds blew harshly as my eyes turned a deep crimson red with specks of gold, my white wings sprout out and weapons in hand. The rouges came charging in and I swoop in and instantly decapitate 5 heads off. As rouges kept coming I took enjoyment in killing them.

I dodged what-ever flew at me. Rouges was becoming very annoying. The blood of my victims was drenched on me. As the last of them were killed, the man that previously threatened us was the only one left standing. I advanced towards him know he would try to escape. But with no such luck, I was behind him within seconds.

Fear was evident in his eyes. He tried to turn around and run only to meet Ethan. Ethan tilted his head and then back to the man. In a flash, his throat was ripped out. His arms torn off ever so slowly, then last but not least he shoved his hand into his chest, ripped out his heart, and shoved it back in his mouth.

He smiled in satisfaction at what he has done. We nod t each other until our human forms and we were back to normal. To say Ethan and I didn't enjoy it is a lie, at first we didn't but realized it was to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

We turned back, we knew people couldn't see what was going on because of the shield, but for precaution, we had another shield to construct an illusion of what had just happened. We put it down and the bodies had turned to ash.

It took a few hours to get people to settle down but everyone went as they were. Instead of training today like we had planned, we decided on training tomorrow when everything settles down more.

Well, Time to start investigating...