
My Reincarnation In Re: Zero

A young man named Yoshiro Masanu gets reincarnated in some type of weird yet familiar place. Then, quite the stuff happens to him. This is just some stupid FanFic that I decided to write. I don't have any story in my mind. I only go with the flow.(Also, copying if you don't mind.)

Quote_ · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Where Am I?

I looked around my surroundings, and it was all real.

I wiped my eyes, in case I was just confused. By the time I opened them, I was still in the middle of a random town.

"W-Where am I?"

I looked around to see some person around, but I couldn't see any person. Humans, to be exact. It was just full of half-human half-animals around here.

I was in complete shock. I didn't know where I was.

"Is this the afterlife?" I asked myself.

This doesn't look like the afterlife. I don't think there would be monsters in the afterlife.

I was going to my of thinking. I was trying calm and collected.

I closed my eyes once again, and breathing calmly...

"Inhale.... Haaaa.... Exhale.... Hoooo...."

Now, to think think about the situation I'm in.

I looked around my surroundings once again, and recalled every single anime, light novels, and mangas that I've read and watched, in case it was one of them.

After a little bit of brain processing, I came to the conclusion that I got reincarnated by Satella, the witch of envy, whom reincarnated Natsuki Subaru, at least from what I've read. The anime was Re: Zero. I don't really know the full name, since it was kinda long.

I got oblivious to where I was, so I started walking. Soon, I discovered some of the things Subaru was suppose to see.

I was walking pretty far from where I started, and suddenly got to the first incident Subaru saw.

"Look! The girl is in trouble!" shouted one of the townsfolk.

I looked at the direction of where the person shouted, and ran towards there.

There was the incident Subaru saw, the young woman is going to get run over by a earth dragon of some type.

This was the scene where Subaru was just being a total asshole.

Since I couldn't really risk not saving anybody, I ran towards the girls with full speed. Normally, I could've just stood here waiting for a knight to come rescue her, but since I couldn't really risk that, I took it and ran towards her.

I looked at how far the ground dragon was, and I could see that it was just 18 meters apart, which means I have just about a few seconds to save her.

"Look out!!"

I hugged the girl, and rolled in to the other side of the road.

"A-Are you okay little girl?" I asked.

"I-I'm okay... Thank you for saving me..."

"Okay, just go back to your parents safely."

I stood up, and let go of the girl. She bowed to me with appreciation, and ran towards her parents.

"D-Did you all see that?!"

"That was impressive!!"

The people clapping cheering for me. I looked around and saw the guard. He was getting booed at. I feel bad for him.

I left the place and started walking around again without hesitation.

After quite a bit of walking, I saw a fruit stand, but that didn't really came to my mind. The only thing I saw was the writing, which made me a little curious.

I walked towards it to see if I'm just reading it wrong, but it was all just symbols.

"Hey, boy," a familiar man called out to me. After a little bit of thinking, he was the man who was selling the fruits that was similar to apples.

"Those are some weird clothes you have."

I kinda agree with him. Why would I wear a sweater in the middle of the afternoon? Well, considering I was just in a nighttime area earlier, I can't really deny with that.

"Are you traveling?" the man asked.

"Nah, not really. Say, what are red things? I'm kind of a passerby, you know?"

"Those red things are called appas. Have you tasted one?"

Just as I thought, this was appas. Although I'm not too sure if the taste is similar to apples.

"No. I don't think so. Can I try?"

"You'll have to pay first."

"Oh, okay, wait for just a bit..."

I grabbed my wallet and reached out a few coins in there.

"Just this I guess." I showed him the coins.

"What are those? You can't use that thing in Lugunica. So you're flat broke, eh?"

He grabbed me by the collar

"Then get outta here! Don't interfere with my business!"

I walked away as he pushed me. Guess I can't really buy anything here...

Anyway, I walked around, and saw a building with two doors separated from each other. I was remembering what was in there, but I couldn't remember. I walked towards the left door when suddenly...

"Ahhh!!! It's a pervert!!"

I remember now! This was the part where Subaru got slapped!

"Get out of here!!"

The demiwoman suddenly walked towards me and was ready to slap me. I ducked, and ran towards safety.

"Man... I should definitely be more careful this time..."

I started walked again. After a few minutes, I spotted a small door with cool doors, the ones I haven't seen before.

Curious, I started walking there. When I got in, I was quickly met with a memory.

"Only demihumans are allowed here!" a humanoid lizard said.

"Oh, sorry-"

Suddenly, another humanoid lizard came inside, and slapped my face.

"Ow! I... I can't see!!"

Suddenly, I tripped to a bridge and fell down a river.