
My Reincarnation In Re: Zero

A young man named Yoshiro Masanu gets reincarnated in some type of weird yet familiar place. Then, quite the stuff happens to him. This is just some stupid FanFic that I decided to write. I don't have any story in my mind. I only go with the flow.(Also, copying if you don't mind.)

Quote_ · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Dream, And Waking Up

"You know the fate... You know what is gonna come next... Was that the error of your transfer here..." a faint voice spoke. I couldn't really see much of the person, but I could tell that it was Satella. I guess I could try and converse with her for a bit.

"You know, I'm kinda glad that you transferred me here. I got tired of wandering around the same place, and I'm glad that I could also go in adventures here," I said.

"But you will still suffer... You will still feel pain and agony... You will still be hurt..."

"Don't worry." I said as I reached my arm to the figure. "I've already experienced far more worse things back in my world."

After quite a bit, it got quiet. I didn't know what caused Satella to be quiet, but I didn't think much of it right now, since this is a sealed person were talking about.

"If you say so..."

Those sounded like parting words, and after a bit, I started to lose consciousness.

"Promise me you will be okay? Promise me you will be happy? Promise me you will love yourself?"

"Sure. Though, I'm not really good at keeping promises."

After quite a bit, I regained consciousness, and woke up. Just as I predicted, I was sleeping at Puck's lap, though he was so big. He quintupled his size maybe. Not gonna lie though, this feels quite comfortable.

"Oh, you're awake?" said Emilia. I've been making sure that I wouldn't say her actual name, since that could cause me a little bit of trouble.

"Yeah, more or less. Though, I'd like to rest for a bit."

"What, did sleeping in my lap make you feel comfortable or something?" Puck asked.

"Yeah. It feels really soft. It's like I don't want to stand up."

"Well, you're still gonna have to stand up!"

As Puck said that, he hit me with huge paw in my stomach. Which caused me to stand up.

"Ow! Hey, could you be a little less violent?!"

"Sorry, I had to resolve into doing that!"

He said that after he became small, and tapped his head.

Well, it looks like I'm on the expedition of finding Felt. But I'm kinda hungry...

I looked at the stuff that was with me, and it looks like it's still there. I could probably get to heat my cup of ramen from Puck. But first...

"Hey, I've been wondering, but what are both of your names? I haven't really heard about it."

I needed to do this, so they wouldn't be suspicious as to why I know them too much.

"Well, like what you heard earlier when we were chasing the trio down, my name is Puck."

Okay, that much was obvious, and I already knew your name. I couldn't possibly just say that to him though.

"My name is..." Emilia suddenly stopped.

"Hm? What's wrong?" I asked.

She was still quiet. Since she wasn't really talking, I suspected that she was using telepathy to talk with Puck. I guess she was still having suspicions about me.

"My name is Satella." She suddenly spoke. I was pretty sure that wasn't her name though. Should I just point out the obvious?

"Look, even though you look like Satella, or at least all the indications about her, you shouldn't use a fake name. I've once heard this from someone; If you ever use the witches name, especially the one who caused the calamity, you are bound to be called crazy." I said. I think I said it a little bit rude, Buti only spoke the truth.

"But it's true, my name is-"

"Emilia," I said.


"You don't have to keep hiding the truth. It's not like I'm gonna hate you even if you look like the Witch of Envy."

"Well, it looks like hiding the truth from this person was kind of hard, isn't it Lia?" Puck asked Emilia.


"Though, I gotta ask..."

Puck suddenly flew straight to my face, and I sensed a terrifying aura coming from him.

"How did you know my daughters name?"

"Is it okay if I told you that I had a certain knowledge?"

"Speak the truth, and the truth only."

Well, it looks like I'm gonna have a little bit of bad time.

"Well, I know it because I was from anothe-"

Before I said that, time froze for a bit. Shadows were surrounding me. I knew that this was Satella's doing, and she doesn't want me to tell anyone about it. I spoke faintly in my mind.

"Don't worry, Satella. I already knew you were gonna do this, so I did it on purpose. Please don't squeeze my heart."

After that, the shadows were all disappearing, and the time continued back again.

"So, what?" Puck asked.

"...I can't actually say it. It's for certain reasons, but I'm not gonna say it."

"You say you have reasons, eh? Tell me, who sent you to do this?"

"Is it alright if I said Sate-"

After that, I felt a really painful feeling inside me. So painful that it made me fall over. It looks like Satella had enough. Sorry about that.

"A-Are you okay?!" asked Emilia.

"Well...now that I know both of your names, I should probably introduce myself..." I spoke faintly. I stood up from where I was, and regained my posture. "My name is Yoshiro Masanu. I don't know how to read, nor do I know how to use magic."

I wasn't really that much flustered when I said that.

"You say you have knowledge, yet you don't know how to read nor use magic?" said Puck.

"I kinda have a merchant type of brain even though I don't really sell things." I said. "I could probably help you with searching out the girl that stole your stuff. Though, I can't possibly imagine how we can get it back."

After I said that, I sensed a person coming. although there was something kinda out of place. Not the person, just me.

"Is there anything wrong here?" asked the person who was a knight. After analysing him, he has red hair and his sword has scratches from a dragons claw. It was Reinhard van Astrea. In all of the series, he was the only one that I hated. I guess I gotta use the nice guy reflexes around him.

"I heard a gust of wind blew around here. Is anyone injured?"

Like Natsuki Subaru said, his nice guy reflexes are off the charts. Though I don't really care about that.

"There was an incident here earlier. Someone stole something from this young women, and I'm pretty sure it was important," I said.

Immediately, he bowed his head and formally greeted Emilia.

"Emilia-sama, it's an honor to meet you once again."

He was blabbing stuff about honor while me and Puck only stood there for a bit. Emilia was the only one talking to him.

After a few minutes, they finished what they were talking about, and I decided to ask him find the thing that got stolen.

"Hey, can you-"

"Help retrieve the insignia?"

"Yeah, that. But if it's a bother, then I guess it's alright for you to not to come, but I doubt that."

"Yes, your doubts are correct. I cannot just leave the a candidate of being the forty-second ruler of Lugunica."

"Okay, then I guess let's go-"

"Wait." Puck cut my words. "You said you know little about where the thief went. Mind telling us?" Puck asked me.

"It's in the slums. Or at least that's where I heard the girl goes after she steals something." I answered.

"Well, I guess we're going there," Reinhard said.