
My Red Queen

She is a walking iceberg apparently. Then another iceberg came and become her husband. Both heir of the powerful company have secrets. Both living a double life. What will happen now?

Claryn_AS · 若者
25 Chs

Unveiling the truth pt. 1

So, after a good wake up call, Lucas and Lexi made up their mind to go this person place to be sort out their past misunderstandings after work. Lexi prepared some small daggers just in case. Lucas was confused with his wife actions but he pay no mind with it. "What are you doing bringing a daggers?! Are you gonna kill (secret)?!" Lucas was confused for a second, "You know… just in case the talk didn't go well," Lexi said as she is pouting. He just chuckled it away as it shows Lexi's cute way to show her care.

She is quiet goofy and cute to the people she likes. But these days Lexi's temper is quiet cold as she is always working and stressed. Lucas notice a little glimpse of Lexi's face every now and then. She keeps on frowning on a little mistake. "Is she on her period? Who makes her mad these days? What happen to my energetic wife?" Lucas thought to himself. Lucas smile to Lexi as he appears bringing food for her. Lexi smiled back warmly to him.

Not knowing she just make a hazard in the company. Her smile shocked everyone on the meeting. Lexi is the type who is serious in work. The called her the Demon Queen. She never smiled to people she doesn't get close with. She either frowns or expressionless. The moment she smile or laugh, either someone died or they're dying. The company was scared and relieved, knowing the Demone Queen can be win over. They thanked Lucas.

"Is she the Alexandra Hemingson that we knew?! The fuck! Did… d-did.. she just.. SMILE?! OUR BOSS FUCKING SMILE?!" An employee shout out loud. Everyone was equally surprised too. "I know right… who is that man that just entered? He is so dreamy!" Another female employee screech. Lexi was annoyed to see everyone's reaction. Lucas just smile at wife's annoyance. "A cute wife do I have here," Lucas chuckled. Not knowing his actions, Lucas has create a little problem for them. An employee in the corner, has her eyes on Lucas. "Who is he? he is mine."

After working hours which is 6:00 p.m or 18.00, Lexi and Lucas both finish their jobs and quickly packed up to continue their plan. A dinner should be a good start. "Where do you wanna eat my queen?" as Lucas still drives. Lexi keeps on looking at her phone as she answer, "I'm no picky eater. No beans for me please." Lexi's really busy now that she just sign a contract with a highest paid top model, Julia Frans, an American model. "Put your phone down for a while. I have snack here too. Eat up while we're on the way." Lucas shoved snacks up Lexi's face. "It's salted rice chips with BBQ powder. The one you like. Chin up love," as Lucas wink to Lexi.

After a 20 minutes ride, they arrive at the Fengs Manor. The guards in front hold them. "May I know if you have appointments with Mr. Feng? Who is this? Commoners are not welcome. If you didn't have any reasons, please leave." The guard say while gesturing them to leave. Lucas was annoyed. His jaws started to clenched, "you don't know who I am? Where Butler Gu? He knows me. Bring him to me! Now" as Lucas stares deep into his eyes.

Butler Gu who was drinking got called up by the guard before."Sir, there is someone pretending to know you. He say no name. He's in the car." As the guard explains the condition, he can't help but think that it is annoying to assist a stubborn random people pretending to know the Master Feng. "I told you to leave, but you don't want. You're calling out for death if you called Butler Gu now. Hmph." He feels proud for some reason. Butler Gu eyes went large and schomed as he sees who's infront.

Butler Gu immediage bows toward the black car shocked the guard. "Why is he bowing?! Who is this man? How powerfull is he to know Butler Gu and make him bow?"

Butler Gu greeted Lucas. "Master Maxwell, it's been a long time. I supposed you're here to finished the business I supposed," as he open Lucas's door. "Yes I am, and I bring my wife here. Alexandra Welington or now Mrs. Maxwell the 2nd," he smiled as he reach out to have her hand. "Nice to meet you Butler Gu, call me Alex or Lexi. Let's hope for a good cooperation." Lexi, smiled to Butler Gu warming ly and shook his hand, showing gratitude. Butler Gu can't help but smile seeing his young master succession in finding the very kind woman in his life.