
my recovery system

mc wakes up to a deathly trail. survives while getting used to how his cheat works. afterwards he was sent to a world where beast population covers more than 95% of the world. mc along with 9 others have to lead few humans survivors out from the blink of human extinction. or die trying.

ayrus · ファンタジー
4 Chs



 when steven came to himself. he heard and felt something pulling his leg. when he looked down at his left foot. he noticed a familiar fox biting and pulling his shoe.

little scared steven pulled his leg back due to reflex. when the fox felt a reverse pull. it noticed the man who it thought was dead was very much alive it got scared and ran away into the dark woods.


steven got up, he noticed it was already night. when he thought back to what happened before he lost consciousness he remember a new screen popping up

[ my recovery system is now activated

 user : steven blademore

 status : recovered. 

 health : 6/10 -> 13/13

 mana : 2 -> 12

Basic stats:

 strength : 0.8 -> 1.3

 agility : 1.1 -> 1.2

 endurance : 1 -> 1.5

 stat increment rate : 0.1-0.5

Recovery rate : 0.01/minute]

the same screen pop up in front of him again just as he was thinking. he noticed it is similar to some old video game stats screen. 

'there is no level or any progress bar. wait...'

just as he was comparing the screens with some videos game. he noticed his health and other stats increased. thinking back, he remembered he was in a lot of pain before he passed out

'recovery system? that somewhat explains why i am no longer injured. i feel stronger too but how long did i pass out and what happened to the whole trial thing?"

just as he thought about trail another screen pop up.

[ trail ends when 10/100 chosen are left

 trail period remaining 12 days 19 hours

 chosen 81/100

note by realm master ul'khan :

i hope you have chose your path wisely. the only thing that can help you survive the tail is your path. so i hope you will advance in your path.

 the trail consist of beasts which has triple the stats compared to yours. the beast are feed before the trail so they will not start hunting until 4-5 days after the trail started. and those who died even before trail began were killed by animals.

 these animals may be strong for you, but comparing them to beast is like comparing a kid to a grown up. for those who will survive, you will see me after the trial and i will answer any questions you might have.]

Steven read the realm masters note very carefully. And what he read scared him very much.

"Fu** fu** fu** "

He had seen a big wolf killing a man. now it seems that wolf is a child compare to a beast. Steven almost lost his will to live.

He was a normal student. Who suddenly found himself in a forest all alone. And he just watched a big wolf kill a man right before his eyes.

And experienced biggest pain in his whole life due to the fall from the tree. All in a same hour.

But it didn't effect him in a psychological that much. But facing a beast which is more powerful than the big wolf. The only out come he can imagine is death and a very cruel and painful one.

'calm down Steven calm down'

He was barley trying to not to go crazy.


Steven got the system cause he chose legacy of dead. But he doesn't remember recovery being in any path.

"Why is there nothing about a path?"

And he couldn't find anything about path in the system. Or any progress bar. Not even a level.

' it say stats increment rate is 0.1-0.5. How does that work? And recovery rate is 0.01? That seems low.'

The only way that Steven can think of getting stronger is stat increment. But he didn't know how or when stat increment will happen.

'is it once a day? Then I got 4 more days that means I can at least double my stats in 4 days but I don't think I can even fight those beast eve.."


while Steven was lost in his thoughts. he suddenly heard someone shouting from his back.

When he turned around he could see 2 people. One was buffed guy who was holding a wooden spear while another guy who looks like an athlete holding a sharp knife.


Steven took a step back while greeting them with caution. Steven was intimidated by them and while he looked closer he found some blood on the cloths of the big guy.

" hi. I am brian and this is wu yaun."

The big guy named brian stepped closer while introducing both of them to him. Even though Steven was scared. it didn't seem like they had any bad intentions.

Still cautious he introduced himself.

"I am Steven. I am a student."

"Nice to m.."

"Why are your cloths all torn and blooded? Are you fine?"

Before Brian could finish his sentence. Wu yaun asked Steven about his physical condition.

When Steven heard it. He quickly looked at himself. He noticed shirt and pants are torn most of the places with blood on them. Only then he realized how bad that fall from the tree was.

Steven started touching his himself(no pun intended) looking for pain and when he touched his head he noticed dried blood but there was no pain.

'i am glad the system healed me. If not, I am sure i wouldn't have woken up from that. looks like I made the right choi..'

"Hey, are you alright?"

This time brian noticing Steven seem like he not aware of his own condition asked him.

"Yes, I am fine."

Both of them were stunted when they heard it. But looking closely even tho his appearance was bad Steven does not feel like he was injured.

"Oh. That is good"

Even though they have their doubts about Steven. Brian want to see if he could make Steven join him and wu yaun.

"Do you want join us steven?. You know there is strength in numbers. Even an animal can kill us if we are single."

Steven knows what brian is saying is right. But the thing about only 10 people surviving makes people compete with other.

But he can't help but remember that big wolf. And facing it alone he will probably die. Looking at both of them Steven noticed they were stronger then him. So he was happy to join them.

But before joining them Steven want to know which path they have chosen. As he could understand them better. So he asked them

"Can you tell me what path did you both chose? I chose legacy of dead which gave me a system which helps me recover my health and somewhat increase my stats. If it wasn't for that I would probably be dead by now."

He just wanted to ask them but he thought it was rude and it would be polite to say about his path before asking them what their path is.

Brain was first to answer.

" I chose body cultivation. I have already advanced to 1st stage."

After answering he turned to wu yuan. Wu yuan thought for a while before answering.

"I didn't chose for myself as I was running away from a bear and i didn't even read what's on the screen before I knew it. It seem some one or something named Minerva chose a path for me"

Even though both of them were together brian didn't know wu that much as he only meet wu 4 hours ago. And only know wu's name and that wu is good at fighting.

"So you got a legacy of dead too?"

Steven thought back to when minerva's intent which scanned his life before choosing a legacy for him and it was somewhat similar case with wu yuan.

But wu yuan's words surprised both him and brian.

"Not the legacy of dead. But something called blood manipulation. an advance path unlike both of you I have to wait more 56 minutes to know what I can do."

When they heard him both Steven and brian were somewhat stunted. But Steven thought of something and stepped few steps back.


Seeing Steven step back brian got confused and asked Steven.

"Why are you stepping back?"

Steven looked at both of them then turned towards brian who seems to simple minded as said

"Minerva's intent scanned my life before choosing a legacy for me and trust me that scan involved my whole life memories. And it seems your partner life before is not simple for it do something with blood."

Before both of them could turn towards wu yuan. Wu yuan stepped few steps back and raised his sharp rock in hand in a defensive position.

Now they were in some kind of stand off. A few seconds passed before Brian spoke in confidence

"Wu yuan i think you are not a bad person. If you were, you wouldn't have helped me back then. I think it is just a misunderstanding."

Listening to brian. Wu yuan still with a knife like shape rock in his hands spoke

" I don't think blood manipulation is..