
Macron and the trickle-down theory

I just don't understand what he is doing. Biden says "Trickle-down economics has never worked" and Macron say, like the day after, "We need the trickle-down economics".

For those who don't know what the trickle-down economy is, it's the **BELIEF** (cause that has never worked) that the wealth of those at the top will trickle down to those beneath them and will, in the end, make everyone a little more wealthy.

So not only is he saying stupid things (not like that will change from what he say usually) he also refuses to look at the historical proof, but ... well, if we all looked at the historical proof, we would have understood way before that the capitalist system doesn't work. Even the USA has anti-capitalist law (Sherman act of 1890, Clayton act of 1914 and Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914. Thanks Wikipedia). If that's not proof that capitalist doesn't work, I don't know what is.