

Ouch,” she cried out, holding her arm. Sharp pains shot through her right arm which had made its second hurtful contact with the floor that day.

She didn’t have time to think because she was immediately dragged harshly off the floor by the man she fell with, who had already stood, still looking murderous.

“Who the f**k do you think you are,” he spat angrily.

She cringed at his raised voice, then began trying to free her left arm.

“Let go of me, you bastard!”

His nose flared at her audacious outburst.

“You must be out of your mind…and…and.. sick!” He said breathing roughly.

He dragged her along, while she kept twisting her arm to free it from his tight grip.

“You’re hurting my arm!”

“Well if you stop that thing you’re doing with it, it’ll hurt less,” he said matter of fact, tightening his grip.

The cops were already waiting back on the road when they got there. He handed her over to them with her still squirming and yelling out incoherent words.

“Hello, I’m Jacob,” the athletic guy said, shaking the hand of one of the police officers.

His friend still had the blood-covered handkerchief over his nose that had since stopped bleeding. He wanted the police to see clearly the extent of the damage done to him, including his car.

“It’s good you caught that b**ch, Jake,” Jacob’s friend, Damian applauded.

At the police station, when she realized that she could spend the night, more even, in the cell if nothing was done, she resulted to pleading.

Tears welled her eyes as she thought of her siblings at home. She didn’t regret her actions, she only wished she’d gotten away successfully.

They wouldn’t let her leave until the victim of her wrath came and with the way things were, she was likely to get sued. The dude that chased after her was really determined. He wouldn’t go through all that just to let her go.

Two hours later, Jacob arrived at the police station. He had sent Damien to the hospital and came on his behalf with the damaged car.

As soon as he entered, the girl he had caught who was seated at the corner in cuffs rushed towards him.

He was apprehensive for a bit and almost backed away from her because, from his little knowledge about the lady, she was a crazy person capable of anything.

She fell on her knees when she reached him and began dragging at his clothes, begging him to let her go.

He was taken aback. What had happened to the crazy lady that had wreaked havoc to Damien’s car, bashed his face in, and fled? She must be bipolar, he thought to himself.

One of the policemen had rushed to the rescue when she made her leap, but Jacob had signaled him to stop.

“Please, let me go! I can’t be here right now. I need to get back to my siblings!” She wailed, tears rushing down her face.

He had wanted to be brutal on her. Exert his anger on her. She did a lot of damages, to his friend’s nose which might not get back to normal, but, when he took his time to look at her, like, really look at her as a sane human being and not just a crazy bipolar lady, he saw pain and hardship.

She was looking worn out and skinny. Dirt patches stuck at different places on her body and torn clothes. Her wrist was bruising and he guessed it was his doing.

“Are you listening to me?!” She yelled, almost getting angry again. She couldn’t bear the thoughts of her three little siblings Brianna, Michael, and little Joanna crying their eyes out and then starving to death.

“My friend is pressing charges,” he stated.

She paused for a while, digesting what he said. What else could she do. A chance to see her siblings was all she could think about.

“Fine, fine, but can I just go home? My siblings are alone. They need me right now!”

“Do you think I believe that?!” He asked, his anger slowly rising. He thought she was lying about her ‘siblings’ to get away from what she got herself into.

“I’m not lying, I’m not, please!” She said frantically, her eyes darting from one side of his chest to the other. “You can follow me. You can bring the police along, I’m not making this up, please!” She wept and then ever so slowly crumbled to the floor, clenching her fist against her chest to stop the severe pain that ached her heart.

He blinked severally. It looked real to him. Even if she was faking it and it was all an act, it was an Oscar-winning worthy performance.

He sighed and signaled to the policeman. He knew his friend wouldn’t be happy. Damien had wanted her to suffer the consequences of her stupid actions, but to him, her current state was punishment enough.

Damien was partly to blame, he thought. He was the one driving and arguing loudly with his girlfriend over the phone. He must have tried to run her over or something. Speaking of that, he didn’t even find out her reasons, he only concluded she was crazy. Now things were looking different. What did Damian’s car do to have provoked such reactions from her?

It was too late to ask because immediately he signed the release document, she was out the door.