
My quiet bodyguard

The second book after "BrokenEmperor". Following the legacy of Cayn to his son, Kale who will leave to find his destined soulmate on a small planet called earth, a country named Korea, where Ari, a business graduate, inherits the company of her father. She will face many hurdles on her path, and finds Kale, standing by her side as a quiet and mysterious bodyguard. Read how the story unfolds between the two.

Wolf_Oz · ファンタジー
37 Chs

Chapter 36

He slowly turned his head toward her direction, only opening his eyes, slowly as if they were curtains to his beautiful gray eyes, in the last second as he faced her.

Ari's body took a deep, long breath, as she met those eyes.

His eyes gently shifted to look at her up and down.

Ari felt naked in front of that piercing cold, sleepy gaze.

Her body shivered, She kept watching his eyes, staring at each part of her calmly.

They looked profound, like a pair of two white moons, wandering and running on her body.

She felt naked.

Her hands unconsciously wanted to cover herself, only to feel the piece of clothing of his jacket in her fingers.

"Oh," she finally managed to get away from his gaze.

Her eyes still nervously caught sight of him as she held it out for him, "You, forgot this."

He didn't move, which made her more anxious than she was as she kept her eyes down.

She stood there calmly for a second.

"Sit," she suddenly heard him say.

"Hmm?" She raised her eyes to look at him, taken by surprise, meeting his cold eyes and a look that told her he would not say it again.

She looked away nervously trying to find something to say or do, but only silence was there.

He raised his right hand, his sleeves were rolled up, and veins and unnatural lines were on his forearms of muscle, on his long fingers, as he picked up a black pack from the seat next to him, making way for her.

Ari felt that she couldn't get away no matter what she will try to come up with.

She anxiously got inside and took a seat.

"Here, I got your jacket for you."

He took the jacket from her hands, her eyes focused on the contraction of his fingers as he tightly grabbed it with one hand, watching... his strong fingers and hand... his long veins that would be reaching his shoulders with the menacing way they were showing.

He slowly turned around, and she watched him stretch his neck muscles as he turned.

His hot chest was facing her as he threw the jacket to the back of the car.

This gorgeous scene didn't last long, but Ari was already looking away from her window.

Her eyes were shy and her hand holding her mouth embarrassedly as if she was thinking about something that made her feel this way.

Ari started fidgeting while still looking outside.

Since he put the jacket away no one spoke, and she didn't know why she was still in the car.

She looked at the door handle, 'Please, let me out, I can't take this anymore. This man will make me sin. What god created this man? Help me,' she cried out internally.

"Hmm, so..." she finally mustered enough courage to turn around and face him.

There she saw...

His angelic perfect face faced the dark sky.

His eyes stared at the moon with the same grace and majesty of his iris.

His soft red lips wrapped around the papers of his black cigarette.

Slowly, carefully, breathing it in.

His neck and apple trembled at the pulse of the breath.

Ari's pupils dilated.

His fine fingers took the cigarette away.

His mouth opened slightly.

The smoke played around his lips, slowly as he breathed out.

Her eyes followed his body's breathing pattern, slow, gracious, elegant, man.

Her eyes turned, lustful.


Love? Lust?


Bad past experiences?


Feeling her heartbeat raised he turned his eyes slowly to look at her, while she was watching him.

Meeting those gray, white, dreamy ad starry eyes...


None of it mattered anymore.



Her skin shivered. Weird sensations appeared everywhere, from her chest, her breasts, her legs, and what fell between them as her body tensed up and her breathing gradually became faster.

She was suddenly feeling more focused than ever, but at the same time lightheaded as if she wasn't in full control.

Kale kept watching her.

His eyes, calmly, slowly, looked down, at her legs.

Ari's heart and breath skipped a pace as she curled her legs.

"So," he said, repeating her words, deep, coarse as if it was his morning voice.

Ari's eyes focused on his lips as he spoke in slow motion. She could feel her ears ringing, her breath shortening.

She hurriedly looked at his eyes again.

They were staring at her, from above as he was laying his head on the seat.

His eyes followed to look at her lips.

Ari unconsciously bit her lips in order to hide as much of them as possible from him, her eyes looking at him innocently like a little girl.

His eyes didn't leave her lips, "Stop."

Ari took a deep breath and stopped, looking up at him with her head slightly down.

She felt his right hand gently approaching her.

She kept looking at her, ravaging her lips with his eyes, and holding her chin with his fingers.

"Good girl," he said.

She blinked nervously, frustrated.

His thumb was placed on her lower lip, dragging it lightly. "They're mine to bite."

Ari could hear her heart beating in her ears.

"I, have to go," she said looking at him.

"I won't let you," he answered.

Ari thought she could finally breathe a sigh of relief but she was wrong.

She didn't know what to say, she remained frozen for a bit.

"Controlling, I am," he continued with his thumb playing with her lower lip again.

Ari watched his eyes focus on her lips again.

She could feel the hunger he had for them.

She could sense it.

Right there and then, with every part of her body.

"You will be a good girl for me, and stay with me for a bit more, would you?"

With those calm eyes, with that deep cold tone, he wasn't asking.

Her body, was already telling her what would happen if she stayed.

Can she run away? Does she, want to run away?