
My psychologist drives me nuts

I stared at my psychologist with a condemning face. I wanted to hit him. He was crazy and he was driving me crazy too. I didn't need a psychologist, he needed one. " I love my boyfriend and he loves me as well, " I screamed feverishly.  " Do you think you love him? Do you think he loves you? " My psychologist asked. His tone derided me.  " Yes I love him and I know he loves me too. "  " What makes you think he does? " he asked, as he closed the door.  " He kisses me everyday, calls me everyday, fights for me, stops bullies from bullying me. He tells me he loves me everyday. "  " I could do all this to you too, but, does that mean I love you? " he asked striding to me, sending my spine erect and at the ready. " Does that mean I love you? "  " Don't mess with me. Don't try to get in my head. I love Martinez. . . "  " He doesn't love you. He was only playing with your feelings all along. "  I buried my head in my hand, trying to will my psychologist words out of my mind but those creepy words were a bigger match for me.  He grimaced, then released a long sigh and framed my face with his hands. " Accept the truth. That guy doesn't love you, he has never loved you. Don't be sad Chloe, the right man will find you. "  " I want my Martinez. I want my boyfriend, " I screamed.  He took my hand and made me stand up. " You are emotionally stressed and I have the right words for you. When a guy loves you, he will never abandon you. But where is Martinez? " He bent down and kissed me. It was so tender. It brought tears to my eyes. " If you want any man's heart on a platter, you can have it. Don't be in a lonely state of mind. "  There was nothing I could find to say in answer to that. Instinct____only instinct could respond. My arms lifted to his shoulders and I pressed my mouth to the warm white skin at his throat. " You are obviously lying to me. Martinez loves me and I know, you know that. "  " It's been two weeks since we have been having classes together. Don't waste all my effort by believing something which is absurd, " he said, he didn't sound happy.    I am seventeen years, silly and crazily in love with my boyfriend. But at this moment, I still don't understand why my mom had to get me a psychologist. She claims I am suffering from a heartbreak caused by my boyfriend and that I needed a psychologist to help get me back, to the normal me.  Unfortunately for me, this psychologist is sexually attractive and of course, he knows that. So, he uses his manly charms to seduce me and yet, he claims it is my cure. I get seduced sometimes, but the fact still remains, ' Mr CRAZY PSYCHOLOGIST, I WANT MY BOYFRIEND ' .  The psychologist is however, suffering the same heartbreak I am suffering, so that makes us even. His girlfriend dumped him and went for his best friend. While my boyfriend was playing emotional games with me all along, so he dumped me when the game was over.  Now, seduction, kisses, hugs and sex, seems like the prescribed drugs for our emotional pain, BUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN ONE OF US FALLS IN LOVE, YET, THE OTHER ONE STILL LOVES HIS OR HER EX AND THE EX WANTS TO BE BACK IN HIS OR HER LIFE? 

Virginia_Njoku · 若者
11 Chs

7. Love?

At Lisa's house.

I stared at Lisa, as she talked nonstop.

" Enough Lisa, " I screamed and stood.

" I am serious, you have to believe me____ "

" If I was telling you the same thing, would you believe me? " I asked suddenly.

She stared at me unbelievably as she ran her hand through her head. " I just don't want you to get hurt, " she said emotionally.

" Well, if you don't want me to get hurt, then you have to never talk about this again. Am I clear? " I asked sitting down.

" You are so much in love with him and. . . "

" And what? " I chimed in angrily. " That he doesn't love me? Can you hear yourself? When for a freaking moment did you doubt George's love for you? Even when he was hanging out with those guys who bullied me? Listen to me, Martinez made me love a guy for the first time in my life and that guy is him. He made everyone stop bullying me. He stood up for me when necessary. He gave up a lot for me. He helps me a lot. He showers me with love. . . You know what? I get it. You are just jealous of the fact that my boyfriend is better than yours___ "

" Chloe, you are getting it all wrong. I know what I am saying. Your boyfriend doesn't really love you, " she said faintly.

" I am done with this conversation. I love Martinez with everything thing in me. And if you want us to be cool then please don't try to come in between I and my boyfriend. I can't afford to lose Martinez and he can't afford to lose me. We have been destined to be together forever by heaven. And to let you know how serious I am. . . If I break up with Martinez, then I won't hesitate to kill myself. "

" No! " Lisa screamed. " How can you say such a thing? I don't want you both to break up, I just want to make sure you are alright. "

" Well I am not. I am sure you're glad about that. I came to see you but you don't look happy to see me. I think I should take my leave, " I said feverishly.

Lisa breathed out heavily. " I am the reason behind you and Martinez love relationship. . . " she began to say but I was fast enough to cut in.

" Then don't be the reason behind the ending of our relationship, please, " I said and walked out angrily.

I heard her call my name as I left her house but I didn't answer her. I was so mad and angry. She was doubting Martinez genuine love for me and that was really unfair.

* * *

I came home to meet Martinez prepared for dinner. He had already prepared a sumptuous meal for us. I was so surprised and happy at the same time.

" Welcome home, my lovely girlfriend, " he said as he approached me.

I smiled. " I am speechless, " I said.

He kissed me. " You don't have to be, " he said passionately.

" I imagine you must have gone through a lot to make this dinner, " I said amazed.

" And you are right because I burnt my hand, " he said, looking at me seriously.

" You burnt your hand? " I asked, taking his hand. " Come, I will treat it for you___ "

" Not with an empty tummy, " he retorted.

" I am not that hungry. You matter a lot to me, than the food, " I said pathetically.

" If I do, then let's sit and enjoy the night, " he said, lifting my face with his warm hand. " I love you, " he added.

" I love you too, " I cried out.

" You don't look happy, " Martinez said, glaring at my face.

I tried to look away.

" Your eyes are pale, " he added.

" I think I should go and change and come down for dinner, " I said about to go but he held my arm.

" What's wrong? " he asked softly.

" Nothing, " I said, managing to smile.

" That smile is beautiful but I know behind that smile, something troubles you. Tell me please, " he said desperately. " Or I won't eat. And please, do not lie to me. "

I cleared my throat and nodded. " You love me? "

" Chloe, I can't believe you doubt my love for you. I may be a young boyfriend but I am trying my best to be the best boyfriend I can ever be. . . " he paused. " I guess that is not enough____ "

" No, " I said, placing a finger on his lips. " You are the best boyfriend in the world. "

He took my hand. " I am young but that doesn't mean I don't understand what love means. . . I love you. "

" I believe you. Lisa told me, she heard the fantastic four say you are playing games of the mind with me and that, you don't really love me, " I said quieter than ever.

He dropped my hand and walked away speechlessly.

" Martinez, " I called, going after him.

He walked faster to the dinning. He began to scatter the table.

I ran to him and hugged him from behind. " Please Martinez stop doing that, you will hurt yourself, " I said amidst tears.

" You have hurt me by believing what your cousin said, so don't pretend like you care. . . "

" I didn't believe her and I won't. I only believe you, " I said.

He freed himself from my hug. " I always knew your cousin has always been jealous of our relationship, if not, why will she be saying all this. I did everything just for you. I even skipped school for you. But. . . it is obvious she doesn't want us to be together. She was to break us. By tomorrow, I will take you back home, " he said with a frown.

" I am sorry Martinez, " I said devastated. " I love you. I can't see my world without you. I know you love me too and I will never doubt your love for me. You are the first guy I have ever loved and I don't think I will ever love any guy again. No matter what anyone says, I will always love you. If we breakup, I don't think I can survive it. " I walked to him and hugged him.

" Please, do not listen to what anyone says, " he said as he kissed my lips tenderly. " Lisa doesn't want us to be together, so stay away from her. "

I nodded slowly. " I will stay away from her. I don't want to lose you, " I said hugging him tightly.

" I guess I will have to prepare dinner again and arrange the dinning. . . "

" You didn't mess it up that much, " I said eagerly. " We will arrange the dinning and eat what you have made. I can't wait to taste what you have prepared. "

He hugged me. " Thanks for believing in me. "

" Your hand! " I exclaimed loudly. " Your hand is bleeding! " I took his hand. " We are not eating, until I bandage your wounds. "

" Yes my queen, " he said, grabbing my waist with his other hand. " Why don't you also spend the night with me, in my room? I promise, I won't take advantage of you. "

" I know you wouldn't. I will spend the night in your room, " I said and kissed him. " Okay, come with me. We have to get this wound treated before it gets worst, " I said smiling.

" That's why I love you. My ex girlfriend never cared for me, " he said plainly. " She only cared about my money, but you, you care about me. You are my everything. My doctor, my lawyer, my heart too. "

I smiled. " You are my world. "

" I love you more than everything in my life. More than my parents, more than my ex girlfriend, more than myself, " he said lovingly.

" I love you too. More than my mom, more than my dad, more than Lisa, more than myself. I just love you, " I said happily.