
My pet cat named Raven

This story was created by seven people and after they wrote 150 words and he passed on to the next person without any communication so what you’re getting is a one shot story completely random hope you like it, but I don’t know how it’s going to turn out since I can only write 150 words Hope you like it.

Kaden_Rambo · アクション
1 Chs

Adorable cat

You spawning in a world of don't really know what's going to happen because there's just a pet cat sitting in the window staring at you curious what you are going to do as you stand there in front of the cat it gets more and more curious now it's up to the next person to take this story and do something with it.

The person standing in front of the cat starts to perform hand seals as he places his hand on the ground. A giant Beast Titan from "Attack on Titan" appears in front of the cat. He also summons a bunch of normal Titans, creating a whole army of them. And then the guy who summoned them all suddenly turns into a Titan, to be specific, he turns into the Founding Titan. As all this happens, the world is going crazy as suddenly a A bunch of titans appeared in the area, causing worldwide panic.

All the Titans start going on a rampage through the city, eating people and causing even more worldwide terror as they're thinking that some sort of biological monster was created to attack America. The police and the army start defending their country against these horrible monsters.

As all this chaos unfolds in the city, a guy named CalTotl wakes up, oblivious to the turmoil, and steps onto his porch with a nice cup of coffee. Seeing the distant fires, he assumes it's a building ablaze and decides to check the news. However, upon seeing the devastation, he begins to suspect he's watching an episode of "Attack on Titan," albeit with startling realism. He entertains the notion that it might be a movie until the gravity of the situation sinks in.

Realizing the uselessness of the news, he decides to investigate the fire himself. He hops into his car and drives towards the scene, only to come face to face with the Titans. He questions his sanity, wondering if he's truly witnessing Titans in the real world. "What's next," he ponders, "the Power Rangers coming to stop them?"

Suddenly, the guy has an idea: "How about I turn into a giant bunny rabbit titan and even the odds a little bit?" He transforms into a titan about the same size as the Colossal Titan from "Attack on Titan" and joins the battle. However, his mind is taken over by the Founding Titan, and he ends up joining in the assault on the US military, causing worldwide destruction. The Founding Titan summons more and more titans, leading to the world slowly becoming overrun. Billions have already lost their lives. The titans are spread out across the globe, and the military forces of different countries are struggling to fight back, overwhelmed by the sheer number of titans summoned by the Founding Titan.

In London, a titan with long brown hair and blue eyes rips a large beam from a tower and hurls it into a crowd, claiming the lives of hundreds. He continues to stomp through the city, leaving destruction and chaos in his wake as the sole titan present. With only a few million survivors remaining after weeks of relentless titan attacks worldwide, the world has descended into chaos, transforming from its normal 2024 state into a scene reminiscent of "Attack on Titan." The titan with brown hair and blue eyes takes pleasure in squashing humans beneath his feet, relishing the sensation of crushing tiny pebbles and hearing the pops near his feet. His smile widens with happiness as he continues to stomp over buildings until he reaches a bridge, nearly collapsing it into the water, yet his smile remains. He sets his sights on a horde of people running for their lives, targeting those who lag behind.

(Authors note I was surprised that the other people who are helping me create this one shot story we're keeping with the same story they're only allowed to post 150 words it could be a little bit higher a little bit lower, but there's not allowed to be any communication between any of them well, here's my part of the story. Hope you enjoy.)

As the world continues to plunge into chaos, with deaths and tragedies unfolding across the globe, readers couldn't help but wonder how this individual swiftly brought chaos upon the world. If you guessed he was from "Attack on Titan," specifically, Aaron, you'd be wrong. He's actually a transmigrant from another world, one that treated him so poorly that upon his death, he was reincarnated into the world of "Attack on Titan." Fueled by his burning hatred for this world, he returned to plunge it into even greater chaos than the original story of "Attack on Titan." An elderly figure addressed a group of people hiding underground in a bunker amidst the constant rumbling above them.

"And that's how our story descended into darkness," he concluded, closing the book before them. "Consider it a history lesson, children." Suddenly, an alarm blared, prompting everyone to rush into the secure secondary bunker. The children panicked as they entered, the sounds of screaming, gunfire, and rumbling echoing above ground. Some of them cried out in fear and confusion as the chaos intensified.

Ross awakens in the cave, bursting out with vigor. He breaks through the ground, shooting laser beams from his arms at the Titans, causing them to disintegrate. Teleporting around, he systematically destroys every single Titan until only he and the Founding Titan remain. The one-sided battle unfolds, with Ross effortlessly deleting the Founding Titan to the cheers of those emerging from the cave.

Amidst the celebration, Ross astounds everyone by grabbing a baby and consuming it. Transforming into a giant donkey, he begins devouring everyone in sight before shrinking down to a normal donkey size and transcending into a cosmic god. With a display of awe-inspiring power, he obliterates everything while consuming all the children and babies, transforming them into cosmic energy within his form.

Unexpectedly, Ross returns to normal and starts grazing. However, upon closer inspection, the grass turns out to be meat grass, created from the essence of the infants.

.(Author's note: this chapter might received mixed feedback, but I encourage The creators of this story, and to interpret and modify the story as they see fit. But they were not allowed to Remove others' contributions, and keep each segment within 150 words. Most creators stuck with the original storyline. If this chapter reaches 10,000 views, I'll consider making a sequel. This collaborative effort involved seven creators. Enjoy! and let me know if we should make another one shot.)