
My Path to Apex{OP MC x Multiverse Fic}

This is story of a Young Man from our world died because he has too high karma for his own good to reincarnate into DxD Universe then travelling Multiverse but is that all? No there is a big mystery to solve but is this story just about that no! This a story where Young Man(Mc) realizes his desires and ambition with goals he wants to achieve Young Man takes steps to Apex That Beyond Of All

Feilnaught · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Childhood 2

I'm sorry for problem because of auto correcter a critical word from a sentence in last chapter is erased in edit version it's in place for you guys to not return I will describe were it was missing it was where Arthur talks about Le Fay he meant he doesn't pat her she will not sleep any way that was all good readings to you all.

For Speech and self talk I will use this [.....] from now on.


After three years I can finally go outside because of staying family for since I born I'm craving to go outside world and I already have some plans regarding these times I will spend outside of family.

In these last three years I become strong enough to fight high class beings but I don't know my exact limit. When I become six years old I add spearmanship in my regime my father protest at first but couldn't say anything after he could not teach me anything new that can improve me because of my age as I already mastered Pendragon family swordsmanship techniques and I unlocked a very rare swordsman talent which it's name is sword energy with my understanding of sword reaching a new level as I master many aspect of it I could use any type of energy I have with fusing it in to my sword. Same way when I become seven years old I reach same mastery level in spearmanship but me having experience of swordsman mastering spear was easier but I stuck in same limits in swordsmanship because of my age and this time as I become seven years old I wanted to add magic in my training but my father said there was not a lot of magic user in family and he said he needs to contact some connections of him for looking a great instructor for me.

After not having recieved a good news my father said I should give up for now but after thinking about this matter more detailedly my father find a better way for us to proceed he openly start to looking for a magician mentor for Le Fay because she only has high magicial talent after a few day he still didn't find a suitable magician mentor so not having anything and got bored of living here I asked my father for travelling outside normally my mother would have stopped me but after knowing my strenght and personal attitude about this matter she knew I will not give up as I wished to go outside for too long.

Before I broke any rule and leave our territory they accepted me going outside world with a high grade shapeshifting and presence concealment artifact and guardian but after I state guardian can be problem they give me how come but as long as someone is in same strenght or stronger they can gauge each others strenght which is problematic understanding from my point of view nobody will expect a prince the leave wih out any guard so with not having any other problem they let me visit some countries I wished to visit for a long time and gave me another artifact they got for me through their connections for instant summoning to Pendragon Family Hall after done with everything my father passed me a stronger weak holy sword from our treasury for me to use from now on as I am already a better swordsman than most of the clan members.

(He gained his first holy sword when he became seven years old)

As I still need information that need for my plan I got them with intel I gained from our database and some govermental influence I got necessary knowledge for me to execute my plan perfectly.

Saying my goodbyes to my family nothing else left with everything is done I left country with a jet plane to Japan it took 13 hours from England to Japan with in normal speed limits and we reach approximately near that time as I land to Tokyo I travelled to Kuoh then found the infamous Oppai Dragon's house...

With my existence can support it finally I finally gained Usurper Unique skill under my father's training few months before I came to Japan and like any one in my place do I use it on my father and copied his swordmanship and gained a great boost from just that even now it feel unbelieveable but I don't want to use his swordsmanship a lot I want to master it and make my swordsmanship better but in case I need it I can use it any time I wanted but when I use it on him I could see he felt something but doesn't aware what it was it seems I need to be careful when using on a dangerous inviduals.

Having such boon like Usurper is priceless and I will not complain like those shit heads who have great powers like me, I will become strongest with powers I gained through my wishes and one day I will reach to top of all existence.

Now I will be taking my first big step as I secretly entered Hyoudou Issei's room throught window after seeing his young form I don't feel disgusted toward current him but for future him I can't say same but this doesn't matter as I will take Boosted gear from him.

I activated Usurper and heard a voice:

[Do you wish to activate Unique Skill Usurper on target Issei Hyoudou?]

After I said "Yes" I could feel energy that is released from Usurper and heard it's voice again:

[Notice do you wish to Usurp Boosted Gear?]

After I said "Yes" again energy released from Usurper get stronger and I heard news I waited from it.

[Boosted Gear Usurped from target it's now can be fuse do you wish to?]

As I replyed same way again I finally got Boosted Gear now with having it's power I will be without a doubt took a great step towards greatness I will reach in future.

Getting what I needed from Hyoudou Issei I left his house and went toward my next target

Ikuse Tobio or know as Fallen Dog God of Black Blade in future because he possess Longinus class sacred gear Canis Lykion. Since this guy is on humanity's side even though he works for fallen angels I will just copy his sacred in it's initial form then master it myself and his bloodline that give his sacred gear a boost in form of skill but unlike Issei, Tobio took two tries when I tried to use Usurper on his sacred gear it seems it can take sometimes more than one usurption try.

(Usurper doesn't have a limit on have many times you can use it but normally it can't be used on weaker targets unless user of skill master it completely which Arthur did in few months)

Then I gone to get four fiends and copied their sacred gears which 2 of them took two tries thou I want to change future I'm not sure how to deal with Koga Hyousuke who possess Hun Dun as that guy is innocent but I will deal with this when plot of Slash/Dog started or just before it started.(Slash/Dog is presequel of Highschool DxD)

Having gained two longinus class sacred gear and four fiends known for their strenght that is equal to Sacred Beasts made him really happy only problem being five of these sacred gears are independant avatar sacred gears and all of them are contract/sealed type sacred which means he doesn't have any other type of sacred gear.

After that not having anything else to do I travelled to China and finally used my thrid wish special map that only I can read as I focused on only holy things, I find the most powerful one with in them that was in country sides of China I knew I find the one I was looking for bingo!!!

Now as I found it's location I need rent a car and find a driver that can drive me to location I want to reach, in the end we agreed on a good price that I will daily pay driver.

Next we reached to location I wished to reach in one and half a day and because I don't know how long I need to spend my time here I said to driver come here back in 5 days and I will pay all five days so he can rest assure hearing this driver got really happy and leave me in this forest.

I passed the forest in 2 hours because it was a really big one and now after I passed forest in front of me there are lots of farm lands and a remote villiage with mountain on it's back as I need to find his exact location I opened map again and I find him after few minutes a little boy who plays with bugs but in future this kid will be user of True Longinus the strongest Longinus of 18 Longinus Cao Cao, seeing these type of scene in japan to I don't know what to say all these people had normal lifes yet all of them enters into supernatural one way or another good or bad ways they went through things that can kill them if someone else in their place even when in life and death situations comes to them they do not give up unlike me they raised in normal conditions maybe that is a blessing who knows but that is not my main point in first place.

I wanted to meet the person that will use that spear and wanted him to be a human hero because one way or another I will leave my humanity and become a dragon or another stronger race that is why I can't be a hero that can become the symbol of humanity but who knows what is in there for me in future.

With nothing happening day passed and I already copied his Longinus thou I don't have any place to stay I already made a small cave for my use into a temporarily base with things I found in forest.

In second day I wanted to find a way to talk with him yet I couldn't find any but weirdly enough Cao Cao with his friends entered into forest today for not having risk it I followed them secretly and I am happy that I followed them because Cao Cao got lost when he was playing with his friends and in few minutes a monster in chinese myth appear it is only at mid class being so it's easy for me to defeat it. If I'm not wrong this is how he unlocked True Longinus but let's help him that way the time I spent will not be for naught.

Faced with death I could see in his eyes he was scared that is the time I interfered normally I would not use my divine protections but since I will meet a strong Potentialled human and possible ally I will do my best and use Dead End Rainbow after I appeared between them Monster get angry for me to get between it and it's prey but Cao Cao had a face that he still has hope when he see me.

Monster looks like a beast made of shadow with red glowing eyes, it tried to taunt me to attack too bad for I did nothing and it tried to kill me but none of his attacks reached me or I countered them for next 30 seconds and finally I used Dead End Rainbow special ability with seven slash each with a diffirent color of rainbow I slashed the monster and with my last slash I disintegrated monster with nothing left from it. Seeing my fight Cao Cao unlocked his Longinus and after my battle with monster I told him to follow me which he did and we reached my cave and entered it not knowing how such a cave came to existence Cao Cao was shocked because he grow in this area yet it was first time for him to see this cave.

We entered cave and sit down on leaves I put for a little bit comfort I introduced myself in my cover:

[ I think you have lots of questions I will answer all of them but first let me introduce myself my name is Aster Warlock and I came this place for finding a treasure. What is your name? ]

[My name is Yun Hao. Thank you for saving me and what is this spear appeared out of nowhere is it related to treasure you are looking for and that monster is that from the myths I heard?]

I was the one shocked this time Cao Cao even when he is younger has gifted senses and technical mind or he quess it instinctly but I don't know which one is right one but I think telling him some parts more truthfully should be better.

[Actually what I came for is a holy weapon but when I saw that spear in your hand I understood I came here for nothing but atleast I could save you from the monster and yes that monster is from chinese mythology if you just think only that monster is real all myth in world is true like angels, devils, gods, dragons.]

[But how did this spear appeared?]

[It's a sacred gear.]

[What is a sacred gear?]

[Sacred gear also known as God's Artifact's, are items with powerful abilities bestowed upon humans by God of Bible. Sacred gears are driven with the power of desire and it also determines power for it as well if you desires more power it will get stronger your sacred gear is a Longinus Class sacred gear which takes it names from First Longinus True Longinus, Spear of Longinus currently you are wielding, it has power to kill gods but because it is too strong lots of supernatural being will be after you so be careful and don't show it easily if someone too strong wants to they can take it from you and if they do that you will die]

Hearing my words his face get graver but I didn't say anything and waited until he pull himself together and after two hours he asked me:

[Why didn't you take my sacred gear or because you don't have strenght to do that?]

I couldn't help but laugh

[No, it is actually very easy for me more than anybody else but I will not harm innocent people for strenght especially a child no matter what.]

[Haaah! I am older than you who is the child?]

[Important part is not body age it is mind age.]

Like that for next three days we became good friends and I taught him how to use his sacred gear better with giving some ideas from self with basics of spearmanship after I got ready to leave and told him I told him I used my cover identity if he wants to know my real one he should get stronger and find me hearing this I give him a reason to get stronger I wonder how much this will change future. Like we came here we returned with driver and I paid as we agreed then left to Italy for twilight healing this was easier because of Asia's identity as a holy maiden I found her and directly copied her sacred gear and finally reached to England, till now it take fifteen days of my thirty days of vacation now I can truely treasure hunt without a problem.