
My Partner is a royal animal

Leah_Baby · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Our next destination

After that event I decided to get as far away as possible but I couldn't just leave him here so I had to take him with me to the house where I reside. I am only 16 and as they said in the announcements they said the prince is turning 19 tomorrow so he has to be out of my house by tomorrow morning and we have to get there quick. I decided to rent a horse from a nearby stable and he headed to my house as quick I could and we arrived there within an hour later and ounce we entered the house and locked the doors we were gonna settle for the night I set up a shower for him and since it was a big shower so we showered together. He got in before me, after I had gotten undressed I headed to the shower and as soon as I got in he pulled me in and held me like I was gonna leave forever I just indulged in the act and let him hold me for a while until he calmed down. I looked up slowly and saw pure white above him and I realized we had been in here for an hour and I had began to feel nauseous from the heat and passed out in his arms. When I woke up I was dressed lying next to him and he was warm so I decided to huddle next to him to stay warm and he wasn't against it, he began to slowly wrap his arms around me and comfort me and ask was I ok. Of course I didn't respond I just smiled and held him tighter hoping this wouldn't be a dream when I wake up tomorrow. When the Rose I rose with it I began to lay some clothes out for Callus for when he wakes up I began to make breakfast for us, than I felt something wrap it's arms around my waist and started to lick my neck and I began to feel pleasure but I asked him to stop and he did but he looked as if he did something wrong. I cradled his face and said "you did nothing wrong" and I also told him "happy birthday" in a cheery voice he started to cry and he told me that "these are tears of joy" and I held him closer and tighter and he did the same. When we finished getting ready to go I asked him why did he cry he said " no one has ever said happy birthday to me" and he was so happy he said "I'll take you to somewhere special" and I just let him lead the way before I knew it we where at the palace and I was scared of what awaits me and him behind the door and he said "just stay close and that I only have eyes for you my husband" I felt more assured and I said "lead the way" gripping his arm firmly and he opened the door I don't know who waited for us behind it or what we will face but I do know we will face it together.