
My Partner in Crime

Rajani sighed deeply as her beautiful eyes became glassy like diamonds. "Yeah, but listen. I get why Beauty fell in love with the Beast, but it doesn’t change who Helel is. I wish there was a magical rose or kiss that could turn him into a charming, loving prince but there isn't. All Helel Faye will ever be is a beast. A cold-hearted, ruthless beast that has no empathy or regard for any living thing! All he cares about is himself-" "Rajani," a soft, deep, feminine voice said as a caring hand caressed Rajani's quivering shoulder. "It's okay. If Helel wants to be a ruthless animal, just let him be. He's not important. Everyday is something new about him, and by saying all this shit about him - it makes you look obsessed... and crazy." Rajani stood up from her chair and started yelling at her friend like a mad woman. She was furious at her - after all this time of venting her struggles and frustration to her, she decides to call her crazy and obsessed? Rajani was tired of people calling her crazy, mentally-ill, unhinged, and clinically-insane. She believed that she wasn't crazy at all, it was just that no one understood her. No one understood that her every action was all because of Helel Faye. Rajani regretted the day she decided to break her perfect, loving ex-boyfriend's trust and submit to Helel Faye. She dreaded the fact that she gave her boyfriend all sorts of mental disorders and illnesses like depression and anxiety. Now Rajani hated herself even more than her ex did. She was only trying to get the best for everyone she loved but she just ended up doing the polar opposite.

supd0e_te · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter 4

"Thank you, Mr. Archarya." Ravon gave the man a bow before he took his girlfriend's free hand and walked her out of the house.

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Ravon and Rajani were walking around a park eating the best ice cream ever known to man with smiles on their faces.

"Ravon, again, thank you so much for everything you've done today. You made me smile when I thought I would never again."

Ravon grinned at his girlfriend and stopped walking to pull her in for a hug. He kissed her neck which made her giggle, something that Rajani thought she would never be able to do again.

"It's alright, babe. I'll always support you. If you need something, you can just tell me, okay?"

Rajani nodded and smiled. The pair continued to eat their ice cream, and they just looked the cutest. 

Ravon gazed into Rajani's eyes which made the corners of his pink lips curve upward. He truly believed that in a few years, he was going to marry what he thought was the most beautiful woman in the world. 

Rajani smiled back at her boyfriend, and it made him want to melt into a gooey puddle right there on the sidewalk. Whenever Rajani looked at Ravon, he felt his insides go so warm and tingly, that one might think he had a peptic ulcer. However, that wasn't the case; it was just the lovesick butterflies in his stomach that kept flapping around whenever Rajani was around.

Her face is just perfect, Ravon thought. Her eyes are so beautiful. They look like the most beautiful, expensive sapphire that has ever been seen. Her skin is flawless and her nose is just perfect.

To Ravon, Rajani's beauty was so stunning, it could make angels question their existence, wondering if such a radiance could pass their celestial grace. He believed that Rajani was simply the best work of art that God had ever created.

In his eyes, she was a better painting than whatever Van Gogh could ever make, a romantic red rose in a garden of wilting weeds, a magestic mandarinfish in a sea of anglerfish, a lavish leopard in a jungle of house cats.

"You're so beautiful," Ravon told Rajani, which was obviously the bare minimum of what he was thinking.

Rajani raised an eyebrow. She had gotten this same sentence said to her many times throughout her life and she definitely knew why, but this time, she wanted to hear the reason come from the mouth of her complimenter.

"What's so beautiful about me?"

Ravon grinned. "Shwoo! Man, everything. Your eyes are the perfect shape and color, your skin is glowy, your lips are pink and luscious, your nose-"

"Oh my gosh, Ravon, stawp," Rajani smiled, "you're really too kind, I'm flattered."

She finished the rest of her ice cream as Ravon was still licking the ice cream scoop on top of his cone.

Rajani noticed this and immediately spoke up about it. "Baby, are you not gonna finish everything?" 

"Um, probably not. To be honest, I'm on a diet this week and I'm not supposed to be eating ice cream. I guess I bought one for myself so you wouldn't be eating ice cream by yourself."

"For real?" Rajani placed a manicured hand on her boyfriend's shoulder and grinned. "Bae, you didn't have to get one for each of us, you could've just bought two for me! Trust me, I don't feel 'lonely' or 'uncomfortable' at all eating ice cream by myself."

"Oh, that's great-"

"You know what to do now, right?" Rajani asked, staring into her boyfriend's eyes.

Take off your clothes and fuck? he thought.

"Um, I don't know."

Rajani rolled her eyes and snatched her boyfriend's ice cream from his hand. "Thank you!"

Right! Duh! Ravon thought. He mentally facepalmed himself.

He cleared his throat. "How's school? Are you getting good grades?"

Rajani bit her lip and looked down at her shoes.

Her shoes looked extremely expensive since they seemed produced from a luxurious brand. Any snobby rich person would love to be her friend, that is until they realize the logo on her shoes was fake.

"Um," she muttered. 

Everyone loves to tell the truth and hates lying, but it's quite difficult to do so if you get kicked out of college because you tried to seduce your married professor to change your grade from an F to an A, so Rajani just mustered up the audacity to say,

"School's great."

The amount of guilt Rajani felt for lying to her boyfriend was exceeding. She hated the feeling of guilt, so to attempt to get rid of it, she smiled as if she were Tigger.

"Amazing," Ravon said, "but... why'd it take you so long to say so?"

"Oh, sorry, I just zoned out. I've kinda been doing that a lot lately, huh?" Rajani replied in her sweetest voice. To add to the sugariness, she gave her boyfriend a small thumbs-up.

"I guess. Anyway, it's great that school's going great for you. If you ever need help with your business class, just tell me. I understand everything in business so far so helping you should be a piece of cake."

Rajani bit her waffle cone and smiled at Ravon. 

"Thank you for being so supportive, babe," Rajani replied after she'd finished chewing.

Ravon was a knowledgeable, cultivated student who attended the biggest and best college in his country. His GPA was 4.71 and his professors were extremely proud of him.

His voice certainly didn't do him justice, then, because he sounded just like the type of college frat boy to party every weekend and get drunk at every event, even if he may be taking the red wine at church.

Ravon looked at Rajani again, and the harmless butterflies flapping around in his stomach suddenly turned into a mob of evil moths that started to bite at his stomach. His girlfriend was so beautiful that he started to get nervous again.

"You're so beautiful, babe."

Rajani smiled. "Didn't you say that earlier?"

"Indeed I did, it's just such a true fact that it has to be said twice."

"Maybe four times?"

"You're so beautiful. You're so beautiful. You're so beautiful. You're so beautiful."

Rajani giggled. "Hah! You're weird as fuck, do you just do everything I say?"

"Hell no, I was just saying what's right."

"Oh my gosh, Ravon, you're funny. Thank you, though."

"You're welcome."

Rajani loved her boyfriend to infinity. The profuse number of times she had looked at her boyfriend with literal heart eyes was more than that of all the stars in the universe.

She asked herself, How come I told myself that I was never going to smile again because of my situation, but here I am, giggling and grinning because of this man in front of me? I need to marry him one day.

"The sun's making your eyes look like they're glowing," Ravon told Rajani. "They look magical."

"Aww, thanks, babe; that's really sweet of you to say," Rajani replied. "You've been complimenting me so much and it's making me feel so nice."

She thought about all the times Ravon had complimented her and raised an eyebrow.

How many strangers have complimented me and wanted to say more like Ravon just did but didn't want to come off as creepy? Rajani thought. Am I really that pretty? I need to use this amazing ability to my advantage! I'm pretty sure that I can make money by being pretty. I'm way too short to be a regular model but possibly... I can be an adult model...

With this new information, Rajani concluded that, sure, it's practically impossible for a broke, under-educated girl to earn twenty thousand dollars in a month. However, there was definitely a way for a pretty, broke, under-educated girl to earn twenty thousand dollars in a month.

he shud NOT wife her up

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