
The creation of chaos!

"On a mountain so tall stands a tower of great height, as I got closer and closer I see Phool dancing around the great tower, They looked like fairy's but have mana as wings and roses as heads, as I look up I see him my master The Sage I know he rivals the gods in power and he brings order to our mortal fields, only a select few know of his existence. and only the worthy can train his magic and I am one of those worthy, but today he said something that disturbed me Great; "When the demon falls the world shall mourn, a fire will rain and frost shall be slain, in that a hero will be born just to scorn us, peasants of corn, alone in the world we all fall at ends day come, the gods shall enter our domain and only they shall remain". (never said I was a poet so don't bully!)

'that changed my perspective of my master, I think he's going insane, he has lived for an entire aeon so that is a real possibility, but I don't know' thought Iroeis.

As he was thinking that thought he went up to the Sage and spoke;

"Master, why do you train us, is it so we become your children or are we just your toys to pass time with"? questioned Iroeis in a very angry tone. "Haha silly boy I do not play, with mortals for I am one of you, I only seek a champion to pass on my Berdan I ow the gods many but that doesn't mean I have to serve them for my entire existence does it, I can't live forever you know even I shall fall and thats why I need a champion and that might even be you".

After the Sage said that he summoned a ball of mass seeming out of nothing but it was summoned by Frz'aa (pronounced Frezza) an inter-dimension only beings created by The sultan of Giants can wield. The ball of mass seemed to be white then flicker into a crimson red colour.

"What is this master}? questioned Iroeis its the snot of Nebo, I pulled it out of my dimension, no being is allowed to know, as you know gods can't become ill but Nebo did, when he fell sick ten drops of snot fell on our plain and I caught two before any human army can possess such a powerful artefact, ill tell you a tale;

"As the yellow star shined its gaze, Kefoss (not a word just made it up) god of sickness and wither, made his way to Juniper where the gods reside, as he lands he decided to play a prank on the prideful god of Skys and Heavens Nebo, he thought to make the god sick and he did, he needs a plan he thought to put it in his jug of wine but he remembered elder gods don't drink wine. He thought for minutes then finally decided to put the sickness into one of his wive's and she'll be Den' goddess of morning, day and kindness. when he decided that he went to her kingdom and asked for a meeting and she agreed for hours they did things I really don't want to mention he planted the disease in her after a couple of weeks they finally did an inmate act and the god fell sick.

Juniper's residents fell in rage the supreme Elder God fell sick, meaning a fight is inevitable, when Nebo fell Sick he went to Earth to find the Mother goddess, Tselitel' an outer god. When that happened 10 drops of snot from Nebo's nose fell on Earth and empower some people to the brink of near-immortality and creating Chaos magic"'.