
My fears

My family always was pretty much always broken up. I was five with my sister holding my hand she was two, we came to my grandparents house. We didn't know at first what to expect, we were sent to them becuase our parents were going to jail soon and we needed a place to stay and someone to take care of us. I was very lonely growing up all I had to trust at the time since I moved in was my grandma and my little sister. I always thought highly of that annoying price of my mind , I thought maybe shell grow to be a beautiful dancer, or perhaps a doctor, or with her strength she could become a wrestler. Even though I was the oldest child in my family from my mom's side of her and dads marriage , I was also the weakest the child. My little sister looked up to me when I was younger and used to protect me from just about everything. At first I didn't know what to think of things during that time. However I bonded well with the animals , to me animals were more easy to talk to and very good to listen and showed more affection then people. I wasn't really mean when I was little atleast not to much I don't think no back then , me and Mary used to get along. I never really knew what was going to happen when I first started school, kids were mean I was chubby a little but more skinny looking sometimes more then others in my class. I took on the worst bullying in my opinion ugh and the worst of them was a boy named Jarod I met him I think shortly after I was in the second or third grade I was scared of hights,hornets, and ashamefully well I was also scared worms. I really disliked him he had literally nothing better to do then make me feel really small. I told teachers and the school consoulor noone believed me and John the janitor oh he was mean to and he was an adult he bullied me when I went to give my tray to ladies that wash the cafeteria trays, spoke badly of me and my papa, one time nearly had me in a trash car by making me bump into it. Bullying seemed to just never stop I didn't know what I was going to do. But I knew one thing some day, someday I had to be stronger to fight my own battles by myself.