
Middle school

I went to bayfield Middles school the wolverines was the mascot there. I had one friend to guide me through my years of terror there like my friend Bobby but his real name was Robert Allen Farrow, and his brothers Donovan Farrow and Rocky Farrow. Bobby and I and his brothers used to be very close we would hang out at the park and all go to the community dinners. So we mostly had good times. I had a soft spot Bobby he lost his mother when he was still really young and he was my best friend we knew each other like people got used to the idea of Albert Eistien . Me and and Bobby were in-seperable we never went anywhere except the bathroom and to get water together. Lunch, Recess,classes yup we shared them all. And when I got picked on he put them in their place. Yes Bobby was my best friend one I will never forget even if I chose to middle school was just me and Bobby.