
My Original World Is Not Normal As I Expected (Honkai Impact 3rd)

Former hero Shin Takeru manages to return back to his home world after 300 years. There he finds out that his world was not as normal as he expected. While trying to getting used to his new reality is when his new adventure begins. Will he survive? Only time will tell. All Honkai Impact characters belong to Mihoyo and its related subsidiaries. My OCs come from my ass though. *I was bored and this idea kept on being stuck in my brain so I've decided to write the story to get it out of my system. Feel free to diss for my bad grammar since I have not written any kind of stories for years and English ain't my first language.

Ackber_san · ゲーム
19 Chs

Prologue – Ohayou, Takeru-sensei!

Middle of April 2014, St. Freya Academy's classroom:

In this beautiful Sunday morning, a young man wearing a complete set of the school teacher's garment with the glasses included is currently standing in front of 5 females, possibly his students. Some of them are looking eager, waiting for the teacher to begin his lectures while others watching with no interest whatsoever. Taking a deep breath, the teacher fakes a cough before saying,

"Kuhum, good morning dear students. As requested by Theresa-chan, today I'll be teaching all of you the basics of 'Magic'. The class will be held on every Sunday morning starting from this weekend. So please stay alert on the schedules dear students, I wouldn't want you to miss a single one after all." I, Takeru begin my lecture while pointing towards the whiteboard which had 'Magic 101' written on it using my pointing stick.

"…Say Takeru, what's up with you, suddenly called us during the weekends and then acting high-and-mighty like you're a true teacher? Are you okay?" Kiana asked me those questions, probably worrying about my mental health. She and Himeko were the ones who are not interested in my lectures. Hah, wait till you see what can I do, see what happens.

"Tch tch tch, call me Takeru-sensei, Kiana-chan. You shouldn't be rude towards you teacher you know?...Yes, Mei-chan, anything you want to ask?" I admonished her while shaking my head repeatedly before asking Mei as she brings up her hand.

"Ano~ Takeru-sensei, is magic really exists? I've thought that it was only a fairy tale." Said Mei since she was feeling skeptical on the topic.

"The Bronya shares Mei nee-sama's opinion too." Bronya agreed with Mei's opinion.

"Geez, at least show some faith in me, will ya? Well, no matter…<<Water>>, <<Earth>>, <<Fire>>, <<Air>>…only by mastering all four elements you'll be qualified to become an Avatar." I said some random things as I casted several simple magic spells before juggling all of them around me.

"""""OOOHHH!""""" Looks like they're impressed with my skills.

"How was that?" I said while smiling smugly.

"That's so cool! Teach me, Takeru!" Kiana shouted while her eyes are shining brightly.

"…I'm sorry for doubting you, Takeru-san. Please teach us how to do it by all means." Mei apologizes due to doubting me and then got more enthusiastic on the lecture.

"…" Bronya however kept on being silent, who knows what she's thinking right now.

"So this is why you'd urge me to come here today, Theresa-chan?" Himeko asks Theresa.

"Yes, you're correct. I felt that if we learn magic we can increase our potential even more than before, that's why I beg Takeru-kun to teach us 3 days ago." Theresa explains her reasons to include Himeko on the lecture.

'Ah yes, three days ago, the time when I fell to Theresa-chan's unfair begging and then agreed to teach her, Himeko and the trios all I know about magic.' I thought as my mind began to wonders into the memories of 3 days ago.


Flashback to 3 days ago, inside the Principal's office:

"…Say what, Theresa-chan?"

I asked her to repeat herself as I was distracted on cleaning her office. It's been more than a week since I had confessed all my secrets to Theresa, and our days returned back toward its peaceful nature. There are some changes however, starting from the next day after the confession Theresa had changed my workplace to become her own private janitor as the main job. The scope of area for my janitorial duties had been reduced to compensate the main task.

Apart from that, she also frequently asked me to sleep together with her almost every night. I didn't have the courage to reject her since she get teary eyed every time she senses me going to do it…Yeah, even a dense person can't be helped to notice her feelings, I think. Yep, she's fallen in love with me, deeply if I say so. Her way of acting clingy just like a girlfriend trying to get her boyfriend's attention each time we're alone together seals the deal with me.

However, she still hasn't professed her love towards me and vice-versa. As for her, maybe she's waiting for me to confess first since I'm the man after all. As for me, there are still some hesitations left inside my heart. Don't get me wrong, Theresa-chan is a good girl, perhaps too good for me.

I don't have a problem with her childish body, that can be altered by magic if she requested me. And even if she didn't want to do it I have no problem at all, physical characteristic ain't that much important for a true love. Her personality which resembles with my Kallen to a 'T' makes me adore her even more…But I dunno, somehow my heart is still wavering each time I think to engage in a committed relationship. Although I had let go my past already during that time in the dataspace…Hmmm, let's just leave it to the future shall we?

"Please teach us magic, Takeru-kun!" She repeated her request. Teaching magic huh~ That shouldn't be hard, but there's still some problems that aren't solved yet. Perhaps sensing my reluctance, she closes our distance, grabbing my hands and said,

"It's no good?" She shows me her puppy eyes, which is damn cute. Kuh, if you do that I can't reject you, can I? That's a foul play, Theresa-chan.

"…I-It's not that I'm unwilling, but you know about our current situation, don't you Theresa-chan? Your grandpa is one of them, plus there's Fu Hua too. And who knows if there are others too." I told her my reasons.

[Just fucking do it already, master. What, are you going to pussy out?] Vee supported Theresa by taunting me.

"Oi, I ain't gonna pussy out, Vee! It's just there are reasons ya know?" I defended my earlier point.

"Then how about this? You didn't have to teach all the students, just the ones you have enough trust to impart your teachings to." She asked me for a compromise.

"…Well, if I teach only you, Himeko and the trios it should be fine. Hmmm, let's see, I can…" I relented as I began to mumble on the countermeasures for espionage.

That night, Theresa-chan hugged me more tightly than usual during our sleepover session.


Now back to present time:

Pushing up my glasses, making it shined for a moment due to the light's reflection, I continued on my lectures.

"What I've shown you just now happens due to magic. That's right, magic does exist in this world. But perhaps due to getting obscured by time, the method of doing it had been lost to the masses, I think." I dunno, it could be wrong, I just told them some random reasons. But it might be correct for all I know.

"But if the method had been lost due to time, how did you've learned it, Takeru-sensei?" the dutiful student, Mei voiced her doubts.

"Well, let's just say that I had a lucky encounter with one of its practitioner during my travels." Well, my encounter with Gwen-sensei was a lucky one after all, I didn't tell a lie there.

"Is that so? Then its fine I guess." She assented to my reasoning.

"Now moving on with the topic, in order to cast a magic spell, the user needs to be able to handle mana first. Yes, you heard that right, mana. Just like those fairy tales, spells are powered by mana, without it the spells will not be casted. So where does mana comes from? There are two main ways of where it can be found. First, it can be generated directly from the user's body. Second, it exists naturally around the world, but right now we can't access it due to the Honkai energy's corruption. Since the second method is not available right now, today I'll start the first lesson on how to detect and generate your own mana inside your bodies. Any questions, students?" I explained the gist of magic before asking them if there are things they didn't understand.

"One question, Subject Takeru-sensei. Since Sensei had explained to us that we can generate mana from our bodies, how does he can judge whether someone is eligible to do it? The Bronya hopes for more explanation." Bronya asked me that question.

"Good question, Bronya-chan. You see, based on my observation, the people who have the ability to generate their own mana has a higher resistance towards Honkai energy's corruption. That mana is the one that counter-react the corruption after all." I told her my inference.

"So you mean to say that we Valkyries had been using mana all this time unconsciously?" Himeko who seemed bored before suddenly getting more interested in my lecture.

"Correct, Himeko-chan. 10 points for Gryffindor!" I pointed my pointing stick towards her and casted an illusions spell, making ribbons and confetti's exploding around her.

"Whoa! What was that for, Takeru!" She shouted due to getting shocked.

"Pretty~" Kiana was more interested on the illusion spell.

"Right, just as I've shown you, magic is versatile. As long as you have enough imagination, sky ain't even the limit. Sorry for doing that, Himeko-chan. How about I reward you during the next demonstration instead? Please come to the front, I'll show you another trick." I then invited Himeko to assist me with the next demonstration.

"I hope this will not be one of your dirty tricks, Takeru. I'll pummel you down if something bad happens." Warned Himeko as she lines up next to me.

"Don't worry, Himeko-chan. This will be painless, here, *<<Water>>." I immediately splash her body using a water spell, thus drenching her clothes.

"TAKERU, YOUUU~!!!" Whoops, she got angry.

"Well, calm down Himeko. *<<Dry>>." I quickly dried her clothes before she begin to beat my ass.

"…You think I'm just gonna let you go?" She is still pissed off due to my earlier prank.

"Of course not. Here, have these as an apology, this is some good stuff you know?" I summoned some high quality liquor stashed inside my storage ring to her hand as a bribe.

"Hmph, this offering is good enough for me. Don't repeat this again, you hear me?" She then receives the bribe by showing a fake reluctant face, heading back towards her chair.

"I thank you for your generosity, Himeko-sama." Really, thank you Himeko-chan. I got me a new screenshot for my research today, arigathanks~…that's if I can use it tonight, Theresa-chan might barge into my room again. I'm blue-balled for weeks now.

"Hmph, pervert." Theresa huffed angrily since she knows my real goal. Awww~ Are ya jealous, Theresa-chan? Cute~

"Kuhum, as you can see, magic spells is versatile. You Valkyries might focus more on battle-oriented area, but magic is useful for daily life too. So don't stick your mind in only one part of it. But like I've said earlier, nothing can be done if you're unable to control mana first." I stopped for a bit, before continuing.

"As for the spell chants, all my gibberish words came from a forgotten language, the old Brittania ones, where you can only cast a spell using that language. Using other language will not work, believe me, I've tried. I'll be explaining that more during the next class, so try to at least memorize some simple ones from the pamphlet that I gave you before as homework. Now, please queue up in front of me! I'll inject some of my mana so that you can jumpstart on detecting and generating your own mana."

"""""Yes, sensei!"""""

I urged them to line up in front of me, where I begin to channel my mana into each of them by grabbing their hands. As I grabbed their hands and channel my mana, I spend some time on circulating the mana throughout all their bodies, making them to become aware of it.

It didn't happen without some mishaps however, that's if you can say that as one. Kiana and Mei blushes while trying to hold back the tingling sensation felt across their bodies due to the mana flow, Himeko making some lewd sounds in-between and Theresa makes a dangerous face that you can see in cultured doujins, having a love-symbol like eyes while saying 'Takeru-kun is filling me up~'. Yabe~ I nearly pushed her down right there when I heard that. Only Bronya kept on her stoic face during the session. Bronya-chan's TUEEEE~

"If I didn't feel the mana circulating throughout my body I thought that you're trying to do lewd things towards us, Takeru-kun." Said Theresa while still blushing heavily.

"Ara? Does Takeru feel sexually frustrated? Hmmm~ how about we spend some time together tonight? I don't mind if you give me more of those liquors you know?" Himeko said those words seductively. Don't blame me for doing it if you kept on teasing me like that Himeko.

"NO! SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CO-WORKERS IN ST. FREYA'S ACADEMY IS PROHIBITED, HIMEKO!" Theresa shouted vehemently. Eh, for real? Then what about the things we had done together since these passed weeks?...Well, there's no sex involved so maybe it still counts as safe.

"Fufufu~ Theresa-chan's got jealous~" Himeko teases her.

"I-I'm not!" She denied profusely.

"Okay, can you girls stop it already?...Right, now that you're able to detect your internal mana, it's time for some meditation session. Sit still for one hour while focusing on circulating the mana throughout your body, I'll tell you to stop when I've deemed you good enough." I told the girls their next task.



About one hour later:

"…Okay, it's time to stop, girls."

"Phew~ That was hard. I can't keep on getting focused for a long time." Kiana exhales her breath and then complains for not being able to move around for an hour.

"So, how was our result? Did we manage to reach your expectations, Takeru-sensei?" Asked Mei.

"Hmmm, you girls did it well enough. If I had to rank you guys, the first place would be Mei, and then followed by Bronya, Himeko, Kiana and lastly, Theresa." I gave them their results.

"Yatta! I'm not in the last place!" Kiana shouted happily. Well, you're pretty much terrible at it you know?

"I-I'm last?" said Theresa in disbelieve. Yep, the funny thing is Theresa managed to get the last place even though she's strongest Valkyrie among them…I'll talk to her about it later, I already have some suspicions on the main cause.

"Well, that's all for today. Class dismissed, thanks for coming by for my lessons. Be sure to review the pamphlets, I'll do a quiz about them next week…Theresa-chan, please stay here for a moment, got something to tell you."

""""Thank you, Takeru-sensei!"""" The girls thanked me as they bowed and then leave the classroom. And now there are only me and Theresa inside, with her having a sullen mood due to her failure earlier.

"Hey Theresa-chan, do you know why I wanted to talk with you?" I asked her while making a serious face. My future depends on my current action, don't mess this up Takeru.

"I'm sorry, Takeru-kun! I've failed to meet your expectations even though I'm the ones who were enthusiastic in asking you to teach us magic first!" She apologizes to me while bowing her head down, several patches on the floor getting wet due to her tears…Wait, did she misunderstands me?

"Oi oi, that's not the reason why I held you back, Theresa-chan. I mean, I already know why you've failed to do it so I'm not angry at all. So please stop crying will you, Theresa-chan? There~ there~" I immediately hugged her while rubbing her back, trying to soothe her out.

"T-Then why?" She asked while sobbing.

"…Uhh, you're free after this, right? I'm wondering if we can have a date together in Soukai City, that's all." Yep, I'm asking her for a date after haven't done any sort of romantic things for several hundred years.

"…Eh?" She only managed to utter that due to getting bewildered.

Ackber-san's here.

Tbh I felt bad due to yesterday's announcement, so I fell asleep while my mind kept on thinking about what can I put into the Volume 2's prologue. Woke up around 4 hours later with new ideas after my usual dumping session.

So I immediately starting to write it, stopping halfway for a few hours due to getting distracted watching some videos about Keiichi Tsuchiya on Youtube. But I did managed to finish it, so here ya go~

Dunno if it's good or not, feel free to comment on what you think about this chapter.

That's all for today, imma going to edit a little bit on my other fic and then sleep I guess.

Ackber-san's out.

Ackber_sancreators' thoughts