
My Original World Is Not Normal As I Expected (Honkai Impact 3rd)

Former hero Shin Takeru manages to return back to his home world after 300 years. There he finds out that his world was not as normal as he expected. While trying to getting used to his new reality is when his new adventure begins. Will he survive? Only time will tell. All Honkai Impact characters belong to Mihoyo and its related subsidiaries. My OCs come from my ass though. *I was bored and this idea kept on being stuck in my brain so I've decided to write the story to get it out of my system. Feel free to diss for my bad grammar since I have not written any kind of stories for years and English ain't my first language.

Ackber_san · ゲーム
19 Chs

Interlude 2: Say Hello to Master Lyle, Your Trainer from Hell Pt. 2(R-18-ish)

(Author notes: There's a little bit of R-18 scenes in this chapter. You've been warned.)

A month later, in a tavern nearby the sea port's town:

Tonight, as a celebration for my success on surviving multiple places with different harsh conditions, Master Lyle decides to treat me for some alcohol and food in the nearby tavern.

"C'mere lad! Have a drink!" He said merrily as he passed me a large batch of ale.

"Oooh~ Thanks Master Lyle~" I thanks him cheerfully since I've decided to let loose all of my tension tonight.

"Here's your order dear customer~ Please enjoy the food." The tavern's waitress came to our table and passed our ordered foods onto the table, most of them were the seafood caught from the sea nearby.

"Ooohhh~ Looks tasty!" I said as my mouth salivating due to the wonderful smell coming from the dishes.

"Well what are ya waitin' fer? Let's dig in!" Said Master Lyle as he begins to eat the food hurriedly. Damn, I better be fast or there'll be nothing left.


And then we began to enjoy the cuisines happily. However our joyful night was cut short when there's a commotion nearby, coming from several guys and one of the waitresses.


"Oi what's the matter? I didn't even grab your hand that hard am I?" The guy who was grabbing her hands forcefully asks her that.

"Yeah yeah, just obediently serve us drinks and foods will ya? But I don't mind if you want to serve us more upstairs after this if you want? GAHAHAHA~" One of them suggested for them to do lewd things with the waitress later on.

"Oh, that'll be fun! Let's do it shall we?" The final guy agreed for the suggestion.

"""AHAHAHAHAHA!!!""" The three of them laughed merrily.

"Please save me!" The waitress shouted while crying, however the tavern's employees and customers didn't dared to interfere since the trio was buffed as hell and looks like a strong adventurer.

"So whaddaya wanna do? If ya wanna help her I don't mind." Sensing on what I'm going to do, Master Lyle give me the green light.

"Right, lemme do this, Master Lyle!" I shouted in righteousness. It's not like I decided to save her just because she's cutie you know? I'll save anyone who's in pinch. That's the truth ya know?

"Ou, give 'em hell!" Master Lyle riled me on.

I then walked right to the scene before saying,

"Oi, if you wanna bully someone, pick someone of your own size will ya?"

"What's this little boy sayin' right now? Oi, if you don't wanna have some pain just scram!" Thug A tried to scare me off. Look man, I know that my Asian body is small compared to you guys, but you didn't have to say me a little boy will you? I'm a bona-fide grown up.

"That's right! Just go back home to your mommy and suck her tits! HAHAHAHAHA!" Thug B adds more insult towards me.

"Just listen to him kid, I don't wanna hit a little boy just for kicks. HAHAHAHAHA!" and more insults coming from Thug C.

"…Look here, I don't wanna drag this for a long time so how about you use your fists instead of just barking over there like a dog?" I'm not interested in trading insults, if you're a man fight with your fists will ya? Simplicity is the best after all.

"""YOU DARE?!""" All of them immediately get up before preparing for a fistfight.

"Hoo~ Now we're talking." I then began to walk towards them menacingly, getting ready for the incoming fight.

Just a minute later:

"…And that's the last one." I said as I thrown the last unconscious thug out of the tavern after finish beating them up. Turns out they're not as strong as I imagined. All strength but no techniques. Then I walked back towards my table and began to sipping my ale again.

"So how was it lad?" Master Lyle asked me for my opinion on my fight earlier.

"Nah, it's easy. Thanks to your techniques I didn't even had to work that hard."

"I told ya didn't I? My martial arts is da world's best! GAHAHAHA! Now, drink more! Da tavern waived our bill just because ya save dat lass so drink till ya drop!" He shoved me more alcohol for my consumption.

"Ou!" I began to drink it up merrily.

"…U-um, excuse me!" Our drinking party was interrupted by a voice coming from behind me, showing me the waitress that I saved previously who is currently blushing shyly. Un, cute.

"Yes, what's the matter, miss?" I asked her while trying to act cool.

"Umm~ Could you please follow me for a moment? I want to show you my appreciation for saving me earlier."

So that's it huh? I wonder what she'll do? Is it finally my turn for some R-18 moment? To be honest, I don't mind at all. She has this childhood friend-like vibe so she's cute enough for me. She's flat however, but that ain't a problem. Daddy Takeru have a big heart after all, he'll accept all sizes fairly…Hah, look at your wild imagination go Takeru, there's even a probability of nothing at all happening you know? Better keep your expectations lower so you won't get discouraged when you've failed.

"Sure, lead the way miss~" I followed her lead merrily towards upstairs, my heart beating rapidly due to my excitement.

"GAHAHAHA~ Show her what's up lad! I'll stay here so you young'uns can enjoy yer youth!" Master Lyle laughed out loud as he continued to drink his ale.

A few minutes later, tavern's room upstairs(R-18 incoming):

""Ngh~ Chuu~ Slrpp~ Kuchuu~~""

We exchanged sloppy kisses as our hands roamed all across our bodies. Apparently my earlier hunch was correct, she did intended to give me some R-18 services, YATTA~!


We continued on kissing as I enjoyed her natural scent wafting from her body. A few minutes later, she ended our kiss by giving me one chaste kiss for one last time.

"Chuu~ Phuah~~…That was a good one mister. Let me service you more okay~?" I nooded as she kneels down and pulled my pants off, freeing my raging hard lil' bro and began to give me a fellatio.

"Aaahhmm~…Chupa~ Churu~ *gulps*"


I groaned as I felt the sensation of her licking and sucking my member, drowning in pleasure…So this is what riajuus felt when their girlfriends give them some heads huh? Not gonna lie, I can get addicted to this feeling. I wonder if dad will be proud of me finally scoring some chick? I bet he does. Since I'm a fucking virgin I can't hold for long before I finally release my seeds into her mouth.


"Nhmmph?! Gulp~ Gulp~…Puhhaaa~~" She gulps it greedily and then removes her mouth from my member by making a *pop* sound, releasing a hot breath as she gasps for breath. Her hazy eyes accompanied with her pink-tinted face just make her sexier than ever, my lil' bro erecting proudly indicates my unquenched lust.

"…Say miss, how about we increase the tension more?" I said to her so that we can move on to the main course already. Dad, mom…your son will finally become a man tonight.

"Sure, mister~ Let me remove my clothes real quick~"

She agreed and then began to slowly remove her waitress's uniform from the top, teasing me from her movements. Kuh~! If you do it like that then I can't hold for much longer~! As she finally removes her top, she then proceeds to remove her skirt, showing me a bulging panties. When it was removed she shows me her raging lil' bro instead…Uhhh~ bulging panties?...Another lil' bro? My mind just stopped working due to the unexpected situation.

"So, who's going to start first? I don't mind being the bottom for the first half…Or you wanna do a 69 instead? That's fine too~" She, nay, he asked me while hugging his body shyly…God, just why?


My scream resounded throughout the tavern and the whole port town that night.

Meanwhile, at the tavern downstairs:

"…U-UWAAAAAAAHHHH~!!!" A loud scream suddenly heard throughout the tavern.

"OOHH~ Looks like da lad's havin' a good time! GAHAHAHA~! Dat's right, enjoy yer youth while it lasts!...Oi, dat sexy lady over there, wanna have some shaggin' wit' me? Imma still fit as a stallion ya see?!" Master Lyle laughed happily before he asks a nearby sexy waitress for some good time while showing his bulging muscles.

"Oh my~ Look at those glistening muscles!...I-I don't mind mister, how about we go upstairs for some fun~?" Apparently Master Lyle's macho pick-up technique works perfectly, he managed to score a date for tonight. Lucky bastard.

"GAHAHAHAHA~ C'mere lass! Lessgo~!" He immediately picked up the waitress in a princess-carry, heading towards the available room upstairs.

"Oh my~ Fufufufu~" The waitress was apparently happy with Master Lyle's service.

"Ah got a feelin'~ Wooohooo~ Dat tonight's gonna be a good night~ Tonight's gonna be a good, good night~~" Master Lyle sang merrily as he climb up the stairs.

Next morning:

"So how's the last night? Yer had some fun? I bet'cha ya did, ain't ya?" Master Lyle asked me as we are travelling by carriage cart service, heading back to Brea Town.

"Uurghh~ Don't remind me what happened last night. I prefer to put it in my black history." I said as I'm having headaches due to the tons of alcohol I had drunk last night…Yep, nothing else happen beside that, no~thing at all. It was all my imagination, which is what I've decided.

"Dat so? I heard ya screamin' last night though. Musta' been good." He persistently tried to bring that topic up.

"Shut. Up. Nothing happened in Merk Port's Tavern in the Year XXX B.C. The end." I forced him to just let it go.

"…M'kay then. Oh, forgot to tell ya 'tis lad. When we've reached da Brea Town, we'll immediately take anotha' coach headin' towards da Brittania Empire's army HQ. There ya'll be having another 3 months of trainin' with dem armies." Master Lyle stopped pestering me before saying some important things regarding my next task.

"…There's more? Oh fuck me sideways~" I thought that my training already ended though? Didn't we just have a celebration party yesterday?

"Ah come on lad, don't show me dat face. I swear this will be da last one before we spar for one last time. So get hyped up lad! GAHAHAHA~!"

He laughed up loudly as the carriage trots down the highway, heading towards our next destination.

Brittania Empire's Army HQ, 3 months of training summary (Author being too lazy to write more):

My first impression before the training begin was, 'This can't be much harder than the survival training ain't it?'. That kind of thinking was discarded immediately as I began doing it.

First of all, instead of training the normal training regimen with the normal soldiers, I was put together inside the special force instead, kinda like their version of Green Beret. That was fine for me, but what was not fine for me was if I'm comparing it to the Earth's standard, their course was tuned up to 10 times harder.

Due to the availability of magic, any kind of injuries can be treated on the spot. For instance, if your arms or legs get blown off during the training you can just chant healing spells by your own, that's if you're still sane enough to handle the pain. And you will have to do it by yourself, ain't no one's gonna give you medical treatment.

What about when you're tired AF? Well just chug some stamina potion and you're good to go, they will force you to drink it until just before you get intoxicated due to overdose. So we kept on moving for several days without a wink of sleep before the leader give us some rest, rinse and repeat.

Apart from that, I was taught the special force's techniques on what to do during certain situations, you know that Special Force shit but plus dem magics. So I've learned a few useful things here and there. There's also times where I joined them during spec ops missions, the do-or-die ones. That one kinda scared the shit outta me, I've seen some dark shits and it ain't good.

Ending the 3 months training with flying colors, I was given by the platoon leader a small medal that can be pinned to my shirt, indicating that I'm now included in the special forces team and can be called at any moment's notice for their missions. Of course with their perks included, so I'm somewhat happy. I've learned later on that the current platoon leader was one of Master Lyle's former disciples. No wonder he was as harsh as he is.

Brea Town's Adventurer Guild, Training area:

"…Begin!" Gwen-sensei cued the start for my last spar with Master Lyle. Hearing the cue, both of us vanished from our initial spot, accompanied by several booming sounds as we exchanged our blows.


"ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!!" I shouted, trying to keep the hype up.

"MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!!!" Huh, looks like Master Lyle agreed to shout those words during our fight. Nice~ Now my tension is at MAX! IKUZOO~!

These ebb and flow of exchanging our blows continued on for more than 30 minutes, destroying the walls and grounds around the arena due to the shockwaves. Even Gwen-sensei had to cast some barriers around her and the whole training area to prevent the damage from spreading further. However, even the fun times need to end as we distanced from each other for the last time to prepare our ultimate techniques.

"Ya ready lad?! Here I come, Imperial Arts Hi-Ougi, <God's Finger>!" He began to rotate his body, producing a gold-colored tornado, with his fists as the center while he flies towards me.

"Imperial Arts Hi-Ougi, <God's Finger>!" I too began to imitate his technique, deciding that the one who triumphs the other in this particular technique as the winner.


A loud booming sound was heard throughout the Brea Town as we clash with each other for supremacy. Apparently even Gwen-sensei gave up in protecting this arena and decided to just protect herself from the aftermath. The other townspeople and guild's staff already evacuated during the first half of our spar, so there will be no casualty apart from material ones.

"THIS HAND OF MINE IS BURNING RED~!!!" I shouted while trying to put even more energy into my attack.

"ITS LOUD ROAR TELLS ME TO GRASP VICTORY~!!!" Even Master Lyle refuses to give up, he rotates even faster than before while shouting his incoming victory.

"NOT YET!!! HAAAAAAA~!!! *<<Burst>>!" I decided to add a little bit of flair by producing a mana blast-like attack from my fists.



That resulting our clash to explode instead, and we're thrown into the ground in Mach speed, forming a crater for each of us.



Both of us screamed in pain due to our injuries. So both of us didn't manage to escape unharmed huh? I wonder who is the winner?

"Jeez~ You guys were too reckless, what if you both died? Here, *<<Heal>>. I won't use the high level ones, just remember this from your pain." Gwen-sensei admonished us and then casted a quick low leveled healing spells for both of us.

"Ah shaddap, ya hag! What's wrong with me havin' some fun sometimes? I ain't gonna die with just 'tis level of injury, I had worse." Looks like Master Lyle is fine as usual, man he's tough.

"Oh yeah? If I'm a hag then you're an old fart, so act like one Lyle-boy! *Bonk*" Gwen-sensei immediately hit Master Lyle's head using her wooden staff for his remarks. I guess her age is a sensitive issue, I better not mention it again if I can.

"Ouch! Oi, da hell's dat for?! Ya wanna fight again?!" He shouted angrily.

"That's for me making sure that your brain is still inside. Judging from the sound I guess it has shriveled more than before, so it won't be long before you're getting senile. Or maybe you're already senile? Fufufufu~" Gwen-sensei retaliates by insulting him instead.

"Oohh~ Imma buyin' yer offer! Let's fight now!" Master Lyle begins to immediately preparing for an attack.

"Is that so? I wonder if today you'll lose again? Fufufufu~" She smiled menacingly as she began to filled her body with mana, geared for a spell at any moment.

"Oi, stop it you guys! Why are you always fighting every time you meet with each other?" I tried to pacify them.



And they blasted me to oblivion, again. Orz.

A few minutes later:

"…So you guys calm down already? Good then. Master Lyle, what's the verdict for our fight? Did I win or lose? Or is it a tie? If so, what happens next?"

I asked Master Lyle after he and Gwen-sensei had calm down. We are now currently drinking some tea while sitting on the chair and the table summoned by Gwen-sensei from her storage ring. The arena and the surrounding building were already restored to perfection by using her spell. Apparently the spell is one of her creation, so she can use it freely anytime she wanted.

"…Nah, yer passed my training. It ain't about winning or losing, I looked more on yer techniques and determination instead. So ya can be proud, today ya finally graduated from my trainin'! Congrats, yer a decent warrior in my books! GAHAHAHAHA~!" Master Lyle told me that before clapping my shoulder and laughs loudly.

"OOF! That hurts!...Gee~ thanks for training me during this past year, I won't forget your kindness, Master Lyle!" I then stand up before bowing towards him, my heart full of gratitude.

"Oh, yer bet'cha! I ain't gonna let ya forget it since ya need to pay me da fee by working hard in the guild wheneva' I ask ya, yer teacher already agree with dat. So be ready ya hear me!" He adds something which I haven't heard before.

"…Uhhh~ first time I heard this though. Gwen-sensei, care to tell me more about this?" I turn my head towards Gwen-sensei, asking for her confirmation.

"I didn't tell you that? Oh dear me, I must had forgotten to mention it. You see, while you're unconscious during the first time you're coming here, I've agreed to Lyle's condition of him having you as the guild's gopher whenever he wants after you've finished the training. So I can't retract it now, can I?...You'll be fine, you're this strong already, right?" She said offhandedly.

"…So this is my fate huh?...Ah whatever, I'll just do it. It can't be as hard as the training before, right?" I decided to be positive instead.

"Dat's da spirit, lad! Here, have 'tis as yer graduation present!" Master Lyle then throws a sword inside a scabbard towards me, making me grab it panickly.

"Wowowoah~ Careful will ya, Master Lyle?...So what this?" I asked as I unsheathe the sword from the scabbard, showing me a Western-based longsword, having a beautiful pattern and design adorning it.

"Are ya blind? Dat's a longsword, I called it Balmung. Found it inside an ancient ruins during my youth, been usin' it fer years. Ya can use it now, maybe ya can unlock its full potential." Said Master Lyle.

"Hee~ nice sword." I said as I swing it around. Got a good balance and weight, it's a good sword indeed. I tried to fill it with some mana, and it began to shine in blue-color faintly. Oh, cool~

"Oi, careful 'tere! Fill 'er up with enuff mana, ya'll blew us to oblivion ya know? I used ta blow some fortress using it during few military campaigns before." He warned me.

"Geh, say it sooner will ya?" I immediately stopped supplying Balmung with my mana, the blue hue disappears as the mana dispersed into the surroundings.

"Ya didn't ask, so I didn't tell ya." He shrugged like it's not his problem.

"Right, thanks for the sword Master Lyle. I'll use it frequently." I thanked him for the gift.

"Nah, no problem." He waved it off.

"Lyle, I think we need to go. I still got tons of things to ask my stupid disciple to do, he's been absent for more than a year after all. But thanks for your help Lyle, I appreciate it." Gwen-sensei cut our conversation by saying those things.

"Dat so? Aight, feel free ta come here anytime, I'll prepare some tea for ya, or a fist if ya wanna have a fight again. Imma game fer both of 'em, GAHAHAHA~!"

"Only if I have a mood to. Now then, follow me my stupid disciple, we have some work to do." She replied curtly before urging me to move on back to her mansion, where tons of work waiting for me. Ah shit, here we go again~

"…Right, coming now. Master Lyle, I'll see you soon, bye." I said to Master Lyle as I bumped my fists with him like what homies would do.

"Aight, see ya later lad."

We then separated from each other, me and Gwen-sensei heading home while Master Lyle enters back into the newly refurbished Adventurer Guild, all of us back to our own lives. However, this is not the last time I meet with him since after that I had to go there frequently to fulfill my(Gwen-sensei's) promise on doing the guild's odd jobs whenever I was asked to. But that is the story for another time.

-Interlude 2 ends-

Ackber-san's here.

TIL that it's hard to write while having a boner. Aight, lemme take a short break for some kenjataimu~

*short CM break*

*Coughs* Just as usual, I ain't gonna let Takeru pop his cherry just like that, that'll be too easy XD

And tbh, I wrote the R-18 scenes while imagining the waitress's appearance just like one of my guilty pleasures during my younger days, the famed Kinoshita Hideyoshi lmao.

I dunno if I managed to write the interlude properly, so let me leave it just like that.

Aight, see ya later bois~

Ackber-san's out.

Ackber_sancreators' thoughts