
The mother-in-law and siblings-in-law expect Song Yewan will be the wife

After sending the communication talisman to her disciple, Xiao Baishan turned to see the dark-robed youth in the middle of the hall.

—Please have a seat, young Song. Join this master for tea.

Song Yewan was looking in the direction where the paper butterfly disappeared into the clouds when the immortal spoke to him. The gentle and tranquil voice of the woman brought him out of his thoughts quickly and changed the destination of his gaze, now set on the great madame of this mountain. He respectfully accepted and thanked her invitation with the proper reverence, going to take a seat where he saw the lady's eyes tell him to do so.

Before taking a seat too, Xiao Baishan calls a name that Yewan recognizes as about of the disciple. She was on the right side of the room and immediately went to attend to her shifu. By order of the immortal, she went in search of a tea set and the tea itself.

—Xiao-xianshi. —Song Yewan rises from his place and makes a bow toward her. His hands present her a beautiful little wooden box carved with lotus blossoms, a representative flower of his sect—. I have brought you tea that we grow in my house. I hope it is to your liking.

Song Yewan was very nervous even though he did not show it. The words were tangled in his mind and he did not know if it was right to say this or that. He had never had to live with people from another sect and his shifu had not foreseen that one day he would have to, so he did not instruct him on it. Now he does not know if his manners are correct or not and he does not even imagine which would be the correct one if he was wrong.


From the left side of the hall comes the dashixiong of the clan. At a leisurely pace, he goes to Song Yewan and receives the gift from the young man to take it to his shifu. Just at that moment, Xiao Meiyu returns, bringing with her a tray, and on top of it, a pretty teapot that leaves in its wake a winding path of steam. She is the first to deliver what she was commissioned to do and she arranges everything on the table of her teacher.

Sneakingly, she shows her tongue out at her martial brother, who returns an equally childish gesture.

The box arrives second and is delivered directly to the master. The immortal's hands tremble for a moment when she feels the delicate, carved lotus petals. She takes a fleeting but detailed look at them, and just feels her heart play at sinking and rising at the same time.

Her countenance does not change much; strange eyes would not notice.

—This master appreciate your present, young Song. The aroma of your tea is quite pleasant, so I anticipate a good taste. It will be tea today.

Understanding the indication, Xiao Wangyi and Xiao Meiyu approach again to attend to their shifu. She stops them with a wave of her hand. Song Yewan notices this and dares to approach the head table.

—Xiao-xianshi, let me make your tea. This has a different procedure.

With a nod, she agreed.

—Meiyu, bring two more cups.

Young Song was graceful and dedicated; his movements graceful and smooth, calm and silent. A beautiful tea ceremony worth seeing and admiring.

The lady watches him with curiosity and attention. Since the arrival of the boy at her sect, Xiao Baishan did not stop studying as much as possible about him: his good posture, serene demeanor, and careful movements told her that he is a boy educated especially in manners and ceremonies, so the immortal decided to take the path of formality with him and see how good at this he is. She suddenly remembers that her Qingchen once told her about his partner came from a temple that closed its doors, so she understands his education in the aforementioned. The ceremonies can get quite rigorous and endless, so she appreciates his amazing stamina in standing, upright like bamboo in place for so long, even when he had just arrived from his trip and had not yet rested.

Thinking about it better, she now feels guilty for having made him get up again just to make her tea.

—Young Song, I have heard of you. —She begins the conversation this way, as she carefully takes her white cup of tea and holds it close to her face to feel its aroma and warmth—. My youngest disciple was your partner traveler not long ago and, on his return, he has shared with us his experiences. He has told us a lot about you. Thanks for taking care of him in all that time and sorry if he has caused you any problems; Xiao Chen has been too spoiled here.

The cheeks of the youngest in the room turned a soft red. It was remarkable that with just the mention of the youngest of the Xiao family, the heart of Yewan became warm. The oldest disciple Xiao smiled at noticing it as she took her seat next to her martial brother, who only frowned at this being suspicious.

—Qingchen took care of me too. —He tilts his head in response; in a way that shows to recognize the words of the immortal, but is humble to them—. There were never any problems with Qingchen; he was the best partner.

The Xiao disciples are sitting to the right of their shifu, attentive to the words of young Song. So focused that they are served by Yewan without realizing it until later, thus earning an annoying gesture from their teacher as a silent reprimand.

Realizing their lack of manners, they can only limit themselves to glaring at each other as they immediately rise from their places, arguing wordlessly which of the two will serve the youngest tea and regain the face. Yewan did not think that a visitor should not act as a host when filling their cups, his actions due to the habit of serving others when there are meetings in his sect. Thus, he missed out on the silent battle between those two and only saw when they both took the kettle at the same time and served him this way.

Song Yewan thanks them with a nod and takes a sip.

—Young Song, —calls the immortal—, I must ask: Why are you here?

The hand of Yewan stumbles as he puts the cup on the table. She continues:

—Being so close to my disciple, our Xiao Chen must have told you that our sect is not open to the outside world.

Song Yewan bites the inside of his mouth not knowing what to answer. He knows that he must tell the truth, but he wonders in what way he should do it.

—That being the case, why have you come? And above all: how did you get in? If Xiao Zhen revealed the correct path to you when he was with you, then I must point out that your memory is great and your intelligence admirable.

Most of her own disciples had trouble with this when they were young; they constantly got lost or went back to the starting point when they could not solve it. However, later, through constant practice and the need to cross the maze matrix to go out and play, they learned the route that same year.

But now, this foreign boy comes and solves it so easily?

—Replying to Xiao-xianshi. It is not like this, I am sorry. Actually, this one is not that talented. —He bows his head again, extracting a small, delicate jade token from one of his sleeves and showing it to her—. Qingchen handed this over to me so I can come over.

His reverence deepens as he sees the shock on the face of the immortal when she sees the token that only belongs to her disciples.

—I give back now what belongs to you. I know I shouldn't have had it from the beginning, but, please, do not be mad at Qingchen for giving it to me. We just...

His lips pursed. He wanted to defend his friend, but he feared he was doing the opposite. What should he say? His Xiao-xiong also has an entry token that does not belong to him. Is he facing the same situation right now?

—I insisted.

The lady sitting at the front of the room examines him patiently seeing through his half-truth. An elegant and powerful aura surrounds her, making the environment nervous whoever is below her. Because of the image that she transmits and the beauty that she possesses, it does not seem that her seat is of the family leader, but rather a great noblewoman who meditates on her beautiful throne.

—I see. —She sentence before bringing the pretty white cup to her lips. A soft smile hides behind the delicate porcelain which does not go unnoticed by Song Baihua's disciple—. Young Song, you certainly meet my expectation.

The cheeks color of Song Yewan becomes brighter. Confused by such words, he does not hesitate to open his mouth to ask for such an expectation… However, he is interrupted by a small red paper butterfly that enters through the window and arrives on his nose at the right moment. Xiao disciples hold up a laugh behind their cups.

Song Yewan accommodates it on his right hand and, after excusing himself to the others, he breaks the seal to hear what the talisman has recorded on it.


—I can't believe it! HAHAHA! Oh, my poor A-Qing, I don't know whether to think about whether he is a lucky boy or an unlucky one!

—Why would he be lucky? The beloved friend for whom he descended again is here with us, while he is already far away. That is quite unfortunate.

—It is! Furthermore, A-Qing is there completely alone meeting his future inlaws and siblings-in-law. Who knows how our little Qingchen is really having it!

—But… Even in such a situation, you could say that he's lucky. Young Song came looking for him, doesn't that mean…?

The group gathered around the garden table is silent. They quickly understand and smile.

—You're right, shimei! With this A-Qing must already know that his feelings are reciprocated.

—Oh, you're right. What's mor-

—Shifu is leaving the main hall!

They were silent. Although far away, from where they were they managed to see the silhouette of their shifu leave the room as they were warned. She left the doors unlocked and they watched her take the path to her office. By sharpening their vision, they managed to notice her joy when she whispered to a paper butterfly that flew away, carrying her message to who knows where.

They hear the doors just closing. As soon as they turn to see them, they find their dashijie smiling at them.

—The test of shifu to young Song is finished, —she announces to her martial siblings when she reaches them. Her characteristic soft, sweet voice caresses the ears of everyone—. Shifu says that they can enter the main hall as she arranges certain matters. Young Song brought us tea and showed dashixiong and me how to make it. Now there is for everyone.

As soon as she finishes speaking, she calmly returns the same way she came. Without delay, the others follow her like ducklings and talking to each other.

—Ah, how kind is he of bringing tea to his siblings-in-law! I already want to try it! —exclaims one of the maidens, putting a hand to her heart.

A martial brother thinks aloud—: Didn't he cook for us too? I would like to see if he is as good a chef as A-Qing says he is. Xiao didi deserves the best food.

—Tsk. He has not and will not. I think that his seasoning must be exclusive to A-Qing.

—Ah, I agree with you~ Doesn't it get more romantic that way?

—Uh? Isn't young Song romantic enough already? Everything our A-Qing told us screamed that he is. And a lot.

—Aiya. Now that I think about it, if that's how he behaved when they were just friends... how will he be when these two are something else?!

—Yei~! I already want to meet him!

—Also me. I have only seen him from afar, just when dashijie was escorting him to go with shifu. I would like to talk to him for a while and know what his intentions are with my xiaoshidi. Fu!

And more blah blah blah.

Xiao Meiyu stops in front of the door and makes a gesture for them to shut up and come closer. She whispers to them as low as possible:

—Shifu says if she delays, we're free to take young Yewan for a walk around.

Gasps of happy surprise are heard along with a couple of almost silent laughs.

—I understand. After all, practically young Song is already our brother-in-law. He must know his new home!

—Oh, so young Song is the wife?

—Shh. We are going to enter.

Immediately, everyone arranged their robes and postures and moved on.

The victim of soon harassment by his noisy siblings-in-law greets them innocently without knowing what is to expect him.

Happy Valentine's Day!

CutestAlpacacreators' thoughts