
Can you hear how you speed up my heartbeat?

Master Xiao and Master Song immediately contacted their little disciple when they saw one that did not belong to them arrive at the sect. This coincidence was comical and silly, a moment that made them think for a few seconds that the life of this pair of boys must be being a good theater for the gods.

They welcomed the foreign boy and shared with him. Their other disciples were quite excited to meet the mysterious boy who they heard a lot about and curious to know why he came to such a distant mountain. They knew it was to look for their youngest shidi, but… why did he need him so badly?

Those brats only accepted the romantic theories they built between themselves.

To be honest, these teachers also thought the same. Because of this that they decided to spend time with the visitor: to learn more about their young son-in-law and know if he is worthy of belonging to their family.

Because... if things between those two went well... the young foreigner would be the one who would cross their threshold, right?


They spent a few hours exchanging messages with the other teacher: they presented the situation, ensured the well-being of their own student, and confirmed the presence of the one who is not theirs on their grounds. And they even gossiped a bit.

In conclusion, the four of them decided to meet in a forest to clear things up and bring back old and not-so-old memories. The immortals had traveled many years through the mortal world and know practically every corner of it. However, their students referred to a special one, therefore, the disciples had to guide the teachers to the place.

—Quiet, a forest will not disappear if you do not arrive before (・ ・;

Xiao Qingchen and Song Yewan were so impatient that they practically dragged the older one all the path to see their first love as soon as possible.

These feelings cannot stand being locked up!

Or maybe a couple of years saved would be fine. The closer they were to getting, the more nervous they became. At times, they even wanted to turn around and escape. They will send a letter, they promise! But the idea of ​​saying what they feel face to face was making them anxious. Just thinking about it makes them burn hot from shyness; their cheeks and neck tickling from the intensity of the blush.

Not to mention when they saw him just a few feet away.

Their face lost color due to the fear similar to one feels before exposing what was learned in class, and their eyes widened due to the coincidence of having arrived at the clearing at the same time.

They planned to calm down once they reached the meeting point! Now that there is no time and they must greet each other (because otherwise, that would be very uncomfortable and strange…) Oh! They realized that they did not know what to say!

Xiao Qingchen took Master Song by the arm and led him to hide behind some bamboos. Song Yewan automatically shrunk into place and covered himself with a bush.

Neither of them knows what had just happened.

—Young Song?

Xiao Baishan is the only one still in sight and standing. Addressing the other teacher, she greets him with a formal bow.

—Master Song.

He returns the bow from his place—: Baishan-jie.

The immortal trembles a little when she hears it. She does not hesitate to ignore him and focuses her attention on the boy next to her. 

Master Xiao is a bit confused, but she quickly understands what is happening with the younger ones. She takes a quick look at her disciple on the other side of the clearing, and she smiles. She imagines what he is thinking: most likely about how he is going to say what he wants.

On the other hand, Song Yewan… he fills himself with questions. Like… What if it is not for the same reason that Qingchen also seeks him? What if his feelings are not well received, and consequently, they will have to cut ties to never see each other again? Never again to be able to be near him? He could not take it… This kind of boy-to-boy affection, is it even okay? He has never read a romantic story about two ones of the same gender... Is it normal? Will Qingchen be okay with it? AAAAAAAAAA.

All while keeping his face expressionless.

Doubts gnaw at the mind of Song Yewan, but not that of Xiao Qingchen, who throws all of those to the back of his mind and screams with the greatest of his might as he leaps out of his hiding:

—Song Zhen! Look at me, I'm here! I already saw you! —With each word, he was getting briskly closer to the Yewan bush. A smile on his lips showing off his innocent charm; Xiao Chen did not seem to be nervous at all—. I looked for you in your sect, but I couldn't find you! A-Zhen, you fool! Do you know what you've put me through? You broke my heart! I just wanted to see you because-!

Ah, how embarrassing. Should he save that topic for later?

—I want to tell you that- I like you! What is your need to escape?

Ah, his mouth is faster than his thoughts.

He stops waiting for an answer; Yewan slowly surges from his place. The soft, round cheeks of both are flushed with carmine; large and adorable sky blue eyes of Qingchen sparkle reflecting the warmth of the sun. Determined to give everything instead of part, he takes courage and continues with even more energy:

—I like you! I really like you! I've felt this since the first time I saw you! It's so strange! I've never felt like this!


—Song Zhen...

Song Zhen is quite shy, imagine how he is right now after the cute confession! His shifu is taunting him behind the tree, he knows.

He raises his arm to the level of his face to hide his deep blush with the help of his wide sleeve and looks ashamed at the person who has just opened his heart to him with such innocence and emotion.


The young Song looked so adorable!

His expression now, frowning, but clearly happy… melts the heart of anyone~! Especially that of Qingchen, who upon seeing this, could not help having hope.

—I like feeling this for A-Zhen, but I don't know if A-Zhen has no problem with this as well.—He goes a little further—. Could you... tell me?

Seconds pass painfully without an answer.

The culprit for this showed no signs of even giving one soon: his expression gradually cooled and his predetermined seriousness returned, totally unmoved by the revelation.


Of all those present, the only one who knows that Zhen'er is actually in total panic and screaming excitedly inwardly as he thinks as fast as he can of a suitable response… is of course his shifu. He does not hesitate to laugh shamelessly to see his student so in chaos after a tender statement. That same icy face is that he shows when his brothers flatter him, shaming him inside.

—Ah… érzi, érzi… why do you think about it so much? Soon, sooner. It's not right that you leave your friend unanswered.

Supporting him, Master Xiao patted the back of Song Yewan to move him forward. Xiao Qingchen felt his hopes of being reciprocated fade away, so, fearing what his A-Zhen might tell him, he decided not to move from his place. His eyes were beginning to turn a slight red at the corners and they crystallized a little.  What was it that he had just shouted? Ahhhh! What scandal he has made?! He does not want to be there anymore! He is so embarrassed and feels so pathetic! He just wants his shifu to hug him and take him back to their mountain while crying for his first love!

This being the case, little Xiao begins to tremble and call his master in a broken voice, trying at the same time to suppress the urge to run to her.

The young Song upon seeing this scene unfolding due to his ambiguous silence, felt as if someone had slapped him. Thanks to this finally coming out of his internal dilemma. Without thinking twice, he runs to Xiao Qingchen.


He wraps his arms around him with an incredibly unbearable fear of seeing any tear come out of the eyes of his special someone. The heart of Song Yewan had become so clenched that he felt like he might have died from the pain.

—Qingchen, no. No... it is not what you think; my fault, I'm so sorry. I did not know what to answer, it was... so spontaneous that I... I...

He takes air.

The hug becomes firmer, bringing his breasts even closer. Songv Yewan hides his face on the shoulder of Qingchen; his voice grows lower and softer.

—Xiao-xiong... Do you feel that? —He whispers to him, referring to the fast and strong heartbeat that is locked in his chest and beats incessantly the other's. Warmth falls on their cheeks and ears—. Or... can you hear them?

Xiao Qingchen responds affirmatively to both questions in a short sob.

—It's my heart. —He takes the small hand of his xiong and leads it to where his fast, steady pulse feels most—. It never beat so hard before... not until I met you. Before I didn't know how or why it changed, but yesterday I understood it and that is why I went out to look for you.

Gently break the hug; their foreheads touched and their gazes intertwined. Their milky cheeks are covered in an intense but adorable blush; the large eyes reflect the adoration of the other.

—I... I like you too. I just did not know how to tell you when you first did it.

Now, is Xiao Qingchen who cannot respond, and just lets out incomprehensible babbles in a mixture of embarrassment and excitement.


—Ah, Song Zhen, stop! —He interrupts, covering the lips of Yewan with his free hand—. Don't continue, don't continue! My... my heart won't take it anymore. Who permitted you to say something better than mine? I'm the talker, not you!

Xiao Qingchen laughs more composed and does it again when he sees that Song Zhen is quiet, how is usual in him. He is smiling under his fingers; Xiao Qingchen is so happy with this detail. He lets himself be carried away and, closing his eyes while smiles, plants a soft kiss on the back of his hand, at the level where the lips of the other would be.

Song Yewan was taken by surprise again. Again he is paralyzed.

Stunned by what his friend just did, Song Yewan was going to withdraw the soft palm of his mouth to return the gesture —only without something in between—; however, they are alerted by a short cough.




—… ahem.

Ah. They had forgotten.

Shifu is still here!

Immediately, they stepped away, looking away at their own teacher. Both elders simply responded with a short laugh or a sympathetic look; there was not a single trace of disapproval.

—Anything you want to tell us? —Asked one.

The pair of lovers exchanged sweet, expectant glances. They nodded at the same time.

—Shifu, this student wants to introduce you to his special someone.

There was no question in their coordinated words.


After clarifying everything properly with the adults, the teenagers went aside to talk for a while longer. There is a lot to talk about! After all, there is still one unknown:

What are they now?

After the time it took for two incense sticks to burn out, Song Yewan and Xiao Qingchen made a couple of decisions that surprised their mentors when they were told about them.

One: They want to be cultivation partners!

—Qingchen, what is the meaning of this?

—One moment. Baishan-jie, your student is very young, why did you teach him something like that?

—I don't…

That feeling is really strong enough to dare to take that step! They both knew perfectly the weight of those three words and they were sure that there is no better title for the person next to him.

—Xiao Qingchen. Tell me, who told you about that? Where did you read it? Wait. Answer this first: do you know what dual cultivation is?

—Ah, cultivate at the same time?

—I understand.

That gaze of his, as blue as the sky, is still transparent.

Both teachers hesitated before giving their consent and blessing; in their eyes, their young pupil was still the silly, lovable poppet who ran alongside them when he had nightmares at night. 

Shifus had to discuss it in private while those two were playing around. 

Finally, they concluded and advised them not to formalize their relationship as "cultivation partners" until they were at least the age of majority and fully confirmed their feelings. Song Yewan and Xiao Qingchen, although with some complaints, ended up accepting the wait. After all, it would only be three years.

Relieved of this, shifus were about to grant them the permission to visit each other once a month, when that pair of brats interrupted them for the second part.

Two: They will leave the sect to continue knowing the world together!


No no no no! DEFINITELY, NO!

They wanted to shout it out loud! Then they would take this son of theirs back to where they belong and have him watch the wall for five days to reflect on his unfilial behavior. They felt like parents whose daughter is suddenly taken away to live far, far away…

What should they do?