
Pure confidence.

-**After the interview.**

After the interview,he came to check on her since he knows the interview is very important for her.

"How did it go? " he says softly with a calm and friendly smile ,his eyes filled with a lot of kindness once again.

she looks at him can't control her smiles getting wider and wider

"You won't believe it omg-"

She was pure happiness and excitement as she waited him to know what happend.

"What happened ? " he says with surprise in a calm and soft tone, "Did you get it?! " he says as his eyes started to glitter again,

"Tell me!" he asks again with some eagerness and excitement and it really seems that he is really happy for her

"Please don't keep me waiting" he says with joy as his eyes began to glow again,the way he looks at her is really gentle and kind,it can tell how much he cares for her a lot.

she jumps out of her seat


She holds his arm tightly

"You have some credits too ya' know I wouldn't even have the oudacity to show my confidence,Thank you!"

"YOU GOT IT?! " he asks again,he looks so surprised and happy. This also seems to fill up his heart with joy as the way he looks at her seems to be filled with kindness and affection,

"You did an amazing job! " he says softly and warmly as his smile grows bigger and you can really sense his happiness as the way his eyes is so warm, "I'm so proud of you" he says with a soft chuckle.


She looks at him with a slight of happiness as she was flutered and couldn't been more happy to be with him.

"Your welcome! " he says with kindness and he began to chuckle , he just seems so happy that you got it! His face has grown really warm with love and joy, the way he looks at her is really heartwarming,

"You're so cute.. " he says softly as his smile began to grow even more and it shows that he really cares about her a lot and she can see the purity of his love again and his eyes begin to glow again for another time and it just looked so beautiful,it's just..so warm and kind.

"take you by the hand,your the only one who understands♡"

His face grew so touched when he heard this from her

His eyes started to glimmer with love and affection again and he just seems like he is so kind-hearted and lovely and it made him happy that she said this,

"I'll gladly take your hand" he says with warmth and affection as his voice is filled with kindness and love. He then reaches out for her hand and gently takes her hand.