
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · ファンタジー
62 Chs

chapter 34- Not a proverb

After a while the game began. Alex spined the bottle which was placed in the middle of the center table.

The bottle spined for a while and pointed at Steven , he looked at his opposite direction and saw his partner was lady Leyla.

"It seems like it is you who is going to ask me a question." Leyla smiled warmly.

Stevens dark aura seemed to have become a little bit lighter." Indeed." He agreed." Speech is silver, silence is golden." His masculine voice said.

Leyla looked at him in shock." You know Proverbs?" She asked rhetorically. "Hmm speech is silver ,silence is golden." She thought looking at Steven a frown entered her face as she looked at him with daggers in her eyes." It means that it is sometimes good to keep silence over certain matters. "She said.

He gave a half smile that lasted for a second." Correct, a speech is good but sometimes it is best to stay out if matters that do not concern you." He was looking at her with an understanding expression.

Everyone present glaced back and forth from Leyla to Steven. "That means one point goes to lady Leyla." Daniel said. He wasn't playing the game because he was the one recording the scores and he was not very good at guessing the meaning of riddles, Proverbs or idioms. He would still had participated if not Eliza who had refused and said that she was in perfect condition and insisted that she could play.

Alex spined the bottle again and it came to face Eliza and her partner was Adam. She sighed wishing it was Alex not this fool." Oh it's my turn." She smiled. "Here it goes ,my question is am idiom, to kill a lion with bare hands is a Herculean task." She said.

Adam smiled. "That's easy , to kill a lion with bare hands is a very difficult and almost impossible task." He stated

"He's correct." Eliza said Leyla and Ruth clapped for him.

"Well-done cous." Leyla said.

"Lord Adams gets a point." Daniel said.

Alex spined the bottle again and this time it faced the king.

The king looked and his partner." It seems like it's me and you sister." He said.

"You know that I cannot beat you in this game?" She said.

"You're right my dear sister , but maybe this time I'll go easy on you." He said.

"Father please, ask your question already we really want to know what you're capable of." Leyla said happily.

He cleared his throat." Fine let us stop the chitchat because I heard that it is better to be at peace than at sixes and sevens. "He said.

Ruth looked at her bother confused." I don't understand? Bother William what dose it mean?"

William smiled." Its simple, it means in confusion; completely disorganized. Just like the way you were behaving; you were in confusion and the answer to the idiom was 'confusion ' ".He said and everyone around bust out laughing.

" That means that aunt Ruth is owing father a favour." Leyla said.

"Yea Leyla , you dearest aunt owns me a favour." He said.

"So what do you want me to do William?" Ruth requested.

"I want you tell me a story about the history of the kingdom." He said.

"Okay I'll tell you." She said.

"Not today, another day." He said and Ruth nodded in agreement.

Alex spined the bottle again and this time it faced him. The glint in his eyes were back as he looked at his partner. "It seems like it is my turn Reina and you're the one the bottom of the bottle is facing." He stated.

"Indeed." She said dryly." What is your question? "

He srimked at her." It goes like this never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you." He said.

There was a hushed silence." That is not be a proverb." She said.

"But it is." Alex said.

Reina turned to William. "Your highness I do not understand ,how can what prince Alex said be a proverb." She asked.

"It is a proverb but it is not too common." He answered.

"Lady Reina, you haven't yet answered the question." Eliza taunted.

"It is some how confusing." Reina said ignoring Eliza.

"You're right Reina, it is very confusing." Leyla agreed." But sadly it will be against the rule if I help you. "

"Reina ,you have to answer the game must go on." Ruth told her. Reina was in deep thought.

"Or if you don't know the meaning; just say it than to waste our time." Ruth said.

She looked left to right, 'instead of humiliating myself just admit I don't know it'." I don't know the meaning of the proverb. " she admitted.

Alex was doing a happy dance in the inside." Reina the meaning of the proverb is to remain trouble less." Alex said." But now it seems like you're in trouble my little kitten."

Reina glared at the man wishing she could starch his face with her nails.

"This means that reina owns bother Alex a favour." Leyla said jovially.

"You're right Leyla ,lady reina has to do what Alex tells her." William commented.

She clutched her skirts." So what do you what me to do your highness?" She asked him.

"I don't know yet, maybe I will tell you later about what you have to do; but now let's focus on the game." He said.

At the end of the game she was owing Alex three favours ,and Ruth and Adam was owing one each to their partner.

"And the winner of the game is." Daniel said after recording the score." His royal highness Prince Alex." He said and everybody clapped except reina who was lost in thought with what Alex would make her do. She was praying silently that God should help her , to know what the Prince had in his sleeve and that it would end in smoke.