
My obsession with my girlfriend...

"I'm not used to someone caring about me"

Shimizuosdreams · 都市
19 Chs

Listen here, you little shit...

 Her little brother knocks at her door and I jump out of Scarlett's arms and face her little brother. He is in complete shock to see a half-naked guy in her sister's bed. 

I look at Scarlett and she is also surprised but not as shocked as her brother is. I need to act tough and I try not to make a big deal about being half-naked in Scarlett's bed. 

"Uhm... Hello! How is it going little guy? Is Scarlett well?" I say in a tough guy tone, trying to be cool and relaxed. The little boy tries to drag his sister away "Gimme my sister back you pervert!!". I try to act cool. This little guy can't scare me, not now. I look at him and I try to look tough while still giving Scarlett a smile. I look at Scarlett to see what she is doing. She seems embarrassed, and she is about to speak when her little brother shouts "PERVERT!" again. "I am not anything like that. Who do you think you are little prick?" I yell, while grabbing Scarlett's shoulders and bringing her back to the bed. "I have nothing to do with you, go tell your mother to take care of you and leave Scarlett alone." I grab Scarlett so she doesn't leave. "This little punk is just trying to ruin my morning, Scarlett. Do not go anywhere with him." I say, while looking at Scarlett and smiling with all my heart. I kiss her cheek and stroke her hair. 

"Tell your brother that Scarlett is alright with me, and that she needs her big boy around her every morning." . "Give her back now! Right now...!!" the kid says, while pulling Scarlett's arm. 


I get up on my feet quickly, and I look down at the little boy. I don't want to scare Scarlett's brother, but I need to establish my dominance with this guy. This little punk doesn't have the right to take Scarlett away from me. "Leave. Now." I say in a very serious and strong voice, while staring straight in the kid's eyes. 

Scarlett looks at me with sad eyes, and her brother looks at me like he is about to faint. This is my chance to take back my girl. 

Scarlett sighs "Come on.. He is just a kid". Her brother looks at me with puppy eyes. 


I look at Scarlett and I smile. "Yes I know he is just a kid, but I don't appreciate that little punk taking you away from me. I need you Scarlett. You're my everything." I say calmly. 

The little boy is still staring at me and I feel like he is not convinced. I need to keep him away from Scarlett, and I must establish my role in her life. 

"And do not stare at me like that! You are starting to piss me off." I look aggressive, while acting like a true boyfriend. 

I laugh as i see his angry face, he came closer. What could this little kid do?... that kid hits me straight in the balls. I fall on my ass and I drop my guard for a few seconds. "Aaah!!" I scream while holding my balls and moving my legs. 

"Why did you do that you little punk!? Are you crazy?" I scream as I point at the kid. Scarlett looks worried but her brother does not seem to be scared of me. He smiles and laughs even though I am clearly in pain. "Little prick!!" I yell, while getting up and trying to kick the kid. "Scarlett.. Get him! Your brother should know better than hit a man in his nuts." I say with a serious tone, trying to hold back the pain with all my strength. 


I move towards the little kid and I am ready to kick him hard on his ass. "You little bastard!" I say while holding my nuts. Scarlett's face looks panicked and scared while she tries to calm us both. 

The little kid is still laughing. He thinks he is funny. I turn towards Scarlett who is between him and me. "He is getting a big kick in the ass Scarlett, you got that?" I say in a threatening tone. The little prick is laughing and having a lot of fun while making me look like an idiot. He laughs as I run like and animal to catch him. I want to get him! 

Scarlett tries to comfort me saying "Come on Carter... Its alright -" but 

I kick him hard on his ass and I get satisfied. "Now you're gonna know how it feels, little prick!" I yell, while staring at him. He falls on his ass and screams like a little girl. "It hurts!!" he says while he grabs his ass. Scarlett comes running to him and starts to calm him down a little bit. She turns and looks at me while holding her brother. She looks pissed, and she doesn't say a word. I just can't believe this kid hit me like that. "He started it.." I whisper while looking away. Scarlett then starts laughing. " I know I know...I better not make you mad or I'll end up with a kick in the ass.." she says jokingly. "How am I supposed to take care of you with this pain Scarlett? You should have helped me kick this little prick." I laugh again and I hug Scarlett. "Ow... my balls..." I say in a painful tone. 

Scarlett kisses my forehead " Sorry Carter... My brother can be a little jerk sometimes". She looks down, in her arms is her brother, acting all innocent. Her little brother gives me s death stare 


I laugh and I kiss Scarlett's cheek. "It's okay my love" I say in a soft tone, while avoiding her brother's stare. I look at her and I kiss her again, just to make the boy mad. I look at him straight in the eyes and he looks madder if it's possible. 

"Yeah, I can tell he is a pain in the ass Scarlett, but I love seeing you mad and protective towards him! It shows how kind you are Scarlett.." I say, as I hold Scarlett's waist tightly. 


The little prick wanted to punch me in the face but his mother came in the room with some fresh made cookies. I look at Scarlett's mother and she also looks embarrassed seeing a shirtless guy in her house. 

I make sure to hug Scarlett, hiding most of my physique from her mother. "No no Scarlett's mother. I...Uhm...Well, we were watching a movie and it was kinda warm, so that's why I am like this" I say in a joking tone. 

I still don't like Scarlett's mother seeing me shirtless, no matter how much I like showing some skin in front of Scarlett. 

Scarlett blushes "Mom!!!". Her mother laughs and gives them the cookies, she also takes the little prick "Sorry for... Interrupting.. Whatever was that" 

"Uhm...It's fine Miss...We were trying to do some yoga" I say in a shy tone. I am embarrassed to tell her the truth, that we were cuddling in Scarlett's bed, half naked. 

"Mom you didn't see anything." Scarlett says in a funny tone. Scarlett's mother laughs and she gives me a sweet smile. She then leaves, holding Scarlett's little brother. 

Scarlett looks at me and she laughs. "Yoga? That was cute Carter.. Nice try.." she says with a cute tone.