
My Novel Is Alive

A man who writes a fantasy novel finds himself astounded as the words suddenly manifest on the canvas without his direct input. His hands are far from the keyboard, yet the canvas continues to fill with writing, weaving its own story.

WonderingWhoIsMe · ファンタジー
31 Chs


I sat down on the chair and looked closely at the monitor. I was confused to see the writings that kept appearing. I also scrolled the page up and saw the title written at the very top


Miracle? You mean a miracle? About what?

One by one, I began to read the contents of the writing slowly. While reading, I started imagining the content. There's no way this is... a novel?

[This world is cruel.]

That's the first line I read.

"I think this will be a fantasy story?"

Then I continued to read the writings that were in front of my eyes


Every time I open my eyes, all I see is water. I felt as if I was trapped in a glass cylinder filled with water, and I was inside, wearing a mask to breathe.

Why am I not wearing clothes...? Ah, maybe because I was in the water. But, why am I in the water? This question always haunts my mind.

I looked at the door that opened and shifted. Even though my body didn't move, my gaze fell on the door. Someone wearing a lab coat, presumably a researcher, entered the room. Suddenly, I realized that I had absolutely no idea why I was here or what was going on. Why am I in this cylinder?


What do they say? I can't understand...



The words came back. I hope to digest the meaning of their conversation.

Slowly, I ran my hand across the glass. When I touched the glass, they seemed surprised and took a step back. However, they then smiled and drew closer towards me.

They exchanged glances and spoke in a language that I was completely unfamiliar with.



Because I was fed up with this condition, always trapped in this glass cylinder for days, I finally decided to hit the glass.

Dug! Dug! Dug!

This action surprised the researchers and their faces reflected looks of fear. However, my punch was powerless; it only hurts my hand.

"Hahahaha," the researchers laughed.

Of course, anger flared up inside of me and I kept on hitting, non-stop... on... on... until finally, the water that was originally clear and clear now turned cloudy with a large amount of spilled blood.

Is this... blood? For some reason, the anger seemed to just fade away, replaced by an unexpected sensation. I felt comfortable, as if warmth and pleasure were going through my body. My body feels light, and there is deliciousness that fills every fiber. Ahh... what's going on? Is this heaven?

Swishh! The sound of a cylindrical glass door opened, shattering the silence in the room.

In an instant, blood-colored water from within the cylinder shot out, flooding the room and drenching the floor. I fell to the ground with a face filled with an indescribably strange feeling.


I heard their footsteps approaching, closer to my body lying prone on the floor. After a while, they stopped and looked at me. And finally, they spoke.

"I think, its failed..."


Wait a minute... I can understand what they're saying? Is it a dream? Or is this a side effect of this extraordinary situation?

I slowly got to my feet, looking at their frightened faces. I could feel the tremors in their shaking legs as they stared at me like wolves ready to pounce on a deer.

However, before I could look around any further, a screen suddenly appeared in front of me. This is really weird... what's going on?

[Name: G̷̨̧̡̨͇̜͖̩̻̥̙͎̞̘̲̖̦͍̭̃͋̆̽̽͗̅̈́̄͂̑̂͑̓͆ạ̸̛̛̟͕́̃͛̀̀́̀͠b̶͍͊̋̏̀̓͆̚͜ͅr̴̨͑̑̈́̈́̄̂̈̋́̑͛̿̀͛̈̑̂i̵̖̼̤̠̋́̏̓̎̉̈́͆̌͘ẹ̶̛̪̮̪̭̥́̓̈́̎̔̈̇̽̈̚l̴̛͓̦̙̦͎͙ ̷͖̮̩̥̬̗̗̌̇͒̓̅͛͆̕M̵̢̢̧̡̜̙̼̻͍͉̪̯̂͒͛͜ͅa̶̧̡̨̱͓̖̯̤̙̥͍̟͖̖̤̠̖͊̂̍̃͒́͛̕h̷̡̭̝͎̪̤̼͕̖̩̫̺͎̊͊̅͑͋͌̉̿̋̍̽̑͘ͅà̷̰̘̫͖̰̹̻̪̳͇̺̼͔͑͆̈́̾̊̉̂̓̋̆̐͜͠͝r̵͈̱̯̼̖͚͔̱͔̭̣̜̭̽̽͜ä̶̧̢̭̲̼͙̭̖̥̼͙͚͖͙̘̮́̇͜ͅj̴̢̺̞͎̠̥̖͂̾̋̂̄͊͊̒̆̊̊̿̉̈́̓͑͆̕̕͝ã̵̢̧̛̙̟̗̮͊͆̓͂̆͒͊͜͠]

[Level: 1]

[Experience: (0)]

[Skill: Bloodthirst]

I felt a bit confused and astonished; I waved my hand in front of my face, trying to clear the screen that was right in front of my eyes. Weird, why can't my name be seen? Is this normal? Maybe I'd better ask these researchers.

"Hey, what does the screen that appears in front of my face mean?"

I could see their confused faces, but they didn't respond to my question. Surprisingly, it wasn't me who was confused by my question, it was them who seemed confused by the fact that I was speaking their language.


"Calm down, okay, Paul? Calm down. He doesn't look dangerous."

Paul? Who is Paul? Ah, maybe that was the name of the person standing beside him. I started connecting the pieces of information.

"Hey, Paul, why am I here?" I asked

"You are a rare species in this world..."

Rare species? I? Could this be because my ability to see the screen is interfering with my vision?

Then the person who was next to Paul started to speak, "You are a—"

Ignoring his words, I focused my attention on the screen that was distracting my view. Suddenly, I saw an "X" in the upper right corner of the screen. Without hesitation, I moved my hand up and pressed it down. In an instant, the screen disappeared. Now all I saw were the bewildered faces of the two researchers.

"You… why are you pointing at me?"

Subconsciously, my hand was still heading towards Paul, almost as if to challenge him. With my hand still outstretched, I asked sternly, "Who am I?"

They looked scared and angry. The person who was next to Paul immediately ran towards the large monitor beside the glass cylinder. I just watched him with a pounding heart.

The moment he started typing something, a machine beside the computer produced arrow-like replicas. A nervous feeling enveloped me, so I tried to run away. I ran towards the wide-open door.

However, when I stood in front of the door, it suddenly closed and shifted. This door is made of very strong iron.


Paul chuckled "Haha, we're not going to let our 'puppet' stay away."

Paul's friend immediately took the replica that was just made a few seconds ago. He inserted an arrow whose tip looked like a syringe. My hands are shaking, and this seems to be bringing up a very traumatic memory.


I felt nervous and sweat started dripping from my forehead. I looked around and my instincts forced me to run around them, dodging the syringe threat.

I ran around them, trying to avoid the threat of needles that reminded me of the traumatic experience. Sweat kept pouring from my body because of the feeling of fear and anxiety that hit me. Meanwhile, the two of them kept trying to point the syringe at me.

Out of breath, I tried to find opportunities to avoid their threats. I jumped and swerved, trying to confuse them to make it harder to aim. However, the syringe continued to follow my movements closely.

"No!" I screamed inside, trying to stay calm even in a very tense situation.

When they tried to approach me, I took the initiative and jumped to the side, avoiding the syringe by a very narrow margin. I kept moving quickly and nimbly, trying to avoid their threats and find a way to counter this situation.

What will I do now? How can I face their threats? My mind is spinning fast.

Seettt! The injection went into my neck and made me fall

"So... dark…" were my words before fainting

As I fell unconscious, Paul approached me. He whispered words I couldn't understand clearly, "massacre."

My body rose without awareness, moving without direction. I walked out of the room, through dark alleys, and out of the room. I walked naked, not paying attention to my own condition.

Apparently, the room is connected to a cave. I stepped out of the cave and found myself in the middle of a dense forest. I kept walking, under the thick trees, without a clear purpose.

Every now and then, I feel as if I'm being watched, as if an eye is watching me from the darkness of the forest. However, I'm too weak to rationalize anything.

My body kept moving, step by step, without having a clear name or identity. There are no memories that seem to fill my mind, only emptiness and confusion that bursts in my gripping mind. My body is still weak from the injection earlier, but I feel compelled to keep moving, even without a definite goal.

A lush and dark forest stretched all around me. Wet leaves crawled over me, and leaves pressed against me from all sides. The sound of gurgling water from a small river flowing near me could be heard faintly in the distance. My footsteps broke the silence of the forest, but I didn't know how long I had been walking. Time seemed to slow down, as if flowing in a strange rhythm.

After a while, the forest began to thin and a clearing of land appeared before me. I stepped out of the thick of tall trees and realized that I was in a large field. Green and tall grass waving in the cool breeze. A clear blue sky stretched above me, no clouds to disturb.

I continued to walk in the middle of this wide field. My steps left soft tracks in the soft grass beneath my feet. The sun was shining brightly, warming my shirtless body. I felt the softness of the grass on the soles of my feet, felt the wind on my bare skin.

However, even though the surroundings were so peaceful, I felt restless inside. It was as if something was hidden behind the curtain of my empty mind. I tried to remember, to understand, but all there was was a deepening confusion.

Time passed, and I kept walking in this endless field. The sun had moved lower in the sky, facing the beautiful evening. I felt exhausted, but the urge to keep going was still there, as if some invisible goal was in sight.

This vast field continued on into the distance, with no boundaries in sight. I feel like I'm sinking into an endless void, moving on without end. My steps became more and more sluggish, and my body felt a shrouding exhaustion.

I continued my journey, step by step, toward the setting sun on the western horizon. The fiery red twilight gave off a soft light, giving off a serene atmosphere and momentarily driving away the feeling of anxiety that haunted me.

What lies at the end of my journey? Why do I keep going? These questions kept haunting my mind, but I had no answers. Only the twilight sky and the endless fields accompany me on my endless journey.

Clop-clop! The sound of horse steps approaching from behind shook the silence of the field.

My body that was continuously moving was suddenly stopped by that sound. I turned slowly to look at the source of the sound, and my eyes met a shocking sight.

A large elegant horse approached me, exuding grace with every step. Behind him, there was a beautifully decorated and luxurious carriage. I stared at the carriage, amazed by its opulence, as confusion filled my thoughts.

When the horse stopped in front of me, I looked at the person controlling it. A man in luxurious and elegant clothes sat on the coachman's chair. He looked shocked and astonished by an unusual sight: me walking in a field naked.

"What are you doing here? naked one?"

However, I don't have the ability to answer her question. I'm still speechless by the inability to speak or move. My mind felt blank, and I could only stare blankly at the man.

The man stopped his horse gently and got down from the reins. He steps closer to my motionless body, and his eyes search my face for signs of life. Even though I couldn't move or speak, I could feel his sharp gaze traversing my naked body.

"He's unconscious," the man muttered, as if talking to himself. He took my drooping hand and took my pulse. "But he is still alive."

I felt the touch of the man's hand on my skin, but my body's reaction was still limited to a faint sensation. I wanted to speak, wanted to ask why I was here, but all remained trapped in silence and confusion.

The man sighed and stepped back into the luxurious carriage. He opened the carriage door and came out with a blanket in his hands. He came back closer to me and gently put the blanket on my naked body, protecting me from the chill of the setting sun.

Then not long after someone stepped down from the carriage, those feet were none other than a woman's…


[Back to Alan]

Currently, I was sitting casually on the chair, supporting my waist and stretching my tired body. I felt fatigue creeping through my body, causing me to yawn briefly.

"I'm a little tired of this story," I muttered absently, letting the complaint escape my lips.

I felt like the story I was reading had a very general plot, with no interesting surprises or depth.

I continued, "And usually, the woman who comes out of that kind of carriage is a noble who becomes the hero of the story."

I admit, I was a bit skeptical of the mindset of this story. However, for some reason, I still felt nervous earlier, as if there was a strange connection between reality and this story.

But… why was this story made up? What is the relation? I do not know ... maybe there is something fun.

Before I could continue reading, the door to my room opened and it was my mother

"Honey, can you help mommy?"

"What's wrong mom?"

"Please take care of your sister."

"Yes, of course."

Then I got up from my seat and walked to the door, before that my mom realized something was under my desk messy glass.

"You… clean up first!"

"Keugh… Alright, let me get the broom and dustpan first."

< Chapter 2 > To Be Continued.