
My novel I didn't want to experience

It is unrealistic that this happened. Why did it have to be this six-and-a-half story? Reincarnate or something, should I drag my lazy body around to spy on the other characters in a story I made myself? What's next? Steal the benefits of knowing about the uncertain future? Confiscate the protagonist's cheating objects, because they are mine, because I am the shameless author of the story? Training to become strong, to beat the villains and the protagonist just for fun? Sneak up on dangerous characters and plan how to eliminate them. Who said I need to do this? A story of a passive author who transmigrated into his story, who causes ruin just by his presence.

Sivi_i · ファンタジー
42 Chs

A Clone's Life (Encounter 3-3)

On a planet in a different solar system than Recta, a building of unimaginable magnitude was where inmates from Recta and other colonies were imprisoned.

The entire structure of the place was made of condensed mana that inhibited the supernatural powers of the inmates, and because it was made of condensed mana the only color of the place was black which gave the feeling of a dismal and lifeless place, which was known by the name " Cemetery of the Living".

Construction was in 2930 and took a period of 50 years to be completely finished in 2980. The total capacity of this prison was 2000000, but at the moment this prison was suffering from an overload of prisoners that increased with the years.

"Number 1888831."

A number of a detainee is called.

The jailer who was a woman was looking at the cell where a hired killer was who killed many people, from ordinary people to important people.

"Gasmer, 26 years old. An expert in assassination. An SS rank without assignment, but acts mainly as a murderer. Arrested for committing various crimes, it is not known how many. Your 3 years in jail are over, you are being released 2 months early."

"Why?" Gasmer's golden eyes were the only sources of light the jailer saw in that dark cell.

"We are out of empty cells and other prisoners will be staying in cells with detainees who have only 2 months left to be released, you are not the only one."

"What about Dina?"


"Detainer of Whips..."

"Detainee 1888835? She still has another 10 years to stay here. Don't worry about your friend, she'll be fine."

The jailer looked at the information of Gasmer and Dina, saw that they had a relationship of murder companions. She was a little jealous of Dina for having someone as handsome as Gasmer as a companion.

"Okay, I must go now."

"Your things are here in this box, we gave you back your weapons and different clothes, the ones you wore were very worn out. Your teleportation to Cramaniana will be this afternoon at 03:00 pm."


"What?" The jailor asked confused.

"I'm not going to Cramaniana, I'm going to Recta, to visit my parents' tomb."

"You have parents?" The jailer mocked Gasmer because he kill and still had attachments to his parents. He was a strange man for the jailer.

Gasmer donned his clothes and his sword still shiny as ever.

"If you go to that end of the world, the connected gate we have here is the only one that leads there, as it uses mana from the environment to function, you don't have to pay anything."

"End of the world... It is in that end of the world that your ancestors lived..."

"Don't get me wrong, I wasn't born there and that planet is different from Cramaniana which is humanity's new home and is the main seat of the Central government."

The jailer looked at the hologram without caring about Gasmer who a few minutes ago was naked to wear his new clothes.

"Recta is a planet that has its problems with leadership. It is not surprising that it still there is nobility in that place. But I must admit that it is still a place that is born more SS rank than usual."

"Yes, you're right. Cramaniana only has your A-rank miserable."

"You…" The jailer who was angered by being insulted, she was born on the Cramanian planet and hearing a criminal calling her miserable drove her crazy.


Gasmer left the woman who had a frown on her face. She went back to release other prisoners in other cells.


Arriving in Recta, Gasmer looked at the people, the children and students in blue uniforms walking in the busy street. The concrete floor was a unique sight that only had on Recta, and other colonies it was just filled with metal in every corner.

The fresh air that Gasmer felt in his nostrils was different from the prison that oxygen was artificial.

"I am back..."

He walked slowly down a street that was different with houses he had never seen, unknown people and finally a single place that was a reminder of an accident 10 years ago.

Entering the cemetery that had no dead buried, it was a memorial in honor of those who died that day.

Gasmer crouched down and looked at the two tombstones of his father, mother and his tombstone with the name written, 'Here rests Arthur Adrilia'.

"Father, mother… I'm sorry… I couldn't find my brother. I'm sorry for being a human who kills others…I too should have died with…"

Gasmer opened his eyes and shook his head, dispelling bad thoughts.

"No, I must not die yet! My brother must still be alive…"

"If I'm 26 he must be 17 or 18? Arg! numbers are terrible."

Gasmer placed the flowers near his parents' headstones and left without looking back.


Nartor witnessed his father shaken for the first time in those 5 days with him.

"They increased the debt..."

"Increased?" Hekie asked his nephew.

"Yes, the amount I owed was 5 million. But…haha…"


Alexander laughed at the government's mediocre attempt to have him through the power of money, yet he hated to see anyone treating him like an object or a slave. It was more than 50 thousand years living as a slave or being used by others until Alexander understood that he did not have his own free will.

"How? So all those words from Charlotte were lies about you spending money like crazy?"

Hekie was in a state of rage that grew more every second, but he stopped his rage because he didn't want his nephew to see him in that state. Hekie believed in his nephew more than those government brutes who were sneaky and greedy.

Nartor on the other hand, was not interested in that matter and got up going towards Alexander.

"Dad, I'm sleepy…" Interrupting the conversation, Nartor hugged Alexander and waited for him to take him in his arms to his room.

"Sorry Uncle, but I'm going to put this dra- boy to sleep."

Hekie couldn't put it into words to see Nartor acting like a child?

It's strange, no, it's nonsense!

Hekie still didn't understand how Nartor was conceived, but it wasn't naturally, that was the only certainty he had.

Does Nartor have a mother?

Has Alexander climbed the steps of adulthood? If yes, with whom?

The questions made Hekie more and more anxious. Hekie could only wait until Alexander spoke the truth.


The hunters returned to Recta safely. The guilds did an investigation with the missing and confirmed that some had reported that they died and suddenly appeared in Recta as if nothing had happened.

Everything ended well, but still the mystery of the return was more mysterious than the disappearance. No one knew how and why this happened, it was just up to imagination and theories about what happened.

Alexander who didn't want to get involved with Recta's world, but caused many disasters and was two options to choose from, leave or stay in Recta quiet.

Not understanding his actions, he no longer felt like going to earth. Something still prevented him from leaving.

A week went by and waking up as usual, Alexander didn't see Nartor in his room. Now Nartor had his own room, he still wanted to sleep with Alexander, but was denied.

He, who wasn't used to sleeping, still didn't like to sleep with someone hugging him.

"What do you want nartor?"

Asked Alexander to the boy who was on the back side of the door.

Opening the door slowly, Nartor looked like a 7 year old boy. He was using that form more often and Alexander was wondering why.

"I came to call for breakfast..."

"I'm going."

Nartor looked at his father who was choosing an outfit. He decided to wear comfortable clothes, not bothering to dress like his uncle, who was always dressed in elegant clothes.

"Let's go?"


"Is there a problem?"

Nartor had sweaty hands and gripped his clothes tightly, he said softly, "Dad, could wash me on your shoulders...?"

Alexander on the other hand, listened to his son's every word.



Alexander picked Nartor up and placed him on his shoulders. Nartor did not expect his father to comply with his request.

Alexander was very controlling and tyrannical with Nartor. Nartor shouldn't stay up at 9 pm, and Alexander fought the dragon and the dragon fought his father who wanted to put him to sleep. He couldn't eat foods with a lot of sugar or oil. Nartor felt that his father was some war general taking care of a soldier, not a son.

"Satisfied? Grab on!"

"?" Nartor didn't understand his father who started running through the long corridors.

Nartor held onto his father's head, blocking his view, but his father could still see everything clearly.

"Aaaaaaaaaah! Sto- Aaaaaaaah!"

Nartor's screams were the only sounds that could be heard in the corridors and Alexander ran like lightning without making the slightest noise, only Nartor was the noise.

"The stairs!"

Nartor tried to warn his crazy father about the stairs ahead, but Alexander just jumped, fixing his feet on the banister and sliding until he reached the end of the banister and landed softly on the floor.

Placing Nartor in the chair Alexander sat waiting for breakfast.


Why hasn't Nartor had his breakfast yet? I think I overdid it with running and he must be sick.

"Aren't you going to eat your breakfast son?"

"Er… I don't like salad…"

So is there another reason? He's been very persistent about not eating salad, maybe I should give in this time. I don't want to keep forcing him to eat what he doesn't want.

"What do you want to eat instead of salad?"

"Meat! …., meat…. sorry for yelling."

"Sisi, can you go tell the chef to prepare meat for Nartor?"

I called Sisi who quickly answered my request. It's not so bad being a noble, I think I'll have a good life from now on.

"Dad.. I want dad to make me breakfast…"


I was surprised that Nartor wanted me to cook his food myself. The foods I make are different, for me it's normal food, but for others it can be poisonous. Nartor is another one who managed to eat my poisonous food without dying. The first was Jin, that shameless guy. May he not return!

"Okay, I'll prepare your food."

"Young master, it's dangerous to go in the kitchen, you might get hurt."

"Don't worry, I'm careful."

"But, but young master!"

Sisi tried in many ways to stop me from going to the kitchen, but no one can stop a father from making his son's food.

"So, the young master wants to cook? Are you going to make a fried egg?"


The cooks made fun of me for some reason, but I cared less for their laughter. Nartor was waiting for his breakfast and that was the most important thing, I could have gone wild boar hunting in the land but I still can't return and Tlys is out of the question.

Only Recta and his modified animals remained the only option. I looked at the pantry where the food was stored, but it was artificial meat and my son wouldn't eat such crap.

The servants and cooks looked at me like I was a zoo animal.

"I'm going hunting, Sisi tell Narcchi that his food will take 15 minutes to be ready. I'm going to look for an animal with real meat."

"Prepare the hunting weapons for the young master and call Ggles."

"No need to call that stalker I'll go alone."

"Young master! Don't be careless!"

"Okay, call gege."

Gege? hahah…. mean stalker in some language...?

"My name is Ggles, young master."

"Gege! Let's go quickly!"

I took Gege's arm and teleported both of us high in the sky over an unknown forest and we were falling.

"Aaaaaaaah! Young Master! Hold my hand!"

I held Gege's hand and he hugged me and made an aura shield. I couldn't fully use my powers, but the magic still worked because I placed the magic circles on the outside of my body.

These magic circles are located in the heart, but I'm going through a turbulent phase. No, it's not puberty, I got rid of that curse a long time ago.

My soul slicing could interfere with magic circles the moment I cast some magic, and withdrawing it until I was fully healed was the best choice. If Cenz contaminated my 3 magic circles? It was going to be chaos, I don't want to be magic.

Still falling, I saw an animal in the distance with my eyes that nothing could escape or be hidden. I teleported again and I was face to face with a ferocious animal and I pushed Gege away so he wouldn't get hurt.

"Young master! Beware of this monster! This is an land ox they have resistance against physical and magical attacks. Never heard of people who managed to defeat one because they were always in a herd. They are classified as SSS rank beasts. There's no way I or you can defeat that monster-"

"What monster?

Gege looked at the ox who had a spear that pierced his skull.

Completely dead.

Where did that spear come from! How did he do it? Ggles was in shock.

I used teleportation magic to remove the viscera and blood from the ox and cut it into pieces 30 cm wide and 5 cm thick.

Gege stood there shivering like seaweed.

I took the seaweed man's arm and teleported us both to the kitchen. The time spent was 5 minutes and there were 10 minutes left until my son got irritated with his messed up father.

"Yo- young master! What a surprise! So where's the hunt? Or did you not manage to capture anything?"



Ignored the clown cook who made the other cooks laugh. Removed the meat from the space I created to store things and grabbed a knife, but the knife broke when I tried to cut the beef and the knife flew until it hit the wall where the clown cook was who almost didn't pierce his skull that must have just flowers inside.

"Young Master! You!"

"Accidents happen…"

I turned my attention to the battle that was still going on, the land ox is really an implacable enemy as Gege said. I'm not going to be humble here, I'm going to use all my skills to defeat this ox!

I made all my needles come together and form a knife that could easily destroy this entire universe, but it was to destroy this distinguished enemy.

I made the cuts with all my speed and put the pan on the stove, oiled it and chopped garlic and added some spices. Wait for the meat to turn golden and turn to the other side.

While the meat was frying, I have to make another meal to go with the beef steak.

A bread or sop? What kind of bread? I have endless bread recipes.

Lagari bread!

I won't make it in front of those cooks, it's a secret recipe and I don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. I made Jin's clone make it for me. Jin's employees were even more worried about him trying to cook with arms that were supposed to be resting.

Finishing frying the meat and my Jin-looking clone teleporting the Lagari bread to me.


The cooks were still nagging at me, but I didn't care. I was proudly carrying Narcchi's meal and opening the door I saw Narcchi.

"Son I-"


I saw everything fall in slow motion and I couldn't react in time. Meat and bread fell to the floor and I was also on the floor without any reaction with Narcchi looking at me.

"Dad? Are you crying?"

Who? Me crying?

Why am I crying?

"I'm sorry Nartor... Sniff… your father is a disaster... I..."

I felt a bit of sadness and shame. All my efforts were thrown to the ground, literally. Hah, I couldn't blame anyone but myself. If I could use my power this would never have happened! However, I have to accept this unfavorable situation.

"Dad don't cry! I'm not that hungry…we can go out and get something to eat somewhere else. It could be a father and son outing, we've never had one!"

Of course, you are my son only 13 days, not 13 years. My son's sense of time is broken! Poor dragon.

"Yes, let's go for a walk..."

I looked at the meat and Lagari bread I made to go to waste. Wasted effort.

Nartor and I went for a walk without either of us having breakfast. All because of someone sloppy.



This chapter is not normal. Is using teleportation to skin animals a new fad?

Finally the [A Clone's Life] arc is over!!! The next arc is Jin's training arc...

Losho arc? I don't know this fat guy...

Sivi_icreators' thoughts