
My Normal Life In Teyvat

Uhm... this is synposis, by webnovel's words it is supposed to "attract" readers, but y'know... I am lazy. Oh, and also don't expect much, I am on my hiatus after all (since 2022 summer)

LfiAlfana · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Farewell Inazuma, and hello Akademiya

In the last five years I turned ten, although nothing changed much except for me finding more friends and myself becoming stronger...

At an early morning I was standing near table and closed album full of photos which made me smile whenever I would look at them, I closed it and put it back down in table drawer.

I packed all my things and went to the door standing there while saying nothing. As I slowly reached my hand to open the door I heard familiar voice, I wouldn't need to turn around to see who it is, because it is most precious person to me in this world.

"So you're really going to leave...", She came closer and hugged me from behind making me feel a small bit of regret leaving her alone, "If someone will bully you there then call for me, nobody will care if there would be one human less in this world."

I smiled and sadly nodded, "Yes... mom...", When I was ready to leave I got pulled back into hug again

"I wanted to tell you one more thing", I looked up at her seeing her face being very sad, "What is it mom?"

She kissed gently my forehead, "Nothing important."

I didn't want to leave, but if I wouldn't leave now then I couldn't do that later. I opened door and took my bag with all things in it, "I'll be going then"

In response she only smiled which made me feel bad, "Take care" I nodded and slowly closed doors while saying few last words, "I will, bye. Take care you too, mom"

Yae Miko was standing behind a door while I was walking away, "I will." After a while she sat down sadly, "Still I couldn't tell him..."

After walking a while till Ritou at which I was pretty rarely, I saw there group of people waiting for me near ship. I came closer to them and saw all of their faces, "Yoimiya, Thoma, Heizou, Itto, Ayato, Shinobu, Sara, Kirarara... everyone"

"IT IS KIRARA, NOT KIRARARA." Kirara was held by Heizou while he only smiled a bit at me, "We will miss you."

I looked at them and sighed, "Shinobu, make sure Itto doesn't fights again with Sara. Thoma, take care of Ayato. As for you Kirara, please watch out for Yoimiya... Please don't let her burn down half of Inazuma again while I am away."

I turned away and waved not even listening to all their rants, I walked on the ship and looked at them do their friendly fighting again which made me smile, "They never change." I took out the kamera and took a photo of them.

I laid myself down supporting my back against mast and I slowly closed my eyes, "I forgot to say farewell to aunt Ei... I hope she won't be too angry" after some while I fell asleep.

...Inazuma Palace

Ei was rooling down on floor and crying loudly in front of Yae, "Why didn't he come to meee, sob, he went to Sumeru not saying a thing to meee...", Yae looked at her and sighed, "Ei... Don't make a second Fontaine like this..."

...Ship, 7 hours later

I opened my eyes and saw that the ship was completely empty, "Seems I last one here..." I slowly stood up and took my bag, I looked outside of ship, all I saw was port full of people, "Boring..."

[Shunpo mastery - 100%(Master)]

"Maybe it is time for second skill after all this time..." I used shunpo in succession and exited port in matter of seconds, "I kept delaying it all the time, so I think I should get it soon."

After few minutes I stopped using Shunpo and stopped in middle of grass field, "I..." I looked around 360 degrees and it was grass everywhere, "I got lost..."

I sighed and continued using Shunpo, "Maybe I am not far enough." After a while I saw something and stopped, I walked near it

I crouched and grabbed it, "Sand..." closing my eyes, I fully inhaled lungs and screamed, "THIS IS DAMN DESERT!!!"

Taking out my pocket watch I looked at the time, "One hour left... I should return to port and follow the river" I got up and used Shunpo, "gosh, I rely too much on it..."

After almost an hour of traveling I saw a city, "Huh? I was supposed to appeared at port though... well whatever man, better for me then" I got into city and looked at time on my pocket watch , "ten minutes left, I should hurry up"

I ran towards center of the city, more specifically, the big tree where the Akademiya itself is located. I walked inside and saw a wooden board showing arrow with text {Pre examination room}.

I walked where arrow was pointed and entered a small room with few tables which few were occupied and only one was free. I walked up to free table with a person with a lot of papers near him

He looked at me said, "Sit down, you will have to answer few questions and I will give you a paper with your information so you can proceed to the exam."

He took a pen and asked first few questions, "Name, last name if you have one, and birthplace."

"Fuji... Miko from Inazuma" He wrote down something and said, "Inazuma? that's rare nowadays... Do you have a vision?"

I shook my head and he wrote another something again, "So no vision. And the last question, which from the six Darshans you would like go to?" he slided me a paper on table and where was six options for me to chose

"As long as you pass the entrance exam, you will be accepted the same day immediately." I looked at the choices and pointed at one which looked like red peacock, "I chose the Spantamad."

"Are you sure? It is one of the most difficult, it involves topics which mostly don't even have an answers and it is very difficult even for adults." I nodded and he sighed, "As you wish, but don't regret it."

"I chose it because I prefer to learn nothing at all rather than anything provided here, mister {it is very difficult}" after saying that I internally cried, 'I sounded like a young master, I shouldn't have said that...'