
My next life in another world as a CATGIRL? What can go wrong?

"I swear in my next life I will live my life as I wish!" "I heard your wish! If so, then let it be!" "Wait really?" Right on my deathbed at the same hospital room, the beautiful lady who appeared infront of me said she can grant my wish? What? A world from an animated series? RWBY? What's that? Anyways now that I have a new life might as well enjoy it! So uh... What is aura? What is Semblance? And do I need to use a weapon? NO! Weapons are the reason why I lost my life! What will I use to fight the enemies? I will do something about it! ---------------------------------------------------------- Follow the story of Risa a former IT student that got forcefully enlisted when the world war 3 erupted and suffered from the said war. She will now start her new life in the very same world of RWBY. But wait there are wormholes appearing here and there and what's more? Our mc don't know shit about RWBY so she is clueless. Atleast she got some gift from the goddess right? This is a fanfiction of RWBY and other anime titles in the future. Other anime/game titles in the story 1.Fire force 2.Asterisk war 3.Undertale 4.Log horizon All rights reserved to the authors of the said titles while this work is an original of mine.

Flying_Potatoes · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs


-other pov-

Inside a store, a girl wearing black and red hood busy listening to a music.

She even hums casually on the beat.

Unbeknownst to her, a group of man entered the store. A group of 3 wearing black suit with a gun on hand started demanding for dust.

They are led by a guy with a fiery like flames hair. He is wearing a white coat with black suit underneath. With a cane on his hands, he casually spins it around while walking towards the cashier.

"You know, life is hard. There are dangers here, there are dangers there and there are dangers everywhere. Wouldn't you agree?" The man seemingly looks like the leader said while pointing his cane to the man on the cashier.

"Just take the money and go!" The old man replied.

"Hahaha come on now. You know what we want. Bring them out." He leans closer to the counter.

"Tsk." The old man clicked his tongue before releasing the lock on the dust containers.

"Stuff em in quickly." The leader ordered his men to start taking the dusts.

In which the gang started frantically placing all the dust to their containers without a care in the world.

Meanwhile one of his men looking around the store found a lone person in the corner.

He readied his gun and points it at the person.


He asked but the person in target didn't reply.

Becoming mad he asked again in a louder voice.


But again. The one wearing a hood never bothered looking at him.

Finally reaching his boiling point, he grabbed the shoulder to forcefully make the target look at him.

As he did, he found out that it was a girl wearing headphones. He got surprised a bit but proceed to mention the headphones by pointing at his own ear.

The girl followed and lowered the headphones before asking.

"What is it?"

The men simply replied.

"Put your hands up!"

The girl looked confused before asking something.

"Are... Are you robbing me?"

Soon enough the man who looked like the leader heard a glass breaking.

Followed by a bunch of petals appearing the place as if they are bundled together flying out the store before landing infront outside.


The man with a cane walks towards the broken glass and look at the girl.

"Semblance..." He said before ordering his men to soround and capture the target.

Without hesitation, his men started firing bullets after bullets at the girl, only for the girl to easily dodge or reflect some gunshots.

With her semblance, she turned into rose petals and instantly appearing behind the man on the right most side giving him a kick on the head sending him flying and dropping his gun.

The girl didn't let this chance to go to waste as she quickly slashed her scyte on the gun at the floor destroying it.

The two other men in black suit started to panic as they ramped up their shooting at the girl only to miss as she started becoming rose again while casually appearing near them before started running fast.

One men thrown his gun at the floor seemingly out of bullets. He tried to grab the girl only to receive a thud in his head. The girl used the handle of her scyte to hit his head making him drop on the floor. She stepped at the body using it as a floor to jump towards the other. In panic, the men use his gun as a shield only to get slashed in two by her scyte before kicking him on his jaw.

Soon enough all men wearing black suit are on the floor.

She looked around finding the men in white only to see him already at the roof trying to escape.

With her semblance, she hurried to catch up.

She somehow caught him in the roof. With a hurried pace, she ran towards the man. With the scyte raise up, she gave it a slash only to get dodged by simply stepping sideways. The man skipping away to create distance and looking at her with a grin.

The girl got a bit annoyed so she changed her scyte revealing a barrel at the head of her weapon. She aimed the now gun and started shooting.

The man got panicking as he ran and when the girl finally stopped shooting, he jumped from the building.

The girl got surprised as she thought the guy jumped very high only to see a bullhead flying now with the man inside smiling.

She tried aiming her weapon again when suddenly a female wearing white top and black with a violet cape holding a wand appears.

She started doing something as circles with marks appear in the air. After few seconds, a rain of icicles started hitting the helicopter.

The man inside started screaming probably talking to someone inside.

After the attack, a sudden fire burst appeared from the inside instantly removing the hail of ice from the sky.

She wears a hood covering her face. While staring at the two girls on the roof, she suddenly release a large fireball towards them.

In a hurry, the girl with a wand summoned another circle in the air. This time it simply collide with a bunch of ice to the fireball defusing it as they erase each other.

Now staring contest started. All of a sudden, the one covering her face did something. The wand wielding lady noticed something is done on the floor as she quickly pushed the other away with her magic before she tumbles forward also dodging the sudden purple flame on the ground.

The two looked at the helicopter now starting to fly away when suddenly a giant wormhole appeared above them.

Everyone in the area stood still as they see what is happening above.

The wormhole slowly began to shrank as a figure appeared to be falling.

It looked like a person wearing a black cloak falling which they think from the wormhole.

Barely hitting the helicopter, the figure continue it's descent but the one inside the helicopter decided to try hitting it with another fireball.

The large fireball fly towards the falling person quickly but upon contact, the fireball simply dissipates. As if like a smoke.

Before long, the heli used this chance to fly away while the lady with a wand used her magic to slow the person's descent and catch it on her arms revealing an unconscious cat girl faunus with short black hair and yellow color at her hair's tips.

She then slowly turned around and look at the other girl sitting on the floor.

"So... Are you a huntress?" The girl with a hood asked with a wry smile.

The lady with a wand only stare at her when suddenly the unconscious catgirl started moving and opened her eyes.

Her eyes revealed a black colored eye on the left and a gold eye on the other. She rubs her eyes awake before she stare at the lady holding her in princess carry.

She was blushing and started flailing.

The lady slowly let her stand and finally stare at her.

"So uh... Where am I?" The catgirl asks.

"Wow..." The girl wearing hood suddenly said as she look at the catgirl.

"Huh?" The catgirl looked at her side where the voice came from. She saw the black haired girl wearing a hoodie with silver eyes directly staring at her.

"You're so cuuute! Oh my freaking gosh. What are you? I mean who are you?" The black haired girl leaned closer to her and started barraging her with questions.

"Uh... Sorry." The catgirl trying to push her while looking at the other lady as if asking what is happening.

The lady simply sighed before using her magic to pull the black haired girl away.

"I demand an explanation. What are you doing here?" She asked the black haired girl.

"Urgh... They attacked first you know? I am just busy listening at the store with some music when suddenly one of them started robbing me. So I kicked his butt and then I found a guy looking like the leader trying to escape on the roof so I followed him and there I catched him somehow only to end up him escaping again and then a helicopter appeared all of the sudden. I tried shooting at them when you suddenly appeared. Also are you a huntress? Can I get an autograph? The girl replied without even stopping once to breath." She explained with many hand gestures looking so animated.

"Yes. I am a huntress. As for you" she started walking towards her.

"What you did there is dangerous. Ever wonder what will happen? Did you ever thought you might get the civilians in danger?" The lady started pointing her wand at her while questioning her.

The catgirl simply stares at the two dumbfounded as she just woke up.

The girl looked down dejected.

While the lady now approach the catgirl.

"And you. What are you doing here?" She asked the catgirl.

"Umm... Will you believe me if I say I'm not sure?" The catgirl asked nicely.

The lady simply stares at her urging her to explain.

"I don't even know where I am... I just woke up and realized you are holding me." The catgirl replied.

The lady simply sighed.

-on the police department interrogation room -

"I told you that I am innocent! They attacked me first!" The black haired girl insists on telling the lady as she sat on the chair beside the catgirl while the lady simply walking around them.

"Normally I would have sent you home with pat on the back... and a slap on your wrist!" She hit the table near the black haired girl's hand with a stick. Before looking at the faunus. "And you, I would have let the authorities handle you. Luckily someone wish to talk to you two." She said when suddenly a man with glass entered the room with a plate of cookies and a mug.

"Ruby rose..." The man said as he leaned his face closer. "You have silver eyes..." He then look at the catgirl. "As for you... You are heterochromia... Black and... Gold?" He said in surprise.

He then place the plate of cookies on the table and placing his mug before sitting infront of the two.

The black haired girl slowly grabbed a cookie and tasted it. Seemingly it's delicious as she started swallowing everything leaving an empty plate in seconds.

The man smiles awry as he watch her empty the plate.

"So... Where did you learn to do this?" He said while pointing at the tablet playing the video of her fighting.

"Uh... Signal academy?" She replied.

"They thought you on how to wield one of the most dangerous weapon ever designed?"

"Well... One teacher in particular."

"I see."

He stares at the empty plate grimacing.

"It's just that, I only saw one of the same user before... A dusty old qrow."

"Oh that's my uncle." The girl replied quickly with a smile.

"That's my uncle qrow. He is a teacher at signal. I was a complete garbage until he took me under his wing and show me the ropes. And even taught me some moves like hyaaaaaa~ watchaaa~ hayhaaaa~"

She started explaining while doing some moves in the air that looks like some martial arts.

The catgirl lets out a small giggles as she watch the other girl's story in a lively way.

"So I have noticed."

He looks at the catgirl before he leans forward towards to the black haired girl with his hands on the table

"Then what is an adorable girl like you doing in a school literally made to train warriors?" He asked.

"Well... I want to be a huntress." She replied.

"You want to slay monsters."

"Yeah. I only have 2 more years left in signal then I will apply to beacon. My sister starts this year. She wants to be a huntress and I want to be a huntress cause it was like so cool you know? Like the police and the huntress and stuff they makes me aaaaa like wooo they are so cool and amazing. And I want to help people so why not become one in advance?" She explains while showing poses making her explanation so full of life and funny to watch.

The lady with a wand simply stares at her with disbelief and the catgirl continue giggling to her own world.

The man then looks at her and asked.

"Do you know who I am?"

The girl looked a little serious.

"You are professor Ozpin. You are the headmaster of beacon."

"Hmmm. Hello" he said

"Nice to meet you."

"Want to come to my school?"

She leans a little closer.

"More than anything."

"Well then... Ok."

The girl smiles happily and before she starts jumping around, the man told her to go for now. She quickly head out skipping around.

Then suddenly the man looks at the cat girl.

"Now then... What... Are you?"

He asked seriously while staring at the girl.

"What do you mean?" The cat girl asked confused.

"Hmmm... You have gold eye. Although it's just one eye... It's still a gold eye. Tell me. Where do you came from." He asked.

"I'm not sure."

The catgirl paused and think for a while.

"Will you believe me if I say I just woke up?"

"You just woke up?"

"Yes. Like literally. I just noticed that lady is carrying me when I open my eyes."

The catgirl explained as she points at the lady.

"Hmmm." The man humms while thinking.

"You have gold eyes. Are you by chance a god?" He asked.

"I believe no. Although a goddess did gave me another life here."

"A goddess you say? And do you mind telling her name?"

"Mind if I call her first?" The catgirl asked in which the two made their brows rise.

"Sure go ahead." The man replied seemingly curious.

"Okay." The catgirl suddenly said 'inventory' revealing her bag.

"Phew. Looks like it worked. Now let me take out my laptop."

She talks to herself as a laptop suddenly appeared on the table making the lady at Ozpin's side wide eyed.

She opened the laptop and proceed to tap a bunch of times on the inbuilt keyboard before she started talking.

"Hello Lucia. Sorry to call you this early."

"Of course I don't mind Risa. Why did you call?"

"Umm... You see I was asked here some things. And they want to know who sent me here."

"Oh. So you told them?"

"Not yet. I want to hear your thoughts first."

"I see then you can just tell them 'the goddess of creation.' no need to say my name since technically I am not that world's goddess after all."

"I see. Thank you Lucia. Call you again later "

"Okay Risa. Call you later."

Then the call stopped.

"Are you done... Err talking? Haven't heard a thing and we only see you open your mouth a few times. Although I can read your mouth a little. I must admit that looks quite bizarre." Ozpin says with amusement.

The catgirl closed her laptop and make it disappear again together with her bag before facing ozpin.

"She told me to tell you that she is the goddess of creation. She didn't allow me to say her name so apologies. Also as for the reason why you can't hear me, well she made it so only me can interact with her and made sure no one can hear us or see her image on the screen incase someone eavesdrop or listen in. Sorry about that."

"No need to apologize young lady. It's fine. Anyways goddess of creation you say? I don't remember hearing that title."

"Ah that's because she is not a goddess of this world."

"Oh... That's why. Anyways now that we know where you came from atleast I know you don't intend to attack vale, what are your plans?"

"Sorry. I just woke up and I have no idea what is what."

The cat girl lowered her head.

"I see. Then just like the adorable lady earlier. Want to enter my school?"

"You mean the beacon you mention earlier? The one who trains warriors?"


"Er... But I am not a fond of fighting."

"Young lady. Learning to protect yourself is also an option. We don't train students to kill. We train them to protect."

"I see. Then if you don't mind. Please."

"Good. Well see again next time at the initiation. Feel free to stay in the dorms for now. Glynda mind leading her to a room?"

"Sure. Please follow me." She asked the catgirl before walking out the room in which the girl followed her.

Now ozpin left alone in the interrogation room at the police station sighs.

"Things are looking a little grim. What is happening. Also who is she? Why did a so called goddess sent her here?"

He asked himself as he relax on the chair while drinking on the mug with a serious expression.

Hi guys~

Hope my writing doesn't look too confusing. This chapter is intended to be something like a 3rd person pov so I wrote it like this. Although rest assured as the next chapter, the pov will return to our mc.

Also if you are thinking about the plot then I will say this now, probably in the future, the plot will go in a different way since aside from RWBY there will be other titles that will be added in this world. Although I will assure everyone now that the titles I will add won't be too over powered as the supposed goddess of this world don't want to make the power scaling get too different in the world of RWBY. As such you can expect that one of the titles I will add is "asterisk war" as that action anime is something focused on sword skills and martial arts with their aura similar to RWBY. That said please do note that I will only use original characters from RWBY and will make my own OC form different titles with same abilities on the said titles as using different characters from different titles will make the story confusing. On later part of the story though, there will be original characters from other anime titles who will join in the story granted that the original characters form RWBY won't be overshadowed.

Once again feel free to leave a comment or reviews so I will see what needs to be improved~

Thank you for reading this chapter and have a nice day~

Flying_Potatoescreators' thoughts