
My New Stepbrother is a Hot CEO

*Book contains mature content Olivia, freshly divorced and seeking solace, unexpectedly finds herself on her mother's doorstep at the tender age of 28. In search of a clean slate, she embarks on a journey unwittingly entangling herself in the complex dynamics of the Jameson family, particularly with her new stepbrothers. Among them, Logan emerges as a charming presence, offering laughter and warmth, while Ethan exudes an air of trouble, prompting Olivia to swear off any involvement with him. However, as her past has taught her, promises are often destined to unravel. Excerpt: "I think there must be a punishment for your lack of communication, Olivia." "Ethan, I'm sorry," Olivia began, but Ethan gently placed his finger on her lips to silence her. "Tonight, you are mine. Remove your clothes," he commanded, his voice husky and filled with desire. "The longer you take, the more severe your punishment will be. You've been a naughty girl." Olivia's hands trembled as she slowly began to remove each item of clothing. She could sense the hunger in his gaze, a hunger that mirrored her own.

Shania_Aspen_9422 · 都市
103 Chs

Confrontations and Preparations


Ethan's lips curled in a smirk as Olivia scurried away from his office, her frame still shaking from their meeting. He couldn't help but admire the graceful sway of her hips and the way her hair cascaded down her back, igniting within him an unholy craving that went beyond simple lust. 

Having Olivia so close to him that he could relish in her beauty at any moment was precisely what he desired. He felt a sinister satisfaction flow through his veins, knowing he could watch her fragile features throughout the day. He wanted to break her down and claim her for himself. Her timid behavior only pushed him further, fueling his ambition of taming the timid bunny into submission. She didn't need anyone to protect or intimidate her: all she needed was him.


As Olivia was packing the last of her belongings into the box, Barbara sauntered into the office, her presence dripping with a sense of condescension. "I've got you all figured out," Barbara declared with an air of superiority. "EJ was nearly in the palm of my hand before you entered the scene," she continued, her words laced with irritation. "And now, I see you're on the fast track to winning him over." Her tone dripped with scorn.

Olivia, trying to maintain her composure, responded, "Barbara, it's not what you think."

Barbara's eyes gleamed with smugness. "Oh, honey," she said with a mocking tone, "I practically wrote the book on charming your boss. And, my dear, you're barely at the first chapter."

Olivia, her patience wearing thin, asserted, "Barbara, I assure you, it's not about that."

With a dismissive smirk, Barbara leaned in, her voice filled with challenge. "Just remember this, Olivia. I'm determined, and EJ will be mine."

Olivia's expression hardened, and she met Barbara's challenge with unwavering resolve.

"Barbara," she replied, her voice steady and unwavering, "EJ doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person and will choose whoever he wants."

Olivia stared at Barbara with a mixture of concern and defiance, her own determination firming up. She knew that this workplace rivalry was far from over.

As Barbara turned to leave the room, she couldn't resist making one last catty remark. With a sly grin, she tossed over her shoulder, "Well, Olivia, let's see who EJ chooses when it comes down to it. But mark my words, I'll make sure he sees that I'm the one he can't resist."

Olivia sighed as Barbara left. Her life had been a whirlwind of change over the past few months, like trying to catch falling stars in a meteor shower. Each week seemed to usher in a new surprise. She had moved into a new apartment and transitioned into a fresh job position. And then there was Ethan, a wildcard in the mix. She was uncertain about how all the pieces of this intricate puzzle would fit together, but she had a sneaking suspicion that Ethan had a clear vision, and it prominently featured her as the centerpiece.

Olivia wasn't sure what to think regarding Ethan. He was older than her, more mature, and seemed to have a certain control of everything. He didn't need to control anything, but the way he carried himself made it seem like he did. He had a commanding presence that drew her in. His scent was electrifying, but the way he looked at her was the real draw. It was as if she was the only person in the room. 

Olivia nervously unpacked her few items into her new workspace right outside Ethan's office. She felt like she was in a fishbowl, with him able to see her every move and note her every reaction. As their eyes met, Olivia felt the familiar electricity between them spark to life. His gaze was intense, but his lips were curved in an affectionate, warm smile that made something deep inside of her stir. How was she going to act normal when he always had such a powerful effect on her?

Olivia gracefully glided into Ethan's sleek, modern office, her heels barely making a sound against the polished hardwood floor. With an air of calm confidence, she grabbed a leather-bound notebook and poised herself near his desk, her gaze fixed firmly on him. "What's first on the agenda?" she inquired, her tone a perfect blend of professionalism and eagerness.

Ethan leaned back in his ergonomic office chair, his sharp eyes locked onto Olivia. With a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips, he responded, "We have a meeting today at 1 p.m. with representatives from several local hospitals. We've submitted a bid for upgrading their medical supplies, and they've agreed to discuss the potential partnership. Local doctors will also be joining us to provide their valuable feedback on the proposed changes. The meeting is set in the executive boardroom, and I'll need you to ensure it's fully stocked with refreshments and snacks for our guests. In essence, this should be a relatively routine gathering, but we always want to make a good impression."

With a confident grin, Olivia responded, "Got it, boss." Her playful tone danced in the air, but it wasn't lost on Ethan that she found some humor in it.

His response, however, was delivered with a hint of authority as he leaned forward, his voice deep and resonant. "You can just call me 'sir'." There was a deliberate weight in his words, and Olivia's cheeks flushed a subtle shade of pink in response. "Yes, sir," she replied, her voice laced with respect. "Mr. Jameson."

Ethan's chuckle rumbled through the room, and he couldn't help but appreciate the shift in Olivia's tone. "Now that's more like it," he thought to himself, acknowledging the sexual tension that had been created.

"Oh, and Olivia," Ethan added, his voice carrying a note of casual command, "There's a menu in the top drawer of your desk. Choose something for us and have lunch delivered at 11:30. We can go over the meeting details while we eat." With a hint of amusement, Olivia replied, "Yes, sir," her voice infused with a sensual undertone that didn't escape Ethan's notice. He watched as she turned and walked back to her desk, her hips swaying with an alluring grace.


As soon as Olivia was out of earshot, Ethan let out a low, throaty growl, his body thrumming with desire. He couldn't deny the effect that Olivia had on him, and he knew that he needed to tread carefully. He couldn't afford to lose her, not when she was the missing piece to his puzzle.

As the day wore on, Ethan found himself lost in thought, his mind consumed with thoughts of Olivia. He felt possessive of her, and the thought of any other man coming close to her made his blood boil. He wanted her all to himself, to explore every inch of her body and soul.

It was only when Olivia returned with lunch that Ethan was able to shake off the intoxicating haze that had settled over him. He watched as she set out the food on his desk, her movements graceful and fluid. As she bent over to pick up a fallen fork, Ethan admired the way her skirt hugged her curves, the material clinging to her like a second skin. He could feel himself getting hard at the thought of what lay hidden beneath the silky fabric.

Olivia straightened up and caught Ethan's gaze, a blush creeping over her cheeks at the intensity of his stare. Ethan's eyes darkened with lust as he leaned forward and whispered, "I can't wait to have you all to myself."

Olivia's breath caught in her throat at his words, her body thrumming with desire. She knew that Ethan was dangerous and that getting involved with him could only lead to trouble, but she couldn't deny the pull that he had over her.

As they ate, they delved into the meeting preparations over their lunch. The room was bathed in the soft glow of concealed lighting, lending an air of intimacy to their exchange. Ethan's deep, authoritative voice took center stage, accompanied by the clinking of cutlery and the occasional rustling of papers.

As they savored their meals, Ethan adeptly guided Olivia through the intricacies of the upcoming meeting. His mentorship was evident in the meticulous manner in which he addressed every detail of Jameson Enterprises' products. He welcomed Olivia's questions and curiosity with a warm, encouraging smile, making her feel more connected and engaged with the company.

Olivia's anticipation bubbled as the clock neared the scheduled meeting time. She was particularly excited to know that Logan would be the lead during the upcoming gathering. She was eager to witness the unique nuances of Logan's leadership style, contrasting it with the experience she had gained under Ethan's guidance.

For Olivia, this was more than just a routine business meeting; it was an opportunity to gain insights into the dynamics of Jameson Enterprises and the remarkable individuals who played pivotal roles in the company. The prospect of seeing Logan in action filled her with a mixture of curiosity and admiration for the organization's inner workings.