
my new life of magic (COMPLETED)

In the majestic kingdom of Equestria, a mysterious event leads to a new life for a young human with no ties to his past. Magically transported and reborn as a newborn unicorn, Starbright is found and adopted by the noble Nightingale family in the capital city of Canterlot. Gifted with extraordinary intelligence and magical abilities, Starbright quickly becomes a prodigy in magic. In his new life, Starbright forms a deep friendship with Twilight Sparkle, a young and talented unicorn dedicated to her magical studies. Together, they explore the secrets of magic, face challenges, and inspire each other to reach new heights. Under the mentorship of great sages of Equestria, such as the legendary Starswirl the Bearded, their bond strengthens and their abilities grow. As they grow, Starbright and Twilight share dreams and adventures, learning valuable lessons about responsibility, wisdom, and the importance of friendship. As destiny guides them towards great achievements, their friendship becomes the foundation of their strength and determination. *Reborn Magic* is an epic tale of self-discovery, growth, and the unbreakable magic of friendship, set in the charming and wondrous world of *My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic*.

Camilo_S · テレビ
35 Chs

Capítulo 31: El regreso de la armonía (Parte 1)

 Life in Ponyville had returned to its peaceful normalcy after the Grand Galloping Gala. Twilight and I continued to enjoy our relationship, balancing our responsibilities and studies with moments of relaxation and fun. But, as always in Equestria, tranquility never lasted too long.

One morning, while we were organizing some books in the library, Spike came running in with a look of panic on his face.

"Twilight, Starbright! Something terrible has happened!" Spike exclaimed, panting from the run.

"What's going on, Spike?" asked Twilight, alarmed by his tone.

"You have to come to the town center! It's unbelievable!"

Twilight and I exchanged worried looks and quickly left the library, following Spike. Upon arriving at the town center, we saw a scene that seemed straight out of a fever dream. The sky was split between day and night, and strange cotton candy clouds floated in the air, raining chocolate.

"What's happening here?" I asked, trying to process the surreal scene.

Before Twilight could respond, a roar of laughter echoed in the air. A familiar yet unsettling voice spoke from everywhere and nowhere at once.

"Welcome to the new and improved Ponyville! Isn't it simply chaotic?"

"Discord!" Twilight exclaimed, recognizing the spirit of chaos and disharmony who had been a threat in the past.

"Correct, my dear Twilight. And this time, I'm here to stay," said Discord, appearing in a puff of smoke. "This time, you won't be able to stop me."

We knew we had to act fast. Twilight and I headed to Princess Celestia's castle to seek her advice and help. Upon arrival, Celestia greeted us with concern etched on her face.

"Twilight, Starbright, Discord has escaped from his stone prison," Celestia said. "We need the Elements of Harmony to stop him."

"But where are the Elements?" asked Twilight.

"The Elements are in the Hall of Harmony," Celestia replied. "Come, there's no time to lose."

We followed Celestia through the castle corridors until we reached a grand door adorned with symbols of the elements. Using her magic, Celestia opened the door, revealing a golden chest containing the Elements of Harmony.

"These elements are our only hope," Celestia said, handing the chest to Twilight. "We must use them to defeat Discord."

Twilight took the chest with determination. "Don't worry, Princess. We will stop Discord."

We returned to Ponyville and gathered our friends: Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. We explained the situation and the need to use the elements.

"We can do it!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash confidently. "We'll stop that monster once and for all!"

We headed to the town center, where Discord awaited us with a mocking smile.

"Do you really think those little necklaces and that tiara can stop me?" Discord laughed. "Go ahead, try!"

Twilight and the others donned the Elements of Harmony, and I stood by their side, ready to help in any way I could. The elements began to glow, and a beam of light shot towards Discord.

But something went wrong. Instead of being defeated, Discord laughed even harder.

"Oh, my dear little ponies! Did you really think it would be that easy? I've learned from my mistakes," Discord said. "Now, let's see how your precious harmony crumbles."

With a snap of his fingers, the world around us transformed into a kaleidoscope of chaos. Each of our friends began to behave strangely, their personalities changing drastically.

"Applejack, please, don't lie!" Twilight shouted, trying to reason with her friend who was now speaking the opposite of the truth.

Rarity clung to an ordinary rock as if it were a priceless treasure, and Pinkie Pie had become sullen and bitter. Fluttershy was cruel and mean, and Rainbow Dash was obsessed with protecting Cloudsdale, abandoning the rest of us.

"We have to find a way to reverse this!" I exclaimed, seeing how chaos was taking over our friends.

"Starbright, we need to unite," Twilight said, desperation in her voice. "We can't let Discord win."

Determined, we kept trying to gather our friends and restore their true personalities. We knew we couldn't give up, but Discord always seemed one step ahead.

As we fought against Discord's influence, I remembered something Zecora had taught me about Mandrake roots and their magical properties to counteract dark influences. I ran to the Everfree Forest, hoping to find what we needed.

In the forest, I found the Mandrake roots and brought them back to Ponyville. With Twilight's help, we prepared a potion that we hoped would help our friends regain their true personalities.

First, we gave it to Applejack, who soon began to remember who she really was. "Thank you, guys! I don't know what happened to me," she said, returning to her normal state.

Next, we went to Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, repeating the process until all of them were back to their true selves. It was an exhausting process, but we finally managed to gather our friends.

"We're back," said Rainbow Dash, stretching her wings with determination. "Let's go stop that monster."

With our friends back by our side, we headed to the center of the chaos created by Discord. This time, we were ready.

"Discord, this ends now!" Twilight shouted, with the elements glowing intensely.

We formed a circle, and the Elements of Harmony began to shine more brightly than before. A powerful wave of energy was released, heading straight for Discord.

"It can't be... not again!" Discord yelled as the magic of the elements surrounded him.

The power of harmony was too much for Discord, and he was finally petrified once more, turning into a statue in the middle of Ponyville. The chaos around him began to dissipate, and peace returned to the town.

"We did it," said Twilight, exhausted but triumphant.

"Yes, we did," I replied, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction for our achievement.

Princess Celestia arrived shortly after, congratulating us on our victory. "I am very proud of you," she said, with a warm smile. "You have once again demonstrated the power of friendship and harmony."

With Discord defeated and our friends restored, we could finally breathe a sigh of relief. We knew there would always be challenges in the future, but we also knew that as long as we were together, we could overcome them.

That night, Twilight and I sat in the library, reflecting on everything that had happened.

"Starbright, thank you for being by my side," Twilight said, taking my hand. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"Twilight, I will always be here for you," I replied, squeezing her hand gently. "Together, we can face anything."

We looked at the starry sky through the window, knowing that the future would bring more adventures and challenges, but also more moments of love and friendship.

Harmony had been restored in Ponyville, and we were ready to face whatever came our way, knowing that together, we were unstoppable.