


My cousin asked me why I like to read novels. Because I can imagining that.

Waffle: aw aw

Ohh who's that ohhh waffle your so cutie dog you know I love dog

Any way that is a new day to read romantic novels

I just walking in outside with waffle and I want to watching anime🍿 with waffle of course

Waffle:arp arp(・ω・)

Ji hoo:oh waffle what's your problem?

Waffle: arp arp

📞: Ring ring

Ji hoo: hellow who are you?

Jee ley: hey bro how are you (⊙ω⊙)

Ji hoo: ohh hey I'm ok what about yours?

Jee ley: I'm ok too, by the way let's play a volleyball 🏐

Ji hoo:umhh

Jee ley:ohh come on

Ji hoo: hayst ok

Jee ley:yes let's go wait what the time?

Ji hoo: I think after lunch(´◔‿◔`)

Jee ley: ohhh ok(•ˇ‿ˇ•)

Waffle whare are you

Waffle: arp arp

Ji hoo: waffle let's eat

Waffle:arp arp

I watched anime volleyball while eating

Jee ley:hey bro what's up I'm back

Ji hoo : hey bro let's play volleyball?

Jee ley :of course men

I honestly I don't want to play volleyball because I don't know how to play it but I have a noughty cousin who really want to play volleyball

Jee ley: are you ready ji hoo?

Ji hoo:yes of course ( ಠ_ಠ)

Jee ley: ok let's go

Playing volleyball 🏐

Jee ley: ji hoo catch

Ji hoo: ouch☜ (•́⍛•̀)

Jee ley: I said catch, I'm so sorry

Ji hoo:(•ˇ_ˇ•)

Jee ley: are you ok?

Ji hoo: yes

After volleyball I will go to yoo Joon

Ji hoo: hey yoo Joon are you done to read novels?

Yoo Joon: what are you doing here?

Ji hoo: of course to see what are you doing

Yoo Joon : what did you ask that

Ji hoo: nothing

Yoo Joon: ok

Ji hoo:I also got a novel to read

Yoo Joon: ok

Ji hoo: let's go buy outside were done

Yoo Joon: ok

And after 1hours

I see yoo Joon is already sleep

Ji hoo: hayst

Ji hoo: I will buy outside first I walk in outside but the bell rang

Ya min: ji hoo the bell is rang

Ji hoo: umm ok

I took yoo Joon back to the library and woke him up but I couldn't wake him up.