
My New Life in a Modern Fantasy world

Anime_Guy_0915 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Job hunt (Part 2)

"Hey Sam did you water the flowers yet?!" Alex asked Sam from her room "No I didn't!" Sam replied as he begun to set out the plates, he then plated the omelets and the bacon, Alex then came into the kitchen with her broom and a box of potions "Alright, I'll be back in a few." Alex said as she put on her shoes before running out side to fly off, I then went into the dining room where I immediately noticed the front door was still open, the dining room was right next to the kitchen and also has a entrance to the living room, there's a small table with three chairs.

I sat down in one of the chairs ready to eat, a second later Sam came in with our plates, mine having triple the amount of food since not only do I have to eat a lot to support my diet, i also have a big appetite and I require more energy then him.

after I ate my breakfast I headed towards my room with a mug of coffee, I then sat down at my desk and turned on the computer and begun looking for a job.

I was amazed on how different jobs are in this world on earth when I was first told about potential careers in middle school, now I think pest control employees are a bit badass as in this world the magical energy our bodies absorb from the air can cause mutations in animals, the same can happen to the more intelligent species like humans and beast men but that's a 1% chance of happening, these mutations are most common In insects and lizards but that doesn't make them less dangerous which makes me hope I don't have to encounter a mutated creature like a spider.

after I learnt more about the jobs in this world I thought about working as a magic tutor which I surprisingly didn't need a college degree for, I just needed to know at least three out of the nine types of magic and a license, from what I could recall the magic types I could use were Fire, Water, Time, and Thunder, it was odd for a bear man to be incapable of Earth magic but my doctor thinks it's a disability I have, I was most proficient at using Fire and Time magic while I was okay at Water magic, it was Thunder magic I suck at.

I took another sip of my coffee before noticing it was nearly empty, a deep sigh came from my mouth, I set the mug down and decided to refill it without getting up, I pointed my open palm at the mug, my hand then begun to faintly glow green and the mug did the same, I then slowly rotated my hand counter-clockwise and the mug begun to fill with coffee before it was back to how it was before the first sip "Time magic never gets boring!" I said with a grin.

*2 hours later*

after a bit more searching and a few more refills I found a website that caught my attention, it was a website made by the Institute of Magical Education for a chance at becoming a Magic Tutor at The Academy of Magical Arts.

Now I was pretty lucky I got to choose our home before I moved in, because I chose a home in the home of TAMA (The Academy of Magical Arts), I clicked onto the website and signed up for the exams my phone then made a notification sound, it was a email that told me the date of the exams and what would happen during them.

In order were, Written test, Physical test, and finally Battle test, I knew the Physical and Battle test would be nightmares due to my hefty body but at least I can use magic during the physical test as long as I don't harm people.

"Alright I have till the first of October for the exams, I'll need to study for the written test, the last twoI need to work on my Magic for that." I said with enthusiasm, my belly then growled "But first, it's time for brunch." I said.

*October 1st*

It was the big day, when I went to check my weight at 4:30 AM, I was surprised "798 pounds?!" I nearly shouted, I somehow overshot my goal by 28 pounds, I then kinda regretted eating so much during the past month, though It was possible the I gotten so heavy from trying to build my muscle mass, I then look through the photo of myself last month, I then went to take another picture of myself in the bathroom which was next to my room.

After I took a photo of my self in the mirror I want back to my room and begun to compare, the difference was that I of course gotten a little chubbier but I could see a bit of muscle definition on my arms, my belly also touched the sink when it didn't before.

I set out a set of cloths that includes a blue t-shirt, a jacket, a fresh pair of underwear, and a pair of pants 'Alright the exams are about to start in two hours, that's enough time for a shower, breakfast, and doing some chores before I have to leave.' I thought as I took a towel from my closet.

*5:30 AM*

After I did as many chores as I could before exiting the house onto the driveway, on the driveway was two cars, mine and Sams, Sams was a blue 2000 Honda Civic while mine was a black pick-up that I think was made in 2010, I was surprised when I discovered that vehicles in this world were nearly the exact same this world but the only difference between the two was that in this world most vehicles were powered by magical energy from the driver, the only ones that weren't powered by magical energy were planes and large boats or ships.

I got into my truck and when I sat down in the seat the truck then started up, I found out how the truck get magical energy and the concept is a neat one, the seats are made out of fibers that are partly made of wool from a breed of sheep that can absorb magical energy like a sponge from a living being with its wool, then that energy starts up the car or truck so in a way, my trucks a parasite.

I backed up from the drive way and drove of to TAMA with a nervous tension that made me hungry.