
my new era

So what are you going to do about it? sit wait for help as a good girl? you're weak, you're nothing without me and you're going to do whatever I tell you... All these statements rang in her head, she inhaled deeply and pulled the trigger against the door, she stretched her other hand and released the trigger on the armed me who were coming from the door, not caring about her life, all she was thinking about at the moment was a sweet revenge. if I can't do it my way, I'll still do it my way, this is my reign! my new era! she shouted as she wasted the last man standing. with blood dropping flowing down her arm she dropped down almost unconscious as she waited for death to envelope her in her red dress as victory was no longer of any use to her. what would a princess be doing here, lying cold and still like death bride? she heard the familiar voice and thought she was hallucinating before death. let me take you home good girl, Mr fine eyes need you alive. Almira the FL of the story gets involved in a life she thought she wasn't supposed to be, only to become immune to the system and taste for power with many mysteries that would be unfolded, death, love, betrayal, longing, sorrow, heart throbbing eye openers. as she's set to get her revenge she gives in again to love which she had banned out her heart. "everyone gets hurt at the end" she always say....but love and friendship is a beautiful thing readers

chinonso_ossai · ファンタジー
61 Chs

First Mission

Load the guns, be careful not to touch anything except from the gun, Cassey instructed Kay.

My sniper lens got a scratch...i made sure I kept it safe ...did you touch it? Robin asked Kay.

Cut it Robin, we all know you're obsessed with your sniper, you did the scratch yourself, Kay doesn't even know where you keep it.

He swallowed hard and continued cleaning his sniper, he some how wanted to bully her but Ani wouldn't let him.

I'm done loading it, Kay said dropping the guns smoothly on the table.

We will move from the balcony, there is safer, Brain said ignoring Kay as he was focusing on the execution plan on the pad.

I think that will raise more suspicion, their security is well jammed and it will be hard breaking into them, besides it's their third annual party, we all know how tough they are.

Reports just came in, Will said walking in. I've never heard of a night party been secured by air, there are 15 watchmen and the securities are not in full details, this is more of a death game....and here is this newbie, he sighed.

They all sighed and was quiet for a while until Kay broke the silence.

Blending in would be more safer, she said.

Do you have any idea how secured and tight this is or you just want to talk? Brain questioned.

It's the brighton house, I know of a common pass among them, I've been there before in a private occasion with my father, I can make a duplicate with all the details in my head.

They all looked at each other before Brain spoke up

What do you know about this family?

Nothing much, they maintain policy and discipline, ignore the little things but mindful of them...they are complicated and going in won't be easy.

Ah ha! Will shouted, how come we forgot about the catering services and other minor ones, we could act as one....

Pfft! Forget about it, the brighton family have a custom of preparing their dish themselves, the waiters are not up to 10 and they have identities, any fake will be noticed at once.

So we will go in as guest, isn't it? Cassey spoke.

But brain said their invite wasn't made public and it must be a special card or something, we really have no chance on doing this, Ani lamented.

Incase you all forget we are not alone, other teams are going, and you know what that means, Brain said.

This is a death sentence, Ive seen the end already, Cassey said casting her gaze on the ground.

Not a death sentence, another form of opportunity, Kay said and hit a button on the system behind them and it show cased a file.

Who told you to touch a thing here, Robin fired.

Please stop, she just broke the code we couldn't, this is a file from the brighton, how did you do it? Brain asked looking at Kay in shock.

I know it, we used to be close before they ditched my father, I used to break into their privacy for fun, I never knew it would be needed now.

They all sighed in relief, Brain sat down and opened the file, immediately copying all that was in it into a flash drive before anything could be noticed from the other side.

If I may ask, are we killing the whole family or just one person? Kay asked

It's a massive massacre, hold your tongue big mouth, Cassey said and left.

That wasn't necessary, Ani said to cassey.


In a majestic building built in the heart of an island came the soothing sound of heart warming voilin instrument, different affluent people from different parts of the world were present in the mansion and the securities at the entrance checked their invite before letting them in.

Kay, maintain full composure and don't panic, Brains voice sounded into her ear from the hearing aid.

Copy that captain, she said smoothly.

She was putting on a blue dinner gown and luxurious small neckchain, her hair was neatly combed to one side covering one of her ear, she had settled for a subtle asymmetricic haircut , opening the nape of her neck and exposing her earring.

The security guard looked at the invite she had stretched and nodded his head for her to go in. As she entered into the building, eyes started falling on her, she played blind to the looks and went straight for a drink, no phones were permitted in the party, all she had was a small purse that fit with her blue dress, the eye linear she wore defined her beautiful brown eyes, her lips were adorned with wine colored lipstick, she went in armless just like every simple lady and made good use of her feminity.

I'm in, she said gently as her hair was covering the hearing aid.

Have you spotted Harry? Brains voice asked.

Yes, she said after few hesitation, he's at the gallery with the head of Brighton.

Good, you know what to do, good luck. And she didn't hear from him again. She swirled the remaining drink in the wine glass and poured it into her mouth, she stylishly barged into a gentleman and apologized.

I'm very sorry, so sorry....

It's ok, it's fine. Nice dress by the way, he complimented.

Oh thanks, I had to make a good collection out of my many outfits though.

Ladies...he said with a smile, forgive me I'm Noah, he said stretching his hand towards her, already captivated by her beauty.

She hesitated for a second and lightly placed her hand on his palm with a slight smile. Kay, she said.

A...nice name, I can tell you're the only lady who is looking outstanding here, have we...

met before?

Well I'm sorry, I don't think we might have by any chance.

Forgive me but you look familiar, what family are you from.....

Hey! Watch your step, she yelled gently at the waiter who just spilled drink on her dress.

I'm sorry ma'am, he apologized.

Now my dress is ruined.... What a bad night to begin with, she said holding up her wet gown with a worried look on her face.

Let me take you to the rest room, you can at least get the smell off your dress.

That's thoughtful of you, thanks. She followed him as he held her hand like a gentle man to the rest room.

You smell nice, he complimented as they were out of the crowd.

Thank you, she responded.

No...I mean...really really nice, what fragrance do you use?

It's customized with a mixture of fruits and other nice flavours you can think of, she answered.

Wow, he said swallowing hard. You've got taste, he complimented again.

Thank you, she answered again.

I'll leave you then, he said letting her in the ladies rest room.

She cleaned off the place wine had touched with a tissue, while he wasn't looking she placed her leg on the road so the waiter could spill drink on her, miraculously he saved the drinks but some spilled on her gown. She brought out the perfume in her purse and sprayed it all over again, she inhaled and stepped outside. Just as she had expected he had stayed and wait for her.

Oh...I thought you might have left, she said with a smile.

No, it won't be nice leaving a beautiful lady all by herself here, he said smiling widely.

Noah, was the first son of the brighton, he was a chronic womanizer and due to that he made sure he made every beautiful woman who comes his way lay on his bed. Kay had seen him and decided to use him get to the others.

So what is your occupation? He asked.

Business, just sales and delivery, don't ask me further please.

Nice....he said, if you don't mind joining me in the gallery, the party is about to start properly, be my guest?

Sure, she said with a seductive smile. As they walked into the gallery, Kay had brought out the pill in her purse and skillfully throw it into the big wine container, the bar service there was only for those in the gallery, she had pictured everything before going to the rest room. The waiter didn't notice, deep inside the red wine sank a toxic pill that melted and mixed into the drink.

Noah went on introducing himself and showing off, he had gotten them a sit two tables away from her target, Mr Henry. She wasn't settled but acted cool, she waited for the waiter to pass the drinks, and to her surprise he refused it.

Excuse me Noah, can I see someone for a minute.

Alright my lady, he said and kisses her hand.

Though she was irritated but smiled, she swayed her hips to Mr Henry's table and greeted him.

Hello sir, she said standing by his table, he raised his head to look at the lady who had approached him, he was stunned for a second and nodded his head.

You don't mind if I sit, just want to have a little discussion with you.

He shrugged and gave her his attention. Do I know you young lady? He asked feeling uncomfortable.

I'm really sorry for bothering you, but it will be looking stupid to ask for your autograph.

He looked at her, he chuckled, really? He asked seeing her as one die hard fan who had gotten a chance into the party.

Yes, I'll leave after that, she requested kindly.

He nodded his head, she had brought out a small napkin from her purse and a pen also, as she stretched it to him, she pressed her ring against his palm and retracted it immediately.

What was that, he asked looking at his palm that suddenly had a tiny bleeding spot.

I'm so sorry, I should have been more careful, she said trying to use the napkin to wipe it off but he stopped her, he collected the pen and signed it.

Thank you sir, she said and got up. She adjusted her ring in her hand and went back to sit with Noah, she looked at the wall clock, it was exactly fifteen minutes, which means she was almost out of time.

If you wanted to talk to Mr Noah I could have taken you there myself, Noah said with a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

It's fine, I don't think it's nice to ask for too much favours on our first meet, right?

Noah shrugged his shoulder, the spoke man of the party had held up the mic and began talking, Kay stylishly watched Mr Henry, he had taken a glass of wine and drank it, she smiled knowing fully well that everything was going to plan, she had injected a toxic substance that wouldn't go well with his blood into his body and it was already reacting.

The aim of everything she was doing was to black mail the Brighton's family by making one or two important persons slump in the party, the pill she had thrown into the open wide wine container was small in size but could make one die in two seconds if consumed directly, she had done it so there would be enough proof for the media to hold, as many that would take the drink will not feel the same, as it would include some dizzy and feverish sign.

Kay, what's the situation there? Brains voice sounded into her ear.

Done, just waiting for the reaction.

Few seconds after her reply even though Noah was talking lousy, she started seeing uncomfortable body movement from her victim, Noah who had drank from the wine was also getting some quick after effect.

What exactly did they do to this drink, he said wiping off his eyes as it stirred allergic reaction on him.

You're fine, she said as she smoothly removed his expensive Rolex watch. Suddenly a loud dropping sound was heard and the whole hall was thrown into chaos.

Mission accomplished, she reported.