


Waking up back a few seconds, minutes or hours later–– I wasn’t sure how long I have been passed out. All I knew was that I heard my parents’ laughter echoing in the house along with another person. Sitting up in bed, I rubbed my eyes before massaging my temples. All of what happened last night and this morning came rushing back to my memory and if the images were right, it meant that I was still in Jay’s bed. Sighing, I flopped back down and lay my head on the soft pillows for a couple more seconds before I forced myself upwards and out of bed.

Making my way down the stairs, I came to a stop into the living room where I saw my parents drinking tea and talking. It was the first time I ever knew of my parents talking to Jay since he moved here. Leaning against the door frame, I cleared my throat. All heads turned in my direction and I could see a look of disappointment wash over my parent’s faces before a sinking feeling formed in the pit of my stomach. I knew that look very well, even though I hardly saw it, I knew they were disappointed.

/"Hey mom, hey dad,/" I greeted softly as my eyes looked everywhere but at them.

/"Don’t hey mom, hey dad us,/" my dad spoke sternly. /"We are very disappointed in you, we know you just turned eighteen but that doesn’t mean we expect you to go around getting drunk. Thank God Jay was at the party and had brought you over to his house. Who knew what could have happened to you, if he didn’t./" Holding my head down, I tried not to let my head wander off in that territory. My dad was right something terrible could have happened to me but luckily, I was saved and who knew that my savior would turn out to be my neighbor. My older hot neighbor had filled my sexual fantasies at night.

/"As a big thank you for making sure you are safe, we had decided to invite Jay over for dinner./"

/"No, that’s not necessary–––/" he started to object but my mom wouldn’t hear of it.

/"Jay, we are thanking you for cooking for you, no objections./" Her motherly tone came out. Looking at her, he let out a sigh before agreeing to come. No one could say no to my mother. With that motherly tone of hers and her big brown eyes drawing you in, there was no room for objections.

Thanking Jay, they got up to leave and I move off from the wall to follow them. Looking at Jay who was watching me, I saw he had a look in his eyes that I couldn’t quite explain. All I knew was that it was making a shiver run up and down my spine. Flashing me a sexy grin, he bid us goodbye before we exited his house and walked over to ours. Entering, I went straight to my room while my mom and dad stopped in the living room, discussing something that I didn’t have any interest in hearing.

Going up to my room, I took a nice long hot shower before I got out and got dressed in my bra and panties and a large t-shirt. Climbing into my bed, I lay my head on my pillow and was knocked out instantly. Waking up a few hours later, I felt much better than I was feeling initially before which meant one thing, my headache has been lifted. Walking to my window to fix my curtain, I realized that for the first time Jay’s curtain was also shifted and I could see the room I was in a few hours ago.

Standing there, I stared for a very long time looking at nothing in particular. I was about to move when I saw him emerge in front of the window, naked with water glistening on his torso and chest. He was staring at me and I was at him before my eyes went down to his cock which was now rising under my gaze. I could see the pink mushroom head that looked so suckable and his balls that were now tight under his cock, hanging perfectly.

Licking my lips, I saw him move his hand and I thought he was going to close the window to block my view. Instead, he reached for his cock, and started to move his hand up and down while he moaned. I could feel the crotch of my panties soaking and my nipples getting hard. Up and down his hand went in a fast motion as his moans rise to an octave which was now setting off a river inside my panties.

Groaning, I saw spurts and spurts of cum erupted. Licking my lips once more, I wish my tongue was collecting every drop. He was panting heavily, and his eyes had a glazed look. When his high had boiled down, and reality had kicked in. I saw him close the windows then shift the curtains in place. I could still see him standing there before he moved away.

Sighing, I went to take another shower before getting dress for dinner tonight with my parents and Jay. Fixing my hair, I put on some lip gloss before I made my way down the stairs to the dining hall. There my mother was just finishing upsetting the table and my dad placing the food on top of it.

I was about to sit down when I heard the doorbell ring. Walking to the front door, I opened it and saw Jay standing there with a bottle of wine in his hand. He was dressed in black jeans, a grey button-down shirt that hugged his body perfectly, and black sneakers. His cologne mixed with his manly scent was filling my nose and I almost grabbed him to get a better whiff.

When he saw me, his body went tense before he loosened up and flashed me a sexy smirk that would have made my panties drop if my mom hadn’t come to the door to greet him. Walking away, she greeted him and ushered him to where we were about to have dinner. Sitting right beside me, and opposite my parents, my mom began to dish out the meal. Halfway through, I could feel the sexual tension between us radiating in the air and I couldn’t take it anymore.

I was shy and I didn’t know what to do and that’s when a conversation that I had with Callie a few weeks back came to my memory. We were sitting in her living room and I was ranting on and on about Jay. Being tired of me always talking and not doing anything to back my words, he suggested that I was to ever get my paws on Jay I should seduce him any way I can.

But how? My subconscious asked me before a devious idea came to mind. Dropping my fork ‘accidentally,’ I excused myself before crawling under the table and faced him.

Looking down at his crotch that had a bulge, I began to rub my hand over it and I felt his body go tense once more. This was it, this was me taking a big risk, doing something for the first time and also doing something I shouldn’t be doing. Slowly pulling down the zipper on his pants, and the button. I barely drew them down before I withdrew the tip of his cock and swipe my tongue over it. Not once, nor twice, but three times, loving the taste of him on my tongue. Fixing him back inside his underwear and buttoning his jeans, I picked up my fork and settled back into my seat.

As soon as I resurfaced and I sat down in my chair, I saw him shoot me a look that I could not read. All I knew was that his eyes were dark and intense.

Picking up lettuce with my fork, I felt a burst of energy erupted in my body. I couldn’t believe that I held my first cock, his cock to be exact, and ran my tongue over it just like I saw Callie do one night when I accidentally saw her and her boyfriend having sex in his car. From my peripheral vision, I saw him trying to adjust himself in his chair and I couldn’t help but smile.


Dinner was now over and so was the boring conversation the adults were indulged in. I didn’t hear one word as I was zoned out. Getting up, Jay asked to use the bathroom and my parents directed him upstairs to the one that was in my room. Helping to clear away the dishes which I had done speedily, I quietly and quickly made my exit. Climbing the steps briskly, I went into my room to find Jay sitting on the edge of my bed.

/"Why do you always tease me?/" he asked in a husky voice. Unable to speak, I swallowed loudly while I just stood there mute, listening to the deep sound of his voice. /"Today when I saw you in that oversized t-shirt my mind couldn’t help but wonder if you had on underneath or you were bare. I couldn’t take my eyes off you and I certainly couldn’t control my dick who was loving the sight of you.

I must apologize for my behavior earlier but I had to do it. I had to ease my cock while looking at the specimen that haunted my dreams every night. It was wrong, but I didn’t care, I had to do it./" I didn’t have time to react because those were the last words he uttered before he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall, his lips attacking mine. Kissing, nipping, and sucking on them, I could feel his hands making their way under my short dress and up to my wet core.

Moving his hands slowly over my thigh, I let out a moan before I felt his hand finally reached where I wanted him to touch me all night-my hot center. Removing my soaked panties, he sniffed them before shoving them in his pocket. His fingers went back to my wet pussy, gently gliding them over my clit. Shuddering slightly, my body started to flare up with goosebumps appearing.

Moving his fingers over my slit, I felt him break away from the kiss before whispering in my ear. /"I know this is what you always wanted and I am going to give you exactly what you were looking for./" Shoving a finger inside me, a small scream pushed past my lips as I felt his finger begin to move and curl inside me. In and out, his finger went as his tongue attacked my neck, licking and placing wet sloppy kisses on it. I could hear my breathing becoming harsher and I felt a strange sensation in my stomach begin to build, I was loving it and I could feel it pushing its way forward when I heard my mom call out for me.

Shocked and upset, he immediately detached himself from me before making his way downstairs. Feeling cold and alone, obviously missing his body heat, I told her I would be right there in a second before I tried to compose myself. While doing so, I realized that Jay admitted that he had dreams about me.