
My name is Tamra

Protagonist Tamra is an archeological research student in the university, belonging to a very rich family. There are many rumors about her grandfather Suraj Rathore. Tamra’s family is a complete male dominated one, where females are expected to do what male member of the family want them to do. Suraj Rathore and his son Mihir Rathore are both not happy with Tamra and her ways. Tamra’s elder brother is just a replica of his father and grandfather. Tamra’s mother is a banker and she runs the family finance business. Even she does not have the liberty to do what she likes. Her Grandmother Aditi is a very calm and ideal woman. She never speaks or intervenes in any family matters. No one really knows much about her. She is like one of the furniture in the house. Suraj Rathore brings an alliance for Tamra and his elder brother Adhrit. Tamra does not want to get married and be enslaved like her mother. Surprisingly, grandmother Aditi helps her to escape. Without knowing where to go, Tamra hires a Taxi. The driver Ravi suggests she goes to his village Dantla, where she has many research sites. Agreeing to this, both reach Dantla. When she enters the village, she sees an abandoned burnt house. When she enquires about it, “Why don’t you go and ask your grandfather about it?” says an old woman with contempt. She also warns Tamra to leave the village immediately otherwise, she had to face the wrath of Tamra! Thinking the old woman must be senile, Tamra stays at Ravi’s house as a paying guest. The night she sets eyes on Kamal, she feels something strange and faints. That night, without her knowledge she wanders the deserted streets of Dantla and enters the burnt house. Protagonist Kamal Singh is a young guide in Jodhpur, who takes tourists to Khudhara. (it’s the most haunted village on earth) There he sees a beautiful girl, but on enquiry finds out that, there is no such girl. After the incident he experiences a few paranormal activities on the way to his village Dantla. Kamal is already there and he welcomes Tamra addressing her as Arunika. There both of them encounter a very strange and horrifying experience and Tamra comes to know why she was named that, and who was the original Tamra. There she learns about his grandfather and his evil deeds. Old Tamra wants vengeance, not a simple one. She wants the entire Rathore family to be murdered in the hands of Arunika. That includes Tamra herself. Kamal realizes he was Birju, a friend to Tamra and Arunika. What happened to their lives? Why old Tamra is crying for vengeance? Who is Suraj Rathore? Why, Arunika had come back? Who is the old woman? Will Tamra murder her own family for the sake of a vengeance seeking ghost? If not, will the ghost let her go? How Birju and the old woman are going to help her? All these questions are answered in the novel “A Lonely Burning Moon”!

Srija_Venkatesh · ファンタジー
32 Chs

My Name is Tamra..

Chapter 16:

Suddenly Tamra realized that she was sitting on a rope cot, near an old woman. The happening, the horror, burning of her own flesh everything was still fresh in her mind. She was not sure whether all was a dream? Or she had been one of the victims who were burnt alive in that house. Not trusting her to speak she looked around her. At a little distance, the burnt house stood mysteriously in the moon light. So, this was a full moon day? Everything was so confusing to Tamra. Her name, her being, everything had completely changed. Still her eyes were moist.

"Auntiji! What happened to Trikala and Ram?" asked a male voice with fear. Suddenly Tamra realized she was sitting next to Kamal, Priya's elder brother. But somehow, she connected with the name Birju. The old lady looked at both Tamra and Kamal. "Arunika! Are you alright?" asked the old lady. Tamra held her head and shook it violently. "No Auntiji! I am not alright. My name is Tamra, at the same time I am Arunika too! Have I gone mad? This desert heat made me hallucinate many things! This man, I know his name is Kamal Singh, but I think he is Birju. Why Auntiji? Do you have any medicines for this?" Tamra asked almost crying.

"The night is still young dears! What you have felt is not hallucination at all! Birju, from Your question I understand that, you are very clear. Aren't you?" the Old lady got up from the cot and went near the burnt house. This time Tamra did not feel fear or reluctance towards that house. She felt a strange attraction, and nostalgic. Silently Kamal and Tamra followed her.

The lady hugged Tamra with love. "You are Arunika dear! Don't you realize? This is your reincarnation. Suraj named you Tamra, because the Tantric baba insisted. It's an irony you should be called Tamra." Said the old lady. Slowly light dawned on her. "Yes of course! She was Arunika, still he could feel the power of love towards Tamra and Birju. Then Kamal was Birju in his previous birth! But is it possible? Can anyone take rebirth? Not one, me and Birju both have taken another birth that too in the same Rajasthan. Is it a miracle by God? Is it a sign for her?" Tamra sat there deeply thinking.

"I understood that Auntiji! But please don't call me Birju! Others might get it wrong. Call me Kamal." Said Kamal softly. The old lady simply nodded her head. "And call me Tamra Please! Arunika confuses me!" said Tamra. "Of course! You are Kamal and You are Tamra. But when I have to mention about your name sake, I will tell old Tamra." Said the lady smiling.

"But Aunitji! There are many questions unanswered. What happened to Trikala and Ram? What happened to that Tantric Baba? Did Niveda go back to her princess and told everything?" asked Kamal Singh with interest. "Yes Auntiji! Even after knowing about the cruel deeds of my grandfather, why my grandmother is keeping quiet? Where is Niveda? There is no one in our house called Niveda!" said Tamra puzzled. "Listen Kids! It's going to be morning! Others might talk if they see three of us together. Tamra come to that sand dune and we will talk after midday!" saying these the old lady started walking towards her house. Tamra saw a smoke like figure inside the burnt house waving to her.

Kamal Singh automatically linked his hands with Tamra's, she also did not object. But Ravi who was coming in search of his elder brother was shocked to see Tamra and Kamal hand in hand. "Kamal! Where were you? Ma and Papa are worried! Madam was also not there!" Ravi said in a fierce tone. Suddenly Tamra realized her hands were with Kamal's and withdrew it fast. "Madam! Please don't mistake me saying this. You, rich people play with our poor's feelings and throw away just like an unwanted toy! Our family is dependent on Kamal completely! If your family comes to know about your…er…er…friendship with him, they might harm us" said Ravi in an angry and pathetic manner. "Let's talk everything at leisure. Tamra is a nice girl, and there is nothing between us." Said Kamal. This hurt Tamra a little. "Let's not talk about it in the house. Ma and Papa might get a heart attack!" said Ravi and turned abruptly towards his house.

Tamra and Kamal felt they have to talk and discuss about many things. But Ravi saw to it that, Tamra never got nearer to Kamal. This irritated Tamra beyond measures. "What your brother is thinking of me? Am I a vampire? Why is he behaving like a school kid?" asked Tamra to Kamal in a hushed voice. "Please bear with me madam! He has the best interest of our family! What happened at burnt house he does not know. When we go to Sand dune this afternoon, we have to take him too!" said Kamal. Just nodding Tamra got away from the hall and came inside her room. She wanted some time alone. As a research student, she had the habit of organizing everything even the thoughts. She got out her notepad and started writing.

1. I am Arunika, right! But why have I come back?

2. What is the role of Kamal?

3. The smoke figure said, her vengeance is incomplete. Is she thinking of using me? Against my own family?

4. Does grandma really know the terrific past of grandpa? If yes, then why she is still living with him?

5. Why do I feel a great crush towards Kamal? Is it the Arunika thing?

6. Where is Niveda?

7. Who is the old woman? How does she know about our lives?

8. Where is Trikala and Ram? Are they still alive?

9. Why the old lady wants to meet us alone?

10. Are there any more hidden truths?

After writing down, she read it. All these questions might get an answer when we meet the old lady. Thinking Tamra was waiting for the afternoon. Kamal tactfully arranged with Ravi, to take Tamra to the sand dune as the old lady would like to sing songs to her, which might be useful for Tamra's research. So, Ravi asked his mother to pack some lunch for two and took Tamra to the sand dune. Kamal said he would go to the next village to visit his friend, and join later at the Dune. At 12'o clock Tamra and Ravi set off for the sand dune. After the previous night, Ravi was very cold towards Tamra. She didn't mind as she was half mind about returning to the palace. She wanted to confront her grandpa and grandma. In silence they walked towards the dune. Ravi was carrying a backpack full of water bottles and food. Tamra offered to carry half the weight in her back pack. "No madam! You are paying for everything. It's my duty to carry it." Denied Ravi. Feeling hurt, she stopped walking.

"Why are you talking as if I have done a great mistake? Did I ever treat you as a servant?" asked Tamra. "Please Madam! Allow us to live a peaceful life. It's not the time for controversy. My sister's wedding is approaching, I don't want any kind of disturbance in that! If you want to leave tomorrow, I will be the happiest person." Said Ravi. They have reached the sand dune. The old lady was already sitting there. Next to him was Kamal Singh. The presence of Kamal made her heart leap with joy. "So, you lied! You want to be with madam, that's why you came here, eh?" asked Ravi with anger. "Listen Ravi! There is much to this situation than you can even imagine. Auntiji here would vouch for that. We are not lovers meeting in a secret place like teenagers." Said Kamal equally angry.

"Ravi Beta! Your brother is not doing anything wrong! They have a mission. Let me tell you the legendary story of Tamra, Arunika and Birju!" said the old lady. "Tamra? Madam already had come here? Who is Birju? Who is Arunika? What are you talking about Auntiji? Tamra madam comes from a very rich household, any foul play with her, means our lives will be gone just like that, Kamal, What is this?" almost yelled Ravi with exasperation. Both Kamal and Tamra calmed him down. "Ravi, you have to trust me! I did not know I was Arunika, before coming here. Please listen to the story." Said Tamra. Her words made Ravi scratch his head. He was a simple cab driver, with an ambition of owning a taxi. "A…h! Don't talk in riddles. Auntiji, Please, tell me." With that he sat down near the old lady. She started telling. Even Kamal and Tamra listened with interest.

"Auntiji! I cannot believe this, but at the same time I have to believe this!" said Ravi with tears in his eyes after the old lady finished her narration. "Certain things do happen Ravi! Our determination, love and care make us come back to the earth to finish the unfinished work! Arunika has come back for her Birju and Birju came for his love Arunika. But both don't know they have a great mission in front of them!" said the old lady. "What mission?" asked Tamra with interest. "I will answer all your questions. That is my Karma for this birth! Ask me questions one by one dears!" said the old lady. "Auntiji! How do you know all these incidents?" asked Ravi, "What happened to Trikala and Ram? Asked Kamal and Tamra at the same time. The old lady smiled at them. "The answer to the both question is the same. I am Trikala, Arunika's sister-in-law" declared the old lady.

There was silence after this announcement. Tamra eyed the old lady. Yes, there were traces of her beauty in the old woman. "But Auntiji, Trikala and Ram were in Jaipur! Trikala married Ram because she could make a career in singing there?" asked Tamra. Trikala heaved a long sigh of exasperation. "Everything changed after that night, Tamra! Your brother and me were shattered beyond words. The sight of burning house and inability to save them haunted us for years together. We forgot all about our career and dreams. Managing a hysterical Niveda was not easy either." Said Trikala.

Tamra felt very sympathetic towards them. Because of the greediness and evil way of Suraj Rathore many had suffered. But in Jaipur he was leading a happy and luxurious life. Tamra thought to herself. "What happened to Niveda? She is dead too?" asked Kamal with fear. "I don't know Kamal! The night we came back from Khuldhara, what we saw was Niveda fainted on the floor, the house of Tamra was on fire. Suraj Rathore had fled to Jaipur abandoning an injured Tantric baba." This made all three of them shook with fear. "Tantric baba? What happened to him?" asked Tamra. "I don't exactly know what happened to him or who did that to him. He was bleeding through his skin profusely and was in great pain. He was writhing like a snake on the streets. My God! The howling, yelling he made! Still ringing in my ear. We first took Niveda inside our house and nursed her. Ram was worried she might die too! But slowly she gained consciousness. Leaving her behind in a safe place, we rushed to Tantric baba. By the time he was covered in his own blood. Ram went and offered water." Stopped Trikala.

Their hearts were berating fast. "Tantric baba was apologizing to me and Ram. He said he was reaping the karma of his sins. He only told us to remain in the village and wait for Arunika to come back. He was dead within minutes and a black smoke surrounded his body. When that smoke was clear, there was no body of the Tantric Baba!" said Trikala. Even in the hot desert Sun, three youngsters felt a chill.

"We returned home. For the first three days Niveda was like a doll, no movement nothing. Then suddenly one day she started pulling her hair and yelled. This continued for a week. Slowly she became herself. After 3 weeks, she went back to her princess. What happened to her there in Jaipur we don't know!" said Trikala. "You could have written letters! You must have kept in touch with her." Said Tamra. Trikala smiled a bitter smile. "You think we didn't try? Ram went to the palace itself. The place was completely burnt down. No one survived they said, except for Suraj Rathore and his wife Aditi Rathore. What else we could do? Came back to Dantla, waited for Arunika and Birju. Seasons came and went, years rolled by. But no one came for us. We sang, did some farming, somehow managed to keep ourselves live. At a point I gave up, I told Ram that. But he believed. He said, he could feel his sister coming. It was he, who identified you among the crowd Tamra. He wanted to talk to you. But the sight of you made me engulfed with rage." Said Trikala.

Tamra completely understood. Now the question was, what was their mission? How to do that?

In Jaipur, Suraj Rathore was questioning the servants about Tamra and her disappearance. One of them told, he saw her going out in an Uber taxi.