
My name is Namikaze Naruto

A man dies and wakes up as Naruto Uzumaki at birth but he doesn't quite agree with the will of fire. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ For advanced chapters and support visit : www.p@treon.com/NelsonN742 {replace @ with a} _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I don't own anything. All rights go to their owners PS. This is a translation

N_Nelson · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

At the Beginning

"The amount of chakra I used in my first step was a bit too much. So, now I need to reduce the chakra attachment slightly, especially focusing on balance..."

With his eyes closed, Naruto recalled the feeling of his first step moments ago. Then, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hmm, this time it should work, right?"

Based on the feeling he had just experienced, Naruto adjusted the output of chakra. He took his first step towards the large tree in front of him. This time, his first step landed securely on the tree trunk. However, before Naruto could even show a hint of satisfaction, the next moment...


The tree trunk cracked again as he took the second step. Naruto's expression changed slightly, and he quickly reversed his direction, using his strength to push himself away.


He landed back on the ground effortlessly.

"Did I use too much force again? I need to maintain a balanced chakra output at all times. It seems difficult to complete this training quickly."

Naruto took a deep breath and shook his head with a bitter smile, speaking softly to himself. Even though he managed to maintain a stable chakra output during the first step, if the subsequent output wasn't consistent, either too much or too little, it would lead to cracking the tree trunk or falling down.

"It requires continuous training to compensate for it with experience."

Naruto shrugged his shoulders and, after some consideration, once again mobilized the chakra within his body, attaching it to the soles of his feet. He then took another step towards the tree in front of him.

Training was tedious, but it was an essential part of being a ninja. As the hermit from the original series had said, those who understand patience and can endure are the ones who can truly be called ninja. This applied not only to physical endurance but also emotional resilience.

For Naruto, the next six to seven years were crucial. Whether he could survive in this harsh world and achieve his goals depended on how far he could progress during this time.

Lost in his training, Naruto didn't notice the passage of time. In his previous life, he had been fascinated by this power that existed only in different dimensions, and now, with the added urgency of reality, he immersed himself in his training.

Climbing trees, walking on water, and additional physical conditioning exercises were all part of his training regimen. Given the influence of the Nine-Tails chakra within him, mastering control was the most challenging aspect. His first day of training had ended in failure multiple times, either due to an excess or deficiency of chakra. Even though he had a warning system in place, there were still several instances of him forcefully falling from the tree.

"Alright... let's call it a day for now."

As the sky gradually darkened and the accumulated fatigue in his body became more apparent, Naruto decided to stop his training. He shook his head, his golden hair radiating a more vibrant color in the twilight.

He picked up a bamboo basket by his side, filled with the wild vegetables and fruits he had collected during his training. Naruto's nose twitched slightly, revealing a faint smile.

"Well, I can have an extra meal today."

Then, with his back to the setting sun, Naruto's figure created a long shadow as he slowly moved downhill. The once-quiet forest remained, with tree trunks bearing the marks of his attempts.

The gears of the young boy's destiny had truly begun turning at this moment.

Climbing trees, walking on water, and various other exercises occupied Naruto's time. He found these exercises far from boring, as they served as the foundation for his growth. Time passed quickly, and soon, Naruto would be celebrating his sixth birthday.

In this world, nobody remembered Naruto's birthday, especially not the seemingly benevolent Third Hokage. Even if they knew, it was an event that needed to be erased.

Naruto's birthday signified the rampage of the Nine-Tails, the sacrifice of the Fourth Hokage and his wife, and the day many Leaf Village ninja and villagers lost their lives. It was a day no one wanted to recall, including the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage never appeared on Naruto's birthday. In fact, for the past six years, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, had been busier than during his previous tenure. This busyness was not just external; it also involved internal matters.

In these six years, Hiruzen had managed to visit (or monitor and evaluate) Naruto on rare occasions. This was something Naruto found quite undesirable. Every time he faced the Third Hokage alone, he felt anxious, fearing that he would be exposed. It was the most challenging test of his acting skills.

Fortunately, for the past six years, Naruto had managed to get through each encounter safely. This was largely due to the protective factors he had created for himself. Furthermore, the Third Hokage's primary concern was whether Naruto harbored any hatred toward the Leaf Village. He didn't pay much attention to other aspects, which allowed Naruto to avoid revealing his true intentions.

Naruto had skillfully adopted an image of goodness, using noble and romantic language, just as he had in the original series. Learning from his previous self had made it quite easy to mimic this behavior.

However, even though it was easy, every time Naruto faced the Third Hokage alone, he couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous. These were the moments that tested his acting skills the most.

Over these six years, Naruto had managed to stay safe.

(End of this chapter)


For advanced chapters and support, visit : www.p@treon.com/NelsonN742 {replace @ with a}